英语人>词典>汉英 : 举世瞩目 的英文翻译,例句
举世瞩目 的英文翻译、例句


attract worldwide attention · has drawn the attention of the world · strike the attention of the world
更多网络例句与举世瞩目相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The development of economy and culture is out of balance. All above facts are the basical feature of our minorities, which leads to the complexity, arduousness and long term of national education.


He is winning the Hubble Aver Award, and been celebrate all over the world.


Be on one's own and create something new with the the open policy with the the open policy In this time , China adopted the a series of measure Among which bes on one's own and create something new with the the open policy with the the open policy .


One of the most noticeable achievements since then was made by the Herbert Boyer Company.


Today, We gather here to ceremoniously hold "the Chinese Second International Symposium on Mongolian Studies".


In England, in 1948 Hertfordshire County Council founded the building consortium CLASP, which created the world-renowned school-building system of the same name.


However, the rapid economic growth in China has also been accompanied by equally spectacular deterioration of the environment.


But behind the personal stories of Dow and Jones, Biography provides an historical overview of the evolution of the Dow-Jones Industrial Average and its effects on the stock market and the financial state of America.


As the clean, non-pollution, recycling utilized energy, small hydropower is an essential parts of Chinese strategy of continuous development. China offered a series of preferential policies on the different development periods of the small hydropower and the development of small hydropower had achieved outstanding accomplishment. Due to the absence of the social benefit and ecological benefit assessment in the economic assessment of the small hydropower, the netting electrovalence is irrational, the operation and maintenance on the small hydropower becomes difficult, and it will cause the lack of competitive ablility in the electricity market.


Biogas construction is an important development strategy of China's energy content, which have achieved remarkable results.


更多网络解释与举世瞩目相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

the Federal Reserve System:联邦储备系统

美国的联邦储备系统(The Federal Reserve System)是美国的中央银行,执行着维护美国经济的三大重要职能. 除了举世瞩目、叱咤风云的货币利率调节政策外,同样重要却不如货币政策那般光彩耀人的,是它监督管理银行的经营运作和提供维持金融机构间支付清算的两大职能.


自然界中属于半导体的物质有很多种,用来制造半导体器件的材料主要有硅(Si), 锗(Ge)和砷化镓(GaAs)等. 半导体不仅是电导率与导体有所不同,而且具备其它特有的性能,正是利用这些特性,使半导体器件(二极管、晶体管和光电器件等)取得了举世瞩目的发展.

skyrocket; Boom:飞速发展

功在当代,利在千秋 Current efforts will contribute to the nest generation. | 飞速发展 skyrocket; Boom | 举世瞩目的成就 has made world-famous progress/ they has caught the world's attention


二十世纪举世瞩目的爱情.Great.Romances.Of.The.20th.Century.2006 | 观星指南.Stargazing.2005 | 加拉帕戈斯群岛.Galapagos.2006

realistic and sober-minded:头脑清醒,实事求是

成就举世瞩目 to achieve great success | 头脑清醒,实事求是 realistic and sober-minded | 清醒认识当今世界和当代中国发展的大势 to have a clear view of today's China and the world

long in the making:酝酿已久

17. the eyes of the world are upon sb. 举世瞩目 | 18. long in the making 酝酿已久 | 19. defining challenge 具有决定性的挑战