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主要要素 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
staple  ·  stapled  ·  staples

更多网络例句与主要要素相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Abrasive personalities usually do not see themselves as abrasive and are therefore sometimes very interested, if puzzled, to see the main elements of what other people see as abrasiveness spelled out.


We have highlighted the major time elements to provide a basic understanding of the process.


Their manifesto emphasizes infill development, mixed uses, compactness, and local geography as the main constituents of a balanced urban development.


In general, the major elements will be the project deliverables and project management.


Through empirical study, it also can find that among the four constitutional factors, the main factor that influences quality of talent cultivation and that is the most dissatisfactory one of the student is the procedure of talent cultivation, among which, the one that should be improved mostly is the method and means of teaching, which should adopt the heuristic, researching prelection mode.


This system adopts the soft component, soft bus technology and object-oriented technology, encapsule and assemble the elements in management information system, and construct a kind of new management information system architecture.


Before high runes the currency was Stones of Jordan, again, duping is the main issue here for how they were allowed to become a common currency.


The main story elements are the creation of man and woman; the temptation and the Fall; the expulsion from Eden; and the subsequent peopling of the world outside the Garden of Eden.


Third, the function of the node of auto spare-parts logistic is discussed. The principle of setting up the node and leading department are putted forward. Some factors are analyzed, which concern the selection of auto spare-part vendor.


Water vapour and clouds are the primary variables modulating direct solar absorption.


更多网络解释与主要要素相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

asset valuation:资产计价

计量是会计系统的核心职能,资产计价(asset valuation)和收益决定(income determination)是会计计量(accounting measurement)的两大主要内容. 计量的关键在于计量属性的选择,计量属性是指会计要素某种可用货币加以计量的特性.

climatic zone:气候带 氣候帶

太阳辐射在地表的分布,主要决气候带 气候带(climatic zone) 根据气候要素的纬向分布特性而划分的带状气候区. 在同一气候带内,气候的基本特征相似. 太阳辐射是气候带形成的基本因素. 太阳辐射在地表的分布,主要决


但皆属物质范围,仍属次要. 其最主要因素,当为优秀的技术人员. 否则,物质要素再好,亦不能发挥其效用也. 欧美有以4M为印刷要素者,即机器(Machine),材料(Material)、方法(Method)、技师(Mechanic),亦有倡8M要素者,见仁见智,各有不同.


在现代科技术语中,我们将之称为"建模"(Modeling). 模型中包括的主要是各种要素之间的结构关系,要素之间传递的是一种动力学式的"激励-响应"联系,故此,我们将这称为结构性模型. 当观察越来越深入时,人们发现了很多不能简化的现象,

on-the-job training:岗位培训

对一个成年人来说,在职的岗位培训(on the job training)是其职业发展的主要途径. 而强烈的意愿、适当的岗位、挑战性的任务与合格的教练,是人才自我培育的基本要素. 我以为,凡把自己的职业发展主要寄托在公司提供的培训项目或者MBA课程上的"人",

principal particulars:主要要素

主要构件|primary member | 主要要素|principal particulars | 主用发信机|main transmitter


美国生产及存货管理协会(APICS)列举一位计划人员(planner)应该具备十种的特质,以下就逐项说明. 所谓6S,是指对生产现场各生产要素(主要是物的要素)所处状态不断进行整理、整顿、清洁、清扫、提高素养及安全的活动. 如表1-1所示,




binomiality 雙立要成分性 | binominal 雙要素的;雙項主要成分的 | binominal sentence 雙部句;雙主要成分句

binominal sentence:雙部句;雙主要成分句

binominal 雙要素的;雙項主要成分的 | binominal sentence 雙部句;雙主要成分句 | biolinguistics 生物語言學