英语人>词典>汉英 : 乏味之人 的英文翻译,例句
乏味之人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
grub  ·  grubbed  ·  grubs

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Dedicato a chi l'ha sempre inaridita,come impossessato, uscita fra le dita,era sempre gia finita.


There is an old saying: Spring is the best time to work in a year. Morning is the best time to work in a day. This interest of the morning can bring me some tranquilness and aloofness and help me spend a new day smilingly. No matter what the new day is vapidity or sunshine or busyness or billow......


Nothing is more destructive, either in regard to the health, or the vigilance and industry of the poor than the infamous liquor, the name of which, derived from Juniper in Dutch, is now by frequent use and the laconick spirit of the nation, from a word of middling length shrunk into a monosyllable, intoxicating gin, that charms the unactive, the desperate and crazy of either sex, and makes the starving sot behold his rags and nakedness with stupid indolence, or banter with in senseless laughter, and more insipid jests; it is a fiery lake that sets the brain in flame, burns up the entrails, and scorches every part within; and at the same time a Lethe of oblivion, in which the wretch immersed drowns his most pinching cares, and, with his reason all anxious reflections on brats that cry for food, hard winter's frosts, and horrid empty home.


Life is only a dull and ill-directed theatre unless we have some interests in the piece; and to those who have neither art nor science, the world is a mere arrangement of colors, or a rough footway where they may very well break their shins.


更多网络解释与乏味之人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




最后,福克斯和阿隆选择了编剧布赖恩.科珀尔曼和大卫.莱文,他们之前曾经合作过多次,>(Rounders)、>(Knockaround Guys)反响不错,改编>虽是他们首次涉及过滤词语领域,但两人认为,故事并不乏味,

All work and no play makes Jack a doll dog:只工作没游戏,使人乏味没生气

6. The worst bankrupt is the person who lost his enthusiasm.... | 7. All work and no play makes Jack a doll dog.只工作没游戏,使人乏味没生气. | 8. Reading to the mind what excise is to the body.阅读之于...