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主要文章 的英文翻译、例句


leading article
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Ways Copyblogger Can Help You Keep Your New Year's Resolutions : Although this is primarily a "sneeze post" for Copyblogger (a "sneeze post" is a post written primarily to direct you to other work in the site's archive – it's a good traffic generating tool, but typically not especially exciting content), Sonia Simone provides lots of good advice for writers in between the links to other Copyblogger posts.

帮您树立新年决心47法:尽管这主要是一个Copyblogger的"sneeze post"("sneeze post"主要是指导你到该网站的历史文档中其他文章——这是一个非常好的交通工具,但是是传统的而不是特别精彩的内容),Sonia Simone给作家们提供了很多好的意见的链接,链接到其他Copyblogger的文章。

Sediment from river is not the main source of the Rushan Bay now any more ,which leads to the change of balance of sedimentation power. Sediment will transport because of the drive of hydrodynamic elements in macroscopic view .Direction of suspended load is basicly the same as tidal current .Flood tide makes suspended load transport to tip of the inner Bay and to the Mouth in exterior Bay .The direction of longside sediment transport in two sides of the Mouth mainly focus in the Mouth .Because the coastline along the exterior Bay is very meandering and it belongs to the type of bedrock ,besides some sediment going into the inner Bay ,so actual net sediment discharge rate is less than calculation .It develops an ebb delta out of the Mouth and forms tidal sand ridge ,tidal washing canal ,barrier bar and marine physiognomy ;The result of model simulation disclosures that differences of sediment erosion and siltation between single tidal action and wave-current action are very big .From the analysis of sediment composition、sediment sources and stability of beach and ridge ,this article gets the conclusion that the channel has the possibility to silt ,though the course maybe very slow.


To the reader's disappointment, the leading article in this issue of the magazine is a load of rubbish .


As such, this paper focused on the pioneer experiment of "the Mark on the Wall" in its text form, and its underlying origin and groundbreaking significance from the following aspects: First, the article dealt with the pioneer experiment of "the Mark on the Wall" in its text form, which will be manifested mainly in three aspects: that is the plotlessness of its content, the variousness of its Style, as well as the network structure formed by two types of time; Then, the article discussed the underlying origin behind the experimental text form of "the Mark on the Wall", there are two main aspects: namely, the generation of "the Mark on the Wall" is not accidental, but is of close relation with Virginia Woolfs resentment to the text form of the traditional novels and her exploration in the new novel forms.


The results showed that the different mass concentration of HPAM's absorbance decreases slightly when the PH value of the buffer solution is 5.0, but its reproducibility is better;In order to make the absorbance become more stable, the reaction time was identified adding proper quantities of bromine water, sodium formate and starch-cadmium iodide reagent to the solution separately; the mass concentration curve of the HPAM was draw, by means of the straight degree of the curves, the coincidence degree of the straight line about the concentration of every sampling point and so on , it shows that the mixer has good mixed effect compared with the standard curve.

如下是一些主要问题:1)文章的行文格式。文章没有按照一般科技论文的表述方式,如1是引言,2是常用方法,其实这都应该是第一部分引言里应该介绍的,引言中应扼要介绍文章的研究背景、目的,意义,采用的主要方法等。还有3是实验装置,4是实验步骤,应该这些都是第二部分,试验材料与方法。2)文章的内容。文章应主要介绍本研究的具体内容,但是本文没有,如3 实验装置部分,这个721分光光度计的原理与论文内容联系不大,根本没必要介绍,标准曲线的研究应该放在最前面等。3)文章的表述不清。如HPAM是何物,文章一直没有介绍,什么曲线的直线度、浓度与直线的重合度、什么加入溴水后的时间,应该是反应时间,总之表述不清! 4)文章的图表。图标绘制的很难看。如图2,应该纵坐标起始点从0.25开始,这样图形就会美观很多,图3又没有纵坐标标注,还多了一个纵坐标等。5)文章的结论。文章的结论中有些严格来说不是结论,而是实验中的现象与操作注意事项。

However, there is a potential that some segments in an eDocument may be overrated by the PageRank analysis. In this work, two potential reasons, which cause the overrating problem, are identified:(1) Some eDocuments are difficult to cause memory difficulty or selective reading and (2) A reading activity can be treated as a traversed thread over an eDocument.


This is one of the major articles "indicting" anthropology for its denial of subjectivity to the people and cultures it traditionally studied.


The critic, it appears, had, with her own hands, borne the anonymous, typed copies to the editorial sanctum of the 主要的 foremost of monthlies, and, claiming a prerogative, refused to move aside from the pathway of orderly business until the Great Gaines himself, editor and autocrat of the publication, had read at least one of them.


Remember how I mentioned earlier about having piddled with submitting a couple of stories/webpages I had written to several of the major article directories?


The author at Eisenstein's theoretical system to extract the idea of him in 1929 appeared in a series of articles in [1] the main article include: published in the "beyond the stars" Au ?


更多网络解释与主要文章相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Country Music News:乡村音乐领域的每日新闻,同时也有一些特色文章

Blues and Soul :英国杂志,主要内容有灵歌、Hip-hop、R&B、布鲁斯等. | Country Music News:乡村音乐领域的每日新闻,同时也有一些特色文章. | Dirty Linen:民歌、电子民歌、传统音乐和世界音乐杂志.


我这里指的博客内容主要是文章(post)和页面(page),页面比较简单,不外乎关于(about)、留言(guestbook)等那几项,而文章则是一个长期更新的过程. 博客的搜索引擎优化,也就是SEO,从你想做博客的那一刻开始到你的博客搭建起来乃至以后的维护中都包含着SEO,

key word:主题词

主题句(topic sentence)法:适合的文章类型;主要出现位置主题词(key word)法:适合的文章类型;判断依据结构(structure)把握法:结构看段首,重视首末段

leading article:主要文章

leading actor 主角 | leading article 主要文章 | leading business 主角饰演

leading article:特价品,主要文章,吸引顾客的特价品

leading angle 前夹角 | leading article 特价品,主要文章,吸引顾客的特价品 | leading block 导块


适用於含有多种主要因素的试题反应模式,便叫作多向度(multidimensional)模式. 多向度模式的数学公式复杂难懂,而且模式也还在发展中,本系列文章不拟介绍,有兴趣的读者可参阅McDonald (1981)和Ackerman (1989)的文章. 这条公式即是说明,


1935年他和季莫菲也夫-列索夫斯基与齐默(Zimmer)一起发表了一篇题为>的文章. 这篇文章写法十分独特,主要篇幅是各人发表各人的看法,只是在文章结尾部分才共同对某些生物学现象作出理论上的解释. 德氏在该文中指出,

This article compares...and summarizes key findings:这篇文章比较了......并总结了主要的发现

This paper provides an overview of... 这篇... | This article compares...and summarizes key findings. 这篇文章比较了......并总结了主要的发现. | This paper presents up-to-date information on... 这篇论文介...

cloze:克漏字 )

阅读测验,克漏字 (cloze)部分,传统的阅读测验主要是考事实,可以在文章中找到答案,近几年考题则主要是考全篇的主旨,语气,弦外之音,文章不难,但时间紧凑,要看完全文,体会内涵,是艰难的挑战,因此要多训练阅读速度.时事部分,


1935年他和季莫菲也夫-列索夫斯基与齐默(Zimmer)一起发表了一篇题为<<突变和基因结构>>的文章. 这篇文章写法十分独特,主要篇幅是各人发表各人的看法,只是在文章结尾部分才共同对某些生物学现象作出理论上的解释. 德氏在该文中指出,