英语人>词典>汉英 : 交易所挂牌证券 的英文翻译,例句
交易所挂牌证券 的英文翻译、例句


listed securities · on board securities
更多网络例句与交易所挂牌证券相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper discusses the law of coupon treasury bond price ricing and falling.


Derivatives can be traded on an investment exchange, or directly by telephone or computer in an over-the-counter market.


SH hangs out his shingle in Shanghai stock exchange appear on the market.


Year 7 month 3 day, China engineering's machine's trade's biggest private enterprise's —— 31 heavy industry company limited by shares at Shanghai exchange stock Stock Exchange list appear on market, finish de once importance turn on its work-starting career (by private enterprise divert society's public enterprise),meanwhile too become domestic engineering's machine's trade's 1 appear on market de private enterprise, 4 appear on market enterprise.


On Wednesday, property company Sena, will list on the Stock Exchange of Thailand - one of at least 14 companies expected to list here in the next few months.


Lenovo financed its assault by listing on the Hong Kong stock market in 1994, raising nearly $30 million.


Infineon is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and on the New York Stock Exchange (ticker symbol: IFX).


Shares of Avis Europe are listed on the London Stock Exchange.


The main products with the brand "LUTONG" include the PE pressure pipeline system (PE gas, water supply pipes and pipe fittings), PE tele communication pipeline system (PE silicon-core pipe, PE corrugated pipe, PE porose pipe, PE optical fiber pipe with silicon-core), PE electric cable pipeline system and PE water discharge pipeline system (PE large diameter corrugated pipe).


12 If the Grey Market Security do es not come to listing on any relevant exchange, CMC Markets


更多网络解释与交易所挂牌证券相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

beneficial ownership:受益所有权

美国>规定 "受益所有权"(beneficial ownership)为"发行人"(issuer)所发行的"股权证券"(equity security)5%以上时,必须在持股达到5%后10日内,向sec(美国证券管理委员会)填报表格13d,并且须分送发行人和该种股票证券挂牌交易的交易所.


JASDEC通过股息支付银行和股东服务代理银行(都由挂牌的外国企业指定)为外国企业的股东提供保管(custody)服务. 大阪证券交易所成立于1949年4月,2001年3月合并京都(Kyoto)证券交易所,现有100家交易会员(其中外国证券公司12家),

Public filing:公开呈报

PSE 太平洋证券交易所 | Public filing 公开呈报 | Public Listing 公开上市,挂牌上市

listed securities:上市证券,交易所挂牌证券

2337 liquidity risk premium 流动性风险溢酬,变现能力风险溢酬 | 2338 listed securities 上市证券,交易所挂牌证券 | 2339 listing requirement 股票上市要求

listed securities:交易所挂牌证券,上市证券

listed Renminbi rate of exchange 人民币外汇牌价 | listed securities 交易所挂牌证券,上市证券 | listed stock (指在交易所挂牌的)上市股票


"上市"(listing)就证券来说,指证券在联合交易所挂牌的程序. "成员"(member)就交易所或联合交易所来说,指>(第361章)第2条所指的交易所成员. "互惠基金公司"(mutual fund corporation)指自称主要从事或准备主要从事证券投资、证券再投资、证券交易业务,

zhuan rang:转让

(4)PT股作为一种特别转让服务其所交易的股票并不是真正意义上的上市交易股票因此股票不计入指数计算转让(zhuan rang)信息只能在当天收盘行情中看到. 深证综合指数,是深圳证券交易所编制的,以深圳证券交易所挂牌上市的全部股票为计算范围,

Superannuation scheme:养老退休金方案

1243 stock exchange listing 证券交易所挂牌/ | 1253 Superannuation scheme 养老退休金方案 | 1254 Superseded versions 被取代之版本

unlisted securities:未上市证券

在粉红单市场报价的是那些"未上市证券(Unlisted Securities)",具体包括:粉红单市场不是一个股票交易所,它不受证券监管当局的监管,只要每天交易结束时公布挂牌公司的报价即可.

liquidity risk premium:流动性风险溢酬,变现能力风险溢酬

2336 liquidity ratio 流动性比率 | 2337 liquidity risk premium 流动性风险溢酬,变现能力风险溢酬 | 2338 listed securities 上市证券,交易所挂牌证券