英语人>词典>汉英 : 乌有 的英文翻译,例句
乌有 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
zero  ·  zeroed  ·  zeroes  ·  zeros

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Rule over all the dead who have come to nought.


Never believe, though in my nature reign'dAll frailties that besiege all kinds of blood,That it could so preposterously be stain'd,To leave for nothing all thy sum of good; For nothing this wide universe I call, Save thou, my rose; in it thou art my all.


But the LORD will continue to bless me. He will perfect my faith, my love, my character, my lifework.


6 For, says the LORD, be they ever so many and so vigorous, still they shall be mown down and disappear.


Thus my life is a flight and I lose everything and everything belongs to oblivion, or to him.


Never believe, though in my nature reign'd All frailties that besiege all kinds of blood, That it could so preposterously be stain'd, To leave for nothing all thy sum of good; For nothing this wide universe I call, Save thou, my rose; in it thou art my all.


O never say that I was false of heart, Though absence seemed my flame to qualify, As easy might I from my self depart, As from my soul which in thy breast doth lie: That is my home of love, if I have ranged, Like him that travels I return again, Just to the time, not with the time exchanged, So that my self bring water for my stain, Never believe though in my nature reigned, All frailties that besiege all kinds of blood, That it could so preposterously be stained, To leave for nothing all thy sum of good: For nothing this wide universe I call, Save thou my rose, in it thou art my all.


That we soon fall away from our first fervor, and are even now tired with life, from slothfulness and tepidity.


But as for prophecies, they will come to anend; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will come toan end.


It suggests therefore that people should follow their instinct and"man-as-consumer considers the experience of pleasure an obligation, like an enterprise of pleasure and satisfaction; one is obliged to be happy, to be in love, to be adulating/adulated, seducing/seduced, participating, euphoric, and dynamic"Baudrillard believes that the ideology of consumption is"presented under the guise of gratification, of a facilitated access to affluence, of a hedonistic mentality, and of'freedom from the old taboos of thrift" The Titan is Dreiser's representation and encouragement of hedonism and consumerism Here, women become a subject consuming as well as an object being consumed In The Financier, we see what is promised for Cowperwood is"a world of mansions, carriages, jewels, beauty, a vast metropolis outraged by the power of one man, a great State seething with indignation over a force it could not control, vast halls of priceless pictures, a palace unrivaled for its magnificence, a whole world reading with wonder, at times, of a given name"Throughout The Trilogy, Cowperwood indulges in his pursuit of women, mansions and art objects I think Dreiser's representation of the hero's pursuit of women, mansions, objects of art indicates the inherent ideology--consumerism.


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It all returns to nothing:一切都化为了乌有

tumbling down,tumbling down,tumbling down倒下来吧,倒下来,倒下 | It all returns to nothing一切都化为了乌有 | I just keep我也让自己

It all retures to nothing:一切又回归为乌有

tumbling down, 向下跌落 | It all retures to nothing, 一切又回归为乌有 | I just keep,letting me down, 我只能一直 让自己失望,

Ophiocephalus argus:乌鳢

我国产 2属 5种,常见的有乌鳢(Ophiocephalus argus),俗称黑鱼,有腹鳍,体黑绿色,布有蟒斑黑纹,性凶贪食,主要采用袭击方式猎食,是养殖业的大敌和清除目标.


小亚细亚人,基督教异端阿里乌主义(Arianism)极端派领袖. 与埃提乌斯(Aetius)共同创建优诺米派,该派在君士坦丁堡有传教组织和几位主教,但在优诺米死后不久绝迹. 他原曾在君士坦丁堡任埃提乌斯的秘书,随埃提乌斯到安条克,在该地任助祭. 至早於360年任密细亚(Mysia)地区库齐斯(Cyz ...

Gaius Julius Caesar:死者是盖乌斯.优利乌斯.恺撒

A funeral service will be held for|有一场公开葬礼 | Gaius julius caesar.|死者是盖乌斯.优利乌斯.恺撒 | Under terms of truth and in the spirit of unity|本着诚实,团结

News from Nowhere:来自乌有乡之消息

William Morris威廉.莫里斯 | News from Nowhere来自乌有乡之消息 | A Dream of John Ball梦遇约翰.保尔




北印度语(hindi)翻译校对工程师 北印度语是母语或者有5年以上北印度语(hindi)作为工作语言的经验乌尔都语(Urdu)翻译校对工程师 乌尔都语(Urdu)是母语或者有5年以上乌尔都语(Urdu)作为工作语言的经验


[em01] 河乌科(Cinclidae)在鸟类传统分类系统中是鸟纲中的雀形目中的一个科. 河乌是生活在高山河流边的鸟类,以水生昆虫及小鱼虾为食,能在水中潜水捕食,是鸣禽中水性最好的鸟类. 河乌在旧大陆及北美洲间断分布,有1属5种,我国有1属2种,

Spermophilus dauricus:达乌尔黄鼠

测定了达乌尔黄鼠(Spermophilus Dauricus)冬季冬眠时和秋季非冬眠时的产热活性及其激素调节.达乌尔黄鼠下丘脑促甲状腺激素释放激素(TRH)冬眠时含量显著高于非冬眠时的,血清中三碘甲腺原氨酸(T3)、甲状腺素(T4)质量浓度也有明显增加.表明达乌尔黄鼠下丘脑甲状腺轴激素水平和功能存在季节性变化,