英语人>词典>汉英 : 亚目 的英文翻译,例句
亚目 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Of or belonging to the insect order Hemiptera, which includes the true bugs of the suborder Heteroptera and their allies of the suborder Homoptera, characterized by piercing or sucking mouthparts and two pairs of wings.


The members of the same genus and family were grouped together. The polyogenetic relationships of 8 families were Pyrgomorphidae →Chrotogonidae→Pamphagidae→Oedipodidae→Acrididae→Arcypteridae→Gomphoceridae→Cantantopidae.Pygomorphidae had closer relationships with Chrotogonidae as well as being the most ancestral group. Arcypteridae and Gomphoceridae were the sister groups and had closer relationships with most evolutionary Catantopidae. Tridactylidae was divided firstly as a suborder,which differs from the recent taxonomy distinctly. Haglidae and Gryllidae were grouped into suborder Ensifera, Tetrigidae and 8 families of Acridoidea were grouped into suborder Caelifera, as same as recent taxonomy.


Superstes was placed between the two remaining major suborders, namely, Zygoptera and Anisoptera.


The order Odonata could be further subdivided into three suborders: around 2,500 species of Anisoptera, 2,500 species of Zygoptera and only 2 species of Anisozygoptera diverse damselflies


Largest order of birds comprising about half the known species: rooks; finches; sparrows; tits; warblers; robins; wrens; swallows; etc.; in four suborders: Eurylaimi; Tyranni; Menurae: Oscines or Passeres.


Not used in all classifications; in some classifications considered coextensive with the Lemuroidea; in others includes both Lemuroidea and Tarsioidea.


The result showed 41 clones distribute in 26 OTUs, which exist in Acidimicrobidae and 7 suborders of Actinobacteridae respectively, especially the dominant community of Yutian pit was streptosporangineae instead of streptomycete, which accounting for 42.3% of sequenced clones.

结果表明, 41个克隆序列属于26个OTUs,分别分布于放线菌门放线菌亚纲的7个亚目和酸微菌亚纲,其中链孢囊菌亚目(Streptosporangi- neae)中放线菌组成丰富,占到了全部挑选克隆的42.3%,是于田盐池放线菌群落中的优势菌,而链霉菌不是高盐环境放线菌的优势菌群。

Results showed that abundance, richness and diversity of arthropod communities decreased with depth. A negative association was found between canopy openness and the number of arthropod groups in the lifter layer; some arthropod taxa, such as the Uribatida, Prostigmata and Mesostigmata, were found in a wide range of light conditions, whereas the Hymenoptera, Symphyla, Pseudoscorpiones and Lepidoptera larvae may be photophobic.


Results Fifty-one clones screened from 160 clones on the basis of Hae III digestion patterns were sequenced, and their sequences were deposited in the GenBank. Clone sequences (52.9%) belonged to Acidimicrobidae and 5 suborders of Actinobacteridae. The other clone sequences (47.1%), which formed one large distinct clade in phylogenetic tree among phylum Actinobacteria, may represent one new suborder or new class.


Any of various tailless stout-bodied amphibians with long hind limbs for leaping; semiaquatic and terrestrial species


更多网络解释与亚目相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Xenochrophis piscator:爬行纲 有鳞目(蛇亚目) 游蛇科 渔游蛇

爬行纲 有鳞目(蛇亚目) 游蛇科 乌游蛇指名亚种 S.p.percarinata | 爬行纲 有鳞目(蛇亚目) 游蛇科 渔游蛇 Xenochrophis piscator | 爬行纲 有鳞目(蛇亚目) 游蛇科 草游蛇 Amphiesma stolata


概述 亚目(suborder)是生物分类法中的一级,一般是界于目和科之间 例外 但有时亚目和科之间会再分下目(又译作次目). 亚目的拉丁文名称较无固定的字尾.


蜻蜓目分为三个亚目: 差翅亚目(Anisoptera)统称"蜻蜓dragonflies";均翅亚目(Zygoptera) 统称"?damselflies"以及发现于日本和印度的两种间翅亚目(Anisozygoptera) 昆虫. 全世界约有5000种,我国有300多种. 蜻蜓身体粗壮,

Brachycera:亚目: 短角亚目

目: 双翅目 Muscomorpha | 亚目: 短角亚目 Brachycera | 下目: 家蝇下目 Muscomorpha

Cryptodira:亚目: 曲颈龟亚目

龟鳖目又分为2个亚目:曲颈龟亚目(Cryptodira)和侧颈龟亚目(Pleurodira). 曲颈龟亚目现存10科192种,其中龟类有 9科169种,鳖类1科23种. 我国的龟鳖类动物均属此亚目. 本亚目龟鳖类的主要特点是龟鳖收缩头部时,颈部可呈S型缩入甲壳内,

Enhydris chinensis:爬行纲 有鳞目(蛇亚目) 隐鳃鲵科 中国水蛇

爬行纲 有鳞目(蛇亚目) 隐鳃鲵科 紫沙蛇 Psammodynastes pulverulentus | 爬行纲 有鳞目(蛇亚目) 隐鳃鲵科 中国水蛇 Enhydris chinensis | 爬行纲 有鳞目(蛇亚目) 游蛇科 黑脊蛇 A.spinalis


即美洲鬣蜥科、鬣蜥科和避役科 蛇蜥亚目 分6科,即蛇蜥科、异蜥科、鳄蜥科、巨蜥科、毒蜥科和婆罗蜥科 双足蜥亚目 仅双足蜥科一科 石龙子亚目 分4科,即非洲蜥蜴科、蜥蜴科、石龙子科和美洲蜥蜴科 鬣蜥亚目(Iguania):典型的鬣蜥亚目成员背上有鬣鳞,


翼手目是哺乳动物纲的第二大目,分为大蝙蝠亚目(Megachiroptera)和小蝙蝠亚目(Microchi roptera). 小蝙蝠亚目的全部和大蝙蝠亚目少数种类依靠回声定位来感知周围环境和捕捉猎物(Griffin,1958;Fenton,1995). 每种蝙蝠都有一套特有的信号用于回声定位,其声谱的特征决定了声纳


大型种类的总称.小型齿鲸类一般称为海豚.分类 鲸目共3个亚目.其中原鲸亚目(Archeoceti)出现于始新世前期至渐新世后期.已灭绝.仅有化石可见.现存须鲸和齿鲸两亚目.前者口内有须.后者口内有齿.须鲸亚目(Mystacoceti) 上颌各侧有150


蜻蜓目分为三个亚目: 差翅亚目(Anisoptera)统称"蜻蜓dragonflies";均翅亚目(Zygoptera) 统称"?damselflies"以及发现于日本和印度的两种间翅亚目(Anisozygoptera) 昆虫. 全世界约有5000种,我国有300多种. 蜻蜓身体粗壮,