英语人>词典>汉英 : 亚美尼亚人的 的英文翻译,例句
亚美尼亚人的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与亚美尼亚人的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That is not necessarily to condone China's policies, or to deny Armenian history.


In Armenian parties everybody has his own task .


He is Armenian and signed the painting in his Armenian language .


As for the wonders of Bombay - its famous city hall, its splendid library, its forts and docks, its bazaars, mosques, synagogues, its Armenian churches, and the noble pagoda on Malabar Hill with its two polygonal towers - he cared not a straw to see them.


A few years later things changed and the Friars seemed to possess more space within the basilica. In fact the Russian Archimandritte Gretenius who came in pilgrimage in the first years of the XV century says that within the basilica live permanently a Greek priest, a Georgian, a Frank, an Armenian, a Jacobite and an Abissinian. He states also that on the aedicula on the tomb there was a picture of the Risen Christ with a kneeling St. Francis. He also says that the Friars of the Chord (as the Franciscans became to be know) possessed Calvary together with the Armenians. All this was probably due to the firmans issued by sultan Barquq (1382-1399) in favour of the Friars of the Holy Sepulchre.


Their stories were collected and recently published by Fethiye Cetin, a Turkish human-rights lawyer, whose grandmother revealed her own Armenian roots shortly before her death.

他们的故事由一位土耳其人权律师Fethiye Cetin收集,并于最近公开发表。这位律师的奶奶临终前说出了自己是亚美尼亚人的身世。

The result of the Armenian deportations is indisputably and horrifically clear: hundreds of thousands, probably more than a million, died.


The EU enlargement commissioner, Olli Rehn, toughened an already stern line against an article in the Turkish penal code that has seen writers and intellectuals prosecuted for insulting "Turkishness"(usually, after they have raised the thorny subject of the mass killings of Armenians after the first world war).

欧盟扩大委员会委员 Olli Rneh ,强化了针对土耳其刑法典中的一项条款的强硬的路线,这个条款让刑法典的编撰者和知识界因此被指控侮辱了&土耳其语&(通常是在他们提到了一次大战后土耳其对亚美尼亚人的大屠杀之后

We were like detectives, Mrs. Vidian and I. We put ourselves on the trail of any Armenians who lived in Paris.


He was inspired by his wife, the daughter of twoArmenians rescued as children by Kurdish neighbours during the 1915 massacres.


更多网络解释与亚美尼亚人的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


他认为当时没有文字来形容为了某种政治目的而执行的集体屠杀行为,因此发明了"种族灭绝"(Genocide)这个词. 根据历史记载,在第一次世界大战期间,有约150万亚美尼亚人受到奥斯曼土耳其帝国的惩罚. 但是土耳其坚决拒绝用"种族灭绝"来描述这一事件,

Markus Rosenberg:高进球率的瑞典人值得期待. 实力:**** 潜力

23 Tom de Mul 有一定潜力,期待快速成长. 实力:*** 潜力:*** | 24 Markus Rosenberg 高进球率的瑞典人值得期待. 实力:**** 潜力:** | 27 Edgar Manucharyan 亚美尼亚小伙还需磨练,有待证明自己. 实力:*** 潜力:**...

The Sassanid Empire:萨珊帝国

Romano-British 罗马裔不列颠人 | The Sassanid Empire 萨珊帝国 | Persarmenia 波斯--亚美尼亚人(亚美尼亚分裂后的东侧地区)

Antum salimoun:阿拉伯人的问候

亚美尼亚人的问候Snorhavor Nor Tari | 阿拉伯人的问候Antum salimoun | 孟加拉人的问候Shuvo Nabo Barsho

Armenoid:类亚美尼亚人 类亚美尼亚人的

Armenian bole | 一种用于制作颜料的粉红色泥土 | Armenoid | 类亚美尼亚人 类亚美尼亚人的 | armentomycin | 畜群霉素

Carissa:温柔的抚摸 女性 法国

Carine 朋友 女性 亚美尼亚 | Carissa 温柔的抚摸 女性 法国 | Carla 自由的人 女性 条顿


Carine朋友女生亚美尼亚 | Carissa温柔的抚摸女生法国 | Carla自由的人女生条顿


(2)土耳其人(Turks)有2-3万,为奥斯曼统治时代遗民的后裔,主要集中在摩苏尔、巴士拉和巴格达等大城市. (2)亚美尼亚人(Armenians)约有7.203万人,居住在巴格达、巴士拉和摩苏尔等大城市. 据说,他们是在20世纪初期由土耳其迁徙而来.


原先用来指生活于故土之外的犹太人、亚美尼亚人的希腊语词汇--diasporas (离散),与 "家园"(homelands)一起,成为研究移民社会的关键词. 学者们把这两个词并置,表明了对背井离乡者的故土情感和文化认同的关注,

