英语人>词典>汉英 : 事实真相 的英文翻译,例句
事实真相 的英文翻译、例句


nitty-gritty · the truth of the matter
更多网络例句与事实真相相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If he know the fact, he will come to a different conclusion.


I'm not afraid of facts, I welcome facts but a congeries of facts is not equivalent to an idea.


As the top news agency, CNN beyond the truth, and makes a series of distortion and comments. I shame for I am a mediaman. And this is a big shame for globe media.


However, it is obvious that people can know the truth only by trying to restitute the past water environment of Fen and Su Basins objectively and possibly.


"The mere fact that in order to test the truth of the representations some independent inquiry is made, which necessarily is really in the nature of a fishing expedition rather than a systematic search that will necessarily reveal the truth if carried out with reasonable thoroughness, does not indicate lack of reliance; to hold so would enable a liar who falsifies facts peculiarly within his own knowledge to subject to an unconscionable squeeze play: if makes any independent checks he would claim that it isn't 'relying' and thus is not voidable … the only alternative for the company would be to indicate 100 per cent faith and reliance by making no investigation whatsoever, at the risk of having a court later determine that inconsistencies in the application or information otherwise brought to their attention should have caused them to make at least such an inquiry as a prudent man would have made."

但如果受害方的确有去作出了查询并且发觉了这个误述,但他还是去确认合约,这就表示了另一个重要的问题就是他并没有依赖这一个误述。当然,受害方去作出查询并不代表他能够完全知悉真相,所以误述方会有很大的举证责任说明受害方完全通过查询可以知道事实真相,所以后来确认合约并没有去依赖误述。这也是现实,例如在近年来的合并收购的商业活动蓬勃,其中涉及了不少的卖方被指控向买方作出误述。但在这种交易,买方通常会在订约前会来一个"合理努力"的查询/查帐,岂非是卖方就因此可以随意去误述而不必负责了?这方面美国上诉庭有一个先例把这一点说得很清楚,它是New York Life Insurance Co v。 Strudel 243 F 2d 90 (5 Cir 1957),如下

The fact that the indictment accuses is " unusually tall proportional " Xbox360 can appear " general hardware breakdown "(also be said to do " red circle dead machine "-- all round power source pushbutton 3 aglimmer red light), microsoft is early know to be put in this one problem, but stem from the purpose that competes with Suo Ni PS3 and Ren Tiantang Wii, concealed nitty-gritty.


"The paper which I am going to sign was prepared by the North Koreans and is at variance with the above position, but my signature whill not and cannot alter the facts. I will sign the document to free the crew and only to free the crew.


He said he tried to keep up the lie but couldn't keep his facts straight, and finally crumbled and told the truth.


The English speaker is being polite to the extent that by accepting and showing appreciation of the compliment, he avoids hurting the positive face of the person who makes it; the Chinese speaker is showing modesty by denigrating himself, ignoring the factuality of the compliment paid to him.


With his dissimulation and compensating zeal, his accommodations and rationalisations, his mix of motives (careerism, but also fear and genuine belief) and his proximity to the suffering he nevertheless condoned, Simonov provides exemplary answers to the questions that weave through the book.


更多网络解释与事实真相相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Approximate to real facts:接近事实真相

Since its inception自从开始以来 | Approximate to real facts接近事实真相 | Facilitate the journey to the airport使去机场变得更方便

brass tacks:基本事实,事实真相,实质性细节

基本生活工资/living wage | 基本事实,事实真相,实质性细节/brass tacks | 基层/grass roots;rank and file

come at sth:发现(事实,真相)

come at sb 攻击某人 | come at sth 发现(事实,真相) | come back 回来

We shall find out the truth early or late:我们迟早会查明事实真相

You can find out many advantages in urban life : 你会发现都市生活中有许多便... | We shall find out the truth early or late : 我们迟早会查明事实真相 | I'll find out where they live : 我去打听一下他们住在...


nitty 多虱卵的 | nitty-gritty 事实真相 | nitwit 笨人


nitty /多虱卵的/ | nitty-gritty /事实真相/本质/ | nitwit /笨人/傻子/

put/set the record straight:说明事实真相,澄清是非

place/put sth on record 把某事记录在案 | put/set the record straight 说明事实真相,澄清是非 | record figure 创记录的数字

The truth is (quite other:完全不同)than what you think.事实真相和你所想的完全不同

825. The doctor's words made him feel comfortable.... | 826. The truth is (quite other 完全不同)than what you think.事实真相和你所想的完全不同. | 827. They stopped talking when their boss came in.当老...

The truth is quite other than what youthink:事实真相和你所想的完全不同

825. the doctor's words made him feelcomfortable.医生的... | 826. the truth is quite other than what youthink.事实真相和你所想的完全不同. | 827. they stopped talking when their boss camein.当老板进来的...


subrefraction 次折射 | subreption 隐瞒事实真相 | subreptitious 隐瞒事实的