英语人>词典>汉英 : 交战的 的英文翻译,例句
交战的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
belligerent  ·  warring

更多网络例句与交战的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is a hardest job of the loyalty fighting with the appetency.


On Saturday the US military in the Afghan government come from the member of civilians were killed, but said exact number could not be determent.


A double-action fading cream, Purewhite Night Restore acts as a skin rejuvenator as well as combating skin pigmentation effectively.

双重行动退色的cream, Purewhite夜恢复有效地作为皮肤rejuvenator并且与交战的皮肤染色。

Result-level criteria contain kill-to-loss ratio, kills per engagement, percentage of engagements survived, first shot opportunity, percentage of engagement time offensive/defensive, shots of engagement, kills per firing attempt, air-to-air related accidents, incidence of fratricide.


Blanc doesn't have fond memories of Hampden Park, where the two teams meet this weekend.


212TIP: Whenever you lose contact with the enemy, look behind you.


When tribes of these people who had been at war, made peace, it was a custom among them that their leaders should sit down together and all smoke in turn from the same pipe, called the "pipe of peace".


The two countries were poised on the brink of war.


The challenge include to present out and can bear the strategy to take a ply the environment for a to future Australia agriculture, with the belligerence's dryland, with decide to increase, or not increase.

挑战对未来澳大利亚农业包括显现出能承受战略为a 有倾向环境,与交战的dryland ,和决定增长,或不增长。

The first American aviators to engage the Japanese had been headed there for some time.


更多网络解释与交战的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


banality陈词滥调 | belligerency交战,交战状态 | belligerent好战的

belligerency:交战; 好战性, 敌对态度 (名)

belligerence 好战性, 好斗性; 战斗; 交战状态 (名) | belligerency 交战; 好战性, 敌对态度 (名) | belligerent 好战的, 交战国的, 交战的 (形)


bellicose 好战的 | belligerent 交战的 | bizarre 怪诞的


belligerent /好战的/交战的/交战国的/ | belligerently /交战地/好战地/ | bellingerite /水碘铜矿/

恩人,行善的人,捐助人 (女性,benefactress):benefactor n

belligerent adj. 好战的,交战的 | benefactor n. 恩人,行善的人,捐助人 (女性,benefactress) | beneficial adj. 有益的


nonaxisymmetrical /非轴对称的/ | nonbeing /不存在的事/ | nonbelligerent /非交战的/非交战国/


nonbelligerency 非交战状态 | nonbelligerent 非交战的 | nonboarding 不供膳宿的


nonbeing /不存在的事/ | nonbelligerent /非交战的/非交战国/ | nonblank /非空的/

warring:敌对的; 交战的 (形)

warren 养兔场, 拥挤的地方 (名) | warring 敌对的; 交战的 (形) | warrior 战士, 武士, 勇士 (名)

a bone of contention:有争执的问题

fissile adj. 1可进行核裂变的 2易裂的, 可裂的 | belligerent adj. 1交战的; 卷入冲突的 2好战的, 挑起战争的 | a bone of contention 有争执的问题