英语人>词典>汉英 : 互相排斥 的英文翻译,例句
互相排斥 的英文翻译、例句


mutual exclusion · mutual repulsion
更多网络例句与互相排斥相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These three forms are not mutually exclusive; what the third denies the first and the second, a fortiori, also deny; all agree in rejecting every explanation which would have recourse to causes outside of nature.


Nevertheless, operation of the Dock should be in harmony with the local community.


Bleuler is credited with the introduction of two concepts fundamental to the analysis of schizophrenia: autism, denoting the loss of contact with reality, frequently through indulgence in bizarre fantasy, and ambivalence, denoting the coexistence of mutually exclusive contradictions within the psyche.


The two molecules get closer, the electron cloud overlap, so that two molecules repel each other.


The decomposition of a set into a family of mutually exclusive sets.


In addition, through the fable text of competition and cooperation between Zhang-shengjun and other gods repelling that gods obtains the best ecology position by competing and cooperating in space and time Uygur, function Uygur and relationship Uygur, and guaranteeing the ecology system of folk belief in the state of harmony and equilibrium.


These methods were not mutually exclusive, and in some cases overlapped.


The right humanity immerses in the heaven of heavens which oneself creates, forgets oneself, just like the astronomy expected many times such as well as the Earth history once performed the dissimilarity, came from the nameless interspace because the instantaneous interspace erupted the volume giant planetoid which formed, was raiding by the extremely high speed to our sky-blue Earth, moreover the track probably passed through the precise trajectory computation to resemble, 100% collisions to the Earth, launched in the entire human history the only globalization uniformization integration to save Earth's great campaign from this, but after all turned danger into safety, the humanity more and more discovered, each other was such is familiar with such need each other, therefore humanityAfter separates mutually repelled mutually has conquered mutually for several million years, finally under the rational impel has realized the final return unification, from this time on also did not have the language, the custom, the belief difference again, again also did not have the region, the skin color, consciousness barrier, the humanity finally to construct belonged to each earthman's Earth to unify the extremely happy heaven!


The spheres had been magnetized and attracted or repelled each other all the time.


Contradictions, conflicts and repulsions from diverse educational theories led to radical applications of the Civic Education, comparable to the political revolution itself.


更多网络解释与互相排斥相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

to flatter each other; to besprinkle each other with praise:互相吹捧

each using the other for his own ends 互相利用 | to flatter each other; to besprinkle each other with praise 互相吹捧 | to be mutually exclusive; to exclude each other 互相排斥

mutual exclusion:互相 排斥

互斥体实现了"互相排斥"(mutual exclusion)同步的简单形式(所以名为互斥体(mutex)). 互斥体禁止多个线程同时进入受保护的代码"临界区"(critical section). 因此,在任意时刻,只有一个线程被允许进入这样的代码保护区.

mutual intelligibility:相互理解性

mutual command 互相統御 | mutual intelligibility 相互理解性 | mutually exclusive 互相排斥;互相排拒


2 技术原理 移植的在同一近交系中可以被互相接受,即同系移植(isograft)是成功的. 移植物在不同近光系中互相排斥,亦即同种移植(allograft)是不成功的.

Mutually exclusive:互相排斥

我们如果说 "生死摆两边, 只拼经济", 你说荒谬不荒谬? 统和独, 就跟生与死一样, 是属于博戏论里两个不兼容而互相排斥(Mutually exclusive), 胜者全得(Winner takes all)的两者取一必然结果.

negative charge:负电荷

1. 自然界存在着两种电荷(electric charge),正电荷(positive charge)与负电荷(negative charge).同种电荷互相排斥,异种电荷互相吸引.

positive charge:正电荷

1. 自然界存在着两种电荷(electric charge),正电荷(positive charge)与负电荷(negative charge).同种电荷互相排斥,异种电荷互相吸引.

repulsive potential:排斥势,拒斥电位,拒斥电位,拒斥势,拒斥势,推斥势

repulsive interaction 排斥作用,互相推斥作用 | repulsive potential 排斥势,拒斥电位,拒斥电位,拒斥势,拒斥势,推斥势 | repulsive state 推斥态

Maybe two models repelled:或许两个模特儿会互相排斥

I wondered if there wasn't some kind of physics for beauty.|我纳闷着 是否有... | Maybe two models repelled.|或许两个模特儿会互相排斥 | Maybe models could only be attracted to ordinary humans.|或许模特儿...

The strong durian smell repels me:榴莲那股强烈的味道使 我生厌

repel vt.使厌恶;击退, 逐回,驱逐;排斥 | The strong durian smell repels me. ;榴莲那股强烈的味道使 我生厌. | North magnetic poles repel each other. ;磁北极与磁南极互相 排斥.