英语人>词典>汉英 : 主要元素 的英文翻译,例句
主要元素 的英文翻译、例句


major element · essential element · main element
更多网络例句与主要元素相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results show that the crystal form of the apophyllite sample from Huangshi of Hubei Province is mainly in tabular, and that of the sample from Punna of India is in columnar. The main elements of the both samples are Si, Ca and K, but Al and Na could be found in the sample from Huangshi of Hubei Province. The gas-liquid inclusion is mainly in apophyllite sample from Huangshi of Hubei Province, and the quartz and zeolite inclusions are mainly in the sample from Punna of India.


All the volcanic rocks present younger K-Ar age (less than 5Ma), which can be termed as Cenozoic rocks. In general speaking, volcansim can be dividied into two eruptive stages. In the first stage, volcanic rocks for Pliocene epoch (4. 4-5Ma) consist of basanite and tephrite, which distributed on Mt. Crater, Cape Bird, and southern bank of Bonney Lake; In the second stage, volcanic rocks for Quaternary (less than 1 Ma) are mainly composed of latite, which are distributed on Cape Rodeys and Cape Evens.On the basis of geochemical data such as major elements, trace elements , rare earth elements, isotope, microprobe analysis, combined with main achievement taken by previous researcher in this area, conclusions are drawn basically as follows


On the basis of their major and trace element geochemistry of these four Fms., the Beitashan and Yundukala Fms. include tholeiite and calc-alkaline series, characterized by the enrichment of large ion lithophile elements, and the high field strength element contents close to MORB, which suggest that they formed an arc-island setting.


Ultimate analysis provides an useful inventory of the distribution of the major elements in humic substances.


Therefore, its U-Pb ages are likely to yield the age of metamorphic crystallization rather than resetting by simple diffusion, such that metamorphic titanite may preserve complicated U-Pb system that contains information of the whole metamorphic history of the rock, which can be revealed by in situ U-Pb dating, e.


Therefore, its UPb ages are likely to yield the age of metamorphic crystallization rather than resetting by simple diffusion, such that metamorphic titanite may preserve complicated UPb system that contains information of the whole metamorphic history of the rock, which can be revealed by in situ UPb dating, e.g., SHRIMP, LAMCICPMS and LAICPMS.


In contrast to zircon, titanite is quite reactive in most rocks contain Ca and Ti at different conditions. Therefore, its UPb ages are likely to yield the age of metamorphic crystallization rather than resetting by simple diffusion, such that metamorphic titanite may preserve complicated UPb system that contains information of the whole metamorphic history of the rock, which can be revealed by in situ UPb dating, e.g., SHRIMP, LAMCICPMS and LAICPMS.


The major elements of earth, water, air ,fire and ether; the false ego, spiritual intelligence, the unmanifest element in material nature, the ten senses along with the mind and the five objects of the senses as sound, sight, taste, touch and smell; disdain, happiness, distress, the perceptual faculty of the mind, determination; all this is declared to be the field of activities modified by the six transformations of the physical body beginning with birth and ending with death.


The volumetric method is also used in the measurement of the base metal and the principal elements in the high Cr cast iron and the electrooptical spectrographic method for determination of multi elements in the high Cr cast iron is established by choice of certain basic elements as the internal standard,by correction of the base spectral line and the interfered spectral line and induced correction and blank correction of the material as well as by drawing up the correction curves.


The results show that from the interface to surface the microstructure of the cladded coating is composed of plane grains,tiny grains and fine dendritic grains. The two main compositions of Ni and Cr homogeneously distribute in the section.


更多网络解释与主要元素相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

trace element:微量元素

已经制造出最接近天然海水的"人工海水",只须按照包装上的说明,溶解于一定比例的自来水中即可. 最佳的人工海水,应具备天然海水中所包含所有的"主要元素"(MAJOR ELEMENTS),次要元素"(MINOR ELEMENTS)以及"微量元素"(TRACE ELEMENT).


萨满是具有黑短发和白皮肤等迷人魅力的东方外形女性游戏角色,能吸引男战士的心. 萨满主要使用华丽的魔法技能,以后可转职为元素法师(Elementalist)、道士(Taoist)、幻术师(Illusionist)等职业.

macroelement; major element; macronutrient:多量元素,主要元素

大浮藻属(褐) Macrocystis | 多量元素,主要元素 macroelement; major element; macronutrient | 大原纤维 macrofibril

major element; macroelement; macronutrient:多量元素;主要元素

玉蜀黍条斑病毒 maize streak virus,Storey" | 玉蜀黍;玉米;包 maize; corn; Zea mays L.; Indian corn; mealie | 多量元素;主要元素 major element; macroelement; macronutrient

major element:主要元素

majonity carrier 多数载流子 | major element 主要元素 | major idea 主旨

major element:大量元素;主要元素

玉米;玉蜀黍 maize; corn; Indian corn; Zea mays | 大量元素;主要元素 major element | 主效基因;主要基因 major gene


1.营养物质(nutrient) 微生物从外界摄取的用于生物合成和产生能量的物质,以满足微生物生长、繁殖和完成各种生理代谢活动. 2.主要元素或大量元素(macroelement) 微生物细胞干重的95%以上由碳、氢、氧、氮、磷、硫、钾、钙、镁、铁等少数几种元素组成,

sieve tube:篩管 許多篩管元素由篩板相接成長管

sieve plate 篩板 篩管元素端壁具有篩孔 | sieve tube 篩管 許多篩管元素由篩板相接成長管 | sieve-tube member 篩管細胞 具篩板的篩管元素主要為被子植物特徵

sieve tube member:篩管細胞 具篩板的篩管元素主要為被子植物特徵

sieve tube 篩管 許多篩管元素由篩板相接成長管 | sieve-tube member 篩管細胞 具篩板的篩管元素主要為被子植物特徵 | silica cells 矽細胞 表皮內含矽的細胞常見於禾草莎草


葡萄酒是有生命的,因酒在开瓶前,酒中的四个主要元素: 丹宁(TANNIN)、 酸(ACID)、 糖(RESIDUAL SUGAR)及酒精(ALCOHOL)尚在运作,互相结合而产生各种不同的新气味,颜色也同时产生变化作用,当这四个主要元素达到均衡点时,