英语人>词典>汉英 : 事实审 的英文翻译,例句
事实审 的英文翻译、例句


fact question
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Comprises the Great Jury and the Petty Jury, the responsibilities of the former, mainly in hearing from prosecutors and deciding whether to bring on indictment, while the latter's in passive hearing.


In the pretrial preliminary procedure, the preliminary hearing system should be established, s...


These are all questions of fact to be dealt with and determined by the Tribunal.


This chapter analyze how to judge the Starting time of res judicate in civil law system.


Secondly, if the parallelistic theory be true, what, ask the Scholastic dualists, becomes of the freedom of the will and moral responsibility?


The people's court of second instance shall, if it holds after hearing a case that the facts have not been clearly ascertained or the evidence is insufficient, all by one order rescind the original judgment and remand the case to the people's court of first instance for retrial or, if, after investigations, it ascertains some part of the facts as charged with sufficient evidence, make a judgment based on the facts ascertained or, if, after investigations, it holds that there are still no facts of crime ascertained or no sufficient evidence for the charge, make a judgment acquitting the accused of the crime for insufficient evidence without delay.


The court of second instance shall examine facts and laws relevant to the above- mentioned appeal.


更多网络解释与事实审相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aesthetic feeling:美感

然而,它们的重要性由于下列事实而增加,即它们作为强化的成分进入审美感(aesthetic feeling)中去,审美感是更为精制的感情状态,它与整个观念复合体联结着.

audit evidence:审核证据

审核(audit)为获得审核证据(3.9.5)并对其进行客观的评价,已确定满足商定的准则(3.9.4)的程度所进行的系统的、独立的并形成文件的过程(3.4.1)审核证据(audit evidence)可以从多方面查证的与商定的准则有关的记录、事实陈述或其他信息(审

Issue of Fact:事实问题

在英美法系中,法律审可以指下列几种情况:第一指在有陪审团参与审理的刑事和民事案件中,"陪审团的职责是参加庭审,听取证据,然后进行评议,就诉讼中的事实" [45]作出裁断,由陪审团来决定事实问题(issue of fact);而法官则只决定有关的法律问题(issue of law),

Issue of Law:法律问题

在英美法系中,法律审包括以下几种情况:1、在有陪审团参加审理的刑事和民事案件中,陪审团就诉讼中的事实问题(issue of fact)进行裁断;法官在陪审团认定的事实基础上决定有关法律问题(issue of law),此种意义的法律审和事实审多是表明陪审团和法官各自处理的问题不同而已,

matter of fact:事实问题

在陪审制度之下,推论纯属事实问题(matter of fact),推论之是非、对错,绝非法律审所得置喙. 但推定则不然,推定事实之存在,系法律所拟制,其中自然涉及法律适用,本质上属于法律问题(matter of law),法律适用之是非、对错,当然属于法律审审究之范畴. "



Trial court:事实审法院

House of Lords 上议院 | Trial Court 事实审法院 | Judgement on the Verdict 确定原判决有效


尽管法院对陪审团的裁决(verdict)采取尊重态度,不过法院在上诉审中仍对陪审团据以作出裁决的事实认定是否有充足的证据支持具有一定的审查权. 对此可参见宋冰编:>,中国政法大学出版社,1998