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主要产物 的英文翻译、例句


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staple  ·  stapled  ·  staples

更多网络例句与主要产物相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The mostly products in the interface are AbBC which grows along the boron carbide and the boron carbide are attacked by the aluminum.


In this study, the effects of adding chlorophenol, acetic acid and ozone were investigated separately in order to further study the mechanism of UV induced enhancement. The experimental results showed that adding acetic acid into the inlet gas decreased the chlorobenzene removal rate of the biofilter.


In Chapter 5,the pyrolysis of substituted six-membered ring model compound 4-methyl pyridine has been investigated.Instead of detail theoretical analysis of the reaction mechanism,the general results have been proposed from the products distribution and the combination of the pyrolysis investigation of its analogous pyridine.The major products are H_2,C_2H_2,C_4H_2,C_3H_3N and HCN,here HCN is not a primary initial product at low extent of decomposition.The mole fraction profiles of products have been obtained from the near threshold ionization.The pyrolysis of 4-methyl pyridine is initiated from the methyl abstraction and hydrogen abstraction procedures which are associated with the understanding of the soot formation and the NOX precursor correspondingly.


Being combining with products distribution in styrene oxidation, we propose the styrene epoxidation carry out with Ti metallacyclo intermediates, And at the same time Ti-ZSM-5 have properties both catalytic epoxidation and acid-catalysis, namely the skeletal Ti can catalyze styrene epoxidation to styrene oxide and the skeletal Ti and Al can provide Lewis acid site to cause the rearrangement of styrene oxide to phenylacetaldehyde rapidly, the solvolysis to glycols and the cleavage of C=C double bond. Ti-ZSM-5 can also provide Bronsted acid site simultaneously, which is also catalytic center for the solvolysis to glycols.


Two kinds of products can be obtained in the addition reaction of benzaldoxime with propinol, in which 3-hydroxymethyl-dihydroisoxazol is the main product when reaction equilibrium is reached.

炔丙醇的两种取向对应着加成反应的两种产物,反应达到平衡后, 3-羟甲基二氢异噁唑为主要产物

The main intermediates of phenol degradation were benzoquinone and organic acids such as oxalic acid and maleic acid and the final product was carbon dioxide,therefore the technique could be used as a waste minimization process for recycling the treated water.


The enzymolytic products identified were:diisopro-pylaminoethanethiol through the breakdown of P-S bond, and its oxidized product, N, N'-dithiodiethylene-bis ; and diisopropyla-minochloroethane through the breakdown of S-C bond.

VS与电鳐乙酰胆碱酯酶作用的主要产物是: P—S键断裂产物二异丙氨基乙硫醇,该化合物在水溶液中不稳定,可进一步氧化为N,N'-双二异丙氨基乙基二硫醚;S—C键断裂产物二异丙氨基氯乙烷。

The compoud 1 can be converted to intramolecular coupled cyclic olefine (2) as a main product in the presence of iron catalyst.

控制反应条件,在铁催化下可以生成偶联烯烃化的环烯产物(2 )为主要产物;不加催化剂,加热回流反应得到分子内亲核取代反应产物环丙烷化合物 3

Different from the primary pyrolysis procedure of pyrrole with the complex tautomers the initial precursors of the major pyrolysis products are simple and the corresponding pathways are more distinct.


The effects of the major and minor factors on the current efficiencies of the main products: 2,5-dimethyoxy-2,5-dihydrofuran, at the anode and butyl alcohol at the cathode, respectively, varied.

影响阳极主要产物2,5- dimethyoxy- 2,5-dihydrofuran,及阴极主要产物丁醇之电流密度的主要及次要原因是不同的。

更多网络解释与主要产物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Jessica Alba:主要演员: 杰西卡.艾尔芭

剧集分类:科幻 上映年份:2000 主要演员:杰西卡艾尔芭(Jessica Alba) 内容简介: 女孩麦斯,原本是基因实验下的产物,多年前她和同伴逃离实验室后失散,此后一直生活在恐惧中,当时美国因遭到恐怖份子用电磁波攻击而陷入一片混乱,


此外,他们还提出了个人(person)、人工产物(artifact)、任务(task)模型 (PAT模型)来将工作在计算机相关的活动中的主要组件观念化. 根据这个模型,流体验是由人、任务和人工制品三者之间的相互作用决定的.


肾功能检查 1) 尿素氮 (BUN) 为肾脏滤过代谢之最终产物,当肾障碍时,产物无法适当排出,此时血清之尿素氮数值升高. 但此数值极易受药物剂量影响,必须配合其他检查数值一起诊断. 2) 肌酸酐 (CRE) 肌酸酐是肌肉运动的主要能源--肌酸所分解的一种物质,


@K.K.达罗(Darrow):>,>,第XIX卷(1940年),第267~289页. 裂变的两种主要产物之一的氪,看来只有在充分了解了这种反应以后才能用化学方法鉴别出来. 另一产物钡几乎直到研究末尾才从化学上鉴别出来,

effluvia ( by-product in the form of waste ) - desired products:无用的副产品 - 主要产物

202. divulge - keep secret 泄密 - 保密 | 215. effluvia ( by-product in the form of waste ) - desired products 无用的副产品 - 主要产物 | 216. effulgent -光辉的

drug metabolism:药物代谢

药物代谢(Drug metabolism)是指药物在机体内的生物转化过程,药物代谢反应是指药物在生物体内发生的生物转化反应,其产物为代谢产物. 药物代谢在决定大多数药物的药理及毒理特性方面起重要作用. 体内药物代谢主要受一类称作药物或外源物质代谢酶的蛋白控制.


志贺氏菌属(Shigella)是一类革兰氏阴性杆菌,是人类细菌性痢疾最为常见的病原菌,通称痢疾杆菌. 醋酸杆菌属拉丁学名...乳酸菌指发酵糖类主要产物为乳酸的一类无芽孢、革兰氏染色阳性细菌的总称.

Urinary system:泌尿系统

泌尿系统(urinary system)由肾、输尿管、膀胱及尿道组成. 其主要功能为排泄. 排泄是指机体代谢过程中所产生的各种不为机体所利用或者有害的物质向体外输送的生理过程. 被排出的物质一部分是营养物质的代谢产物;另一部分是衰老的细胞破坏时所形成的产物.

stapled:主要产物,U形钉,肘钉主要的, 重要的

stapled主要产物,U形钉,肘钉主要的, 重要的; | GIA胃肠吻合术 | distal to 远端的,远侧的


39. staples主要产物,U形钉,肘钉 | 40. subcuticular表皮下的,角质层下的 | 41. steri-strips创口贴