英语人>词典>汉英 : 互相残杀的 的英文翻译,例句
互相残杀的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Who would believe that these same banns, now trying so hard to kill one another, just last year united to give me the crown?--From Ferelden: Folklore and History, by Sister Petrine, Chantry scholar


The war is just like the cannibalism of animals.


But in what fashion a book, Le Contrat Social , led the French to hack each other to pieces cannot be understood without an explanation of the causal connection of this new force with the event.


Any has existed the human, in front of when as if forever endless mutually massacres to the humanity between mutually hostilely, in whose innermost feelings not once hoped for world commonwealth, all humanities all become a whole, no matter will be the ruler who once was insufferably arrogant, was the meanest beggar, all once some such hopes and expectation, because this was the humanity the reason that calls it the rational life common topotaxis!


Providence says Kill one another, my children: kill one another to your heart's content.


Who would believe that these same banns, now trying so hard to kill one another, just last year united to give me the crown?--From Ferelden: Folklore and H.tory, by S.ter Petrine, Chantry scholar


From an early age i have abjured the eating of meat , and the time will come when men such as i will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men


I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men.---Leonardo Da Vinci


The findings suggest that dark matter particles interacted so that they "annihilated" each other, producing subatomic particles called quarks and their antimatter counterparts, antiquarks.


When I had consider'd this a little, it follow'd necessarily, that I was certainly in the Wrong in it, that these People were not Murtherers in the Sense that I had before condemn'd them, in my Thoughts; any more than those Christians were Murtherers, who often put to Death the Prisoners taken in Battle; or more frequently, upon many Occasions, put whole Troops of Men to the Sword, without giving Quarter, though they threw down their Arms and submitted.


更多网络解释与互相残杀的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

economic cycle:经济循环

但是,商品的生产和分配是完全没有组织的,这导致每个人都生活在恐惧之中,担心被排除在经济循环(economic cycle)之外,这样的话,他们就会苦于想要各种东西(却又无力购买).而且,生活在不同国度的人们在不定的时间里还互相残杀,正因如此,

fanny magnet:吸引女性/女人都会被你吸引

Hopingirl - 附近的人上你的车 | Fanny magnet - 吸引女性/女人都会被你吸引 | Fight fight fight - 街上的市民互相残杀/街上人打架

They go hungry:永不满足

People kill.|人们互相残杀 | They go hungry.|永不满足 | Just proving a point.|仅仅为了证明我的观点

Let your soul gravitate, to the love ya'll:灵魂将被爱引导

Man ya gotta have love, this'll set us straight嘿!你要找到爱,就能控制你的感情和思想 | Let your soul gravitate, to the love ya'll灵魂将被爱引导 | People killin人们互相残杀


Internauts Internet用户. | interne 实习医师 | internecine 互相残杀的


interne 实习医师 | internecine 互相残杀的 | internee 被拘留者


internecine 互相残杀的 | internee 被拘留者 | internet adapter software Internet 适配软件

Denying the lying:被掩盖了的谎言

Denying the lying 被掩盖了的谎言 | a million children fighting 百万神的子民互相残杀 | for lives on strife 为了在争斗中生存下来

creeds,and convictions:(恐惧让我们为了宗教、种族、利益、信仰和信念而互相残杀)

children grown into trauma(孩子们正在残缺受迫中成长... | creeds,and convictions(恐惧让我们为了宗教、种族、利益、信仰和信念而互相残杀) | we're fighting each other over bullshit(我们正为了这些无谓的理由伤害彼...