英语人>词典>汉英 : 交感神经阻滞的 的英文翻译,例句
交感神经阻滞的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
sympatheticoparalytic  ·  sympathicolytici  ·  sympathoparalytic

更多网络例句与交感神经阻滞的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Enflurane combined with thoracic epidural anesthesia can decrease the sympathetic nervous activity,the balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous activity and the total power of sympathetic and parasympathetic ner-vous system significantly;and it can also decrease the influ-ence of operation stimulation on autonomic nervous function and cardiovascular system significantly.


Background— In a recent study, we demonstrated that an increase in oxidatie stress in the rostral entrolateral medulla plays a critical role in the sympathoexcitation obsered in chronic heart failure.


Bisoprolol is a new β-blocker of the highest β1-selecting. It has no intrinsic β-sympathomimetic activity and membrane-stabilising activity. Bisoprolol is mainly used to treat essential hypertension and angina pectoris.


Among11 patients who arrested, there were 5 cases of cesarean deliveryand 6 cases of extremity surgery, including hip surgery. In4 patients (36.3%), the anesthetic contributed directly to thearrest (high sympathetectomy, local anesthetic overdose, orlack of electrocardiography monitoring), whereas some arrestswere associated with specific events (cementing of prosthesis,massive bleeding, suspected pulmonary embolism, and suspectedmyocardial infarction).


更多网络解释与交感神经阻滞的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


一般认为,如反射性交感神经萎缩征(refrex sympathetic dystrophy RSD)、灼痛(causalgia)等病变,均为交感神经机能异常亢进所致,对交感神经阻滞的反应应该良好.

sympatholytic:交感神经阻滞药 抗交感神经的

sympathol交感醇 | sympatholytic交感神经阻滞药 抗交感神经的 | sympathoma交感神经瘤

allogamous:[生]异花受粉的 异体受精的

prantal 二苯甲尼(副交感神经阻滞剂) | allogamous [生]异花受粉的 异体受精的 | command post management 指挥所管理


procyclidine 普环啶(副交感神经阻滞药) | hyperdolichocephalic (人)超长头型的 | machine barking 机械去皮


parasympatholytics 副交感神經阻斷藥 副交感神经阻滞药 | parasympathomimetic 擬副交感神經作用的 | parasympathomimetics 擬副交感神經藥 拟副交感神经药

parasympathomimetic:拟副交感神经的 副交感神经阻滞药

parasympatholytic 副交感神经阻断药 抗副交感神经药 | parasympathomimetic 拟副交感神经的 副交感神经阻滞药 | parasynapesis 平行配合


sympathicoadrenalsytem交感神经肾上腺系统 | sympathicoblast成交感神经细胞 | sympathicolytic交感神经阻滞药 抗交感神经的


sympathicolytic /交感神经阻滞药/抗交感神经的/ | sympathin /交感神经素/交感素/ | sympathiser /同情者/支持者/