英语人>词典>汉英 : 乱冲 的英文翻译,例句
乱冲 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ramp  ·  rampage  ·  rampaging  ·  rampaged  ·  rampages  ·  ramps

更多网络例句与乱冲相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Upon seeing his young master, Bighead would lick his hands and feet, and refrain from rushing around.


Neither of the two children had received fire-safety training at school, so they did not respond to the alarm.


Luhrmann's soft-filtering lens — a man being trampled to death by rampaging cattle or a city being annihilated by bombing Japanese warplanes — the calamities of history are merely colorful grist for his main interest, the romance between a wilted English rose, Lady Sarah Ashley, and an itinerant Australian cattleman, the Drover. The lady and the tramp meet soon after she lands in Australia to track down her cattleman husband, whose early murder sets all the narrative pieces in place. Initially intent on selling her property, including 1,500 head of cattle, Sarah soon transforms into a frontierswoman, seduced by Nullah's smile and the majestic valleys and peaks of both the land and of the Drover's musculature. Although Ms. Kidman and Mr.


See the children ramping about in the playground.


The children are romping about on the playground .


Horses lash out, the cannons flee; the soldiers of the artillery-train unharness the caissons and use the horses to make their escape; transports overturned, with all four wheels in the air, clog the road and occasion massacres.


Horses lash out, the cannons flee; the soldiers of the artillery-train unharness the caissons use the horses to make their escape; transports overturned, with all four wheels in the air, clog the road occasion massacres.


We can't just go barging into people's apartments.


Piggybacking off of the Authenticity point, we felt that emphasizing team play over 'me first' play was very important in our design.


Piggybacking off of the Authenticity point, we felt that emphasizing team play over 'me first' play was very important in our design.


更多网络解释与乱冲相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


冰支配跟前两者我想会想选野蛮人的同好们大概都是喜欢那种在敌阵之中冲杀的快感,(有没有看过烙印勇士(Berserk)啊? 就是那种感觉,冲进敌人堆中,举起武器,乱砍一阵,最后众人皆挂我独在),如果你并不喜欢和敌人面对面捉对厮杀,

Do not Jaywalk:别乱穿马路

便后冲水 Flush Water after Each Use | 别乱穿马路 Do not Jaywalk | 不得擅入 No Trespassing


kibitz 乱提意见 | kibitzer 多管闲事者 | kickbackrecoilingrecuile 反冲


A: 有一些超级怪物有一个乱冲表, 当它乱冲(Rampage)时所有在憎恨表顶部的人会被打到. 乱冲是一种同时攻击多个目标的进攻,它的范围很大,隔着半个区都可以打到你. 所以被打了不要奇怪哦.

steady flow:稳定流

叫做冲蚀. 形成的要件有二,一是腐蚀媒体是流体(fluid),一是腐蚀媒体是流动的. 腐蚀流体包括气体,水溶液,有机溶液,和液态金属. (3) 流体的流动是稳定流(steady flow)或是乱流(turbulent flow),以及流速的大小.


"现在,看我的吧--"一个长得又粗又壮(sturdy)的汉子冲上去说,"我将要做的事,才是最叫人不敢相信的!" 他抡起一把斧头,对着那件举世无双的艺术品砍去,只听"劈啪"一阵响,齿轮和弹簧四处乱飞,顷刻之间就把什么都毁掉了! 在场的人都惊呆了.

so take it easy:所以,要放轻松

So open up, I'm climbin' in, 所以,把门打开吧,我要爬进来 | So take it easy 所以,要放轻松 | Well I'm running down the road trying to loosen 哦,我在路上乱冲,试图丢掉


rampage 乱冲 | rampageous 暴跳的 | rampancy 繁茂

The sword can cut off neither running flow:流水滔滔斩不断

乱挥刀剑无结果. No longer could I wield my sword fleet. | 流水滔滔斩不断, The sword can cut off neither running flow | 情丝百结冲不破, Nor the treads of love, twisted with the woe.