英语人>词典>汉英 : 交心 的英文翻译,例句
交心 的英文翻译、例句


lay one's heart bare · open hearts to each other
更多网络例句与交心相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is about to beg team member much lay one's heart bare, aerate more.


Communicate each other, confabulate of lay one's heart bare, it is the efficient way that enhances team solidarity.


Cheater undertakes communicating lay one's heart bare through a few instant tools only, softhearted person by fair-spoken not careful medium decoy.


I am trying to find some people to hangout with or talk to.


Hey! To ingratiate themselves with such a sincere, but also allow us they were dissatisfied with it?


Perhaps it might be helpful to tell another understanding friend that can act as a sounding board for you.


What is sweeter than to have one with whom you dare to talk as with yourself?


In a heart-to-heart talk with Rick, Kimberly lies and says that her father is dead.


Lambeau arranges with a judge to keep Will out of jail, as long as Will agrees to work on mathematical problems and to get psychological help.

蓝波教授请了多位心理谘商专家都对Will的不合作感到头痛不已,最后蓝波请他一位在社区大学交心理学的老同学Sean Maguire 帮忙。

Common saying says:" Word bright gas comes loose ", only much lay one's heart bare aerates, ability clear the air, promotional understanding, dissolve contradiction, achieve the goal with unified solidarity thereby.


更多网络解释与交心相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


2月3日 小豆蔻 (Cardamine) 花语 ?s奉献 花占卜 ?s您生性热情而又非常好胜,但是缺乏耐性,做事容易半途而废,假若 您遇上喜欢的人,您会穷追不舍,直至掳获对方的心为止. 可惜您好动的性格, 令您的恋情难以持久,您喜欢追逐交心的游戏.

The End User:终极用户

交心:Interface | 终极用户:The End User | 邪式的测试环境:Formal Test Environment

Sharing in confidence:交心密谈

Features 小组活动包括: | – Sharing in confidence 交心密谈 | – Refreshments 休闲茶点

Living in the steel armoured & concrete of city:生活在钢筋混凝土的都市里

一下子那么真实的浸透到心里 All of sudden the truely... | 生活在钢筋混凝土的都市里, Living in the steel armoured & concrete of city, | 人和人的交心变得越来越难, Each person opening their hearts to each ...

Neck and neck:并驾齐驱

heart to heart 交心,谈心 | neck and neck 并驾齐驱 | eye to eye 赞同


Positivity / 樂觀積極--樂善好施的開心果 | Relator / 交心為重--分享親密的知心好友 | Responsibility / 負責任--說到做到的好好先生

Having a heart-to-heart:交心而谈

S. And b. S和B | Having a heart-to-heart. 交心而谈 | Hmm,why so thirsty,s.? S 为何这么急着来上一杯?