英语人>词典>汉英 : 主张的 的英文翻译,例句
主张的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与主张的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An ad hominem argument, also known as argumentum ad hominem (Latin:"argument to the man","argument against the man") consists of replying to an argument or factual claim by attacking or appealing to a characteristic or belief of the source making the argument or claim, rather than by addressing the substance of the argument or producing evidence against the claim.

汉译:人身攻击的辩论,又作"argumentum ad hominem",通过攻击或者指责提出论点或者事实主张的一方的性格或者信仰,形成对某一论点或者事实主张的反驳,而不是依据论点本身的实际或者针对该主张的证据来提出反驳。

He made it clear that his own attitude, said: Reading is my idea, progenitor hole I advocate, Beit clearance Yue is what I advocated.


Since that time on,two regulations have existed. The first one suggests that the plaintiff,as claimer,undertakes the burden of proofs,and the second one the defendant.


The indemnity, release, holding harmless, defendance and protection obligations assumed in Article XX shall apply in respect of the full liability of the indemnitee for claims, notwithstanding the indemnitee may be entitled to contribution thereto from any other person and notwithstanding such liability may relate to negligence of a third party, provided that in such event the indemnifying party shall be fully subrogated to the rights of the indemnitee against such third party.


Under the circumstances of socialist market economy, and with the developing judicial prac


An anticonventional lifestyle is no sure sign of feminist politics,or indeed,of any politics at all .


Where I disagree with the orthodox GTD cultish philosophy that Allen espouses is in the idea that you should try to cram everything into a single trusted system.


Briefly,on the one hand,the development of the early Minimalism is in line with Greenberg\'s principle of "simplified form";on the other hand,after Stella\'s"What you see is what you see",Judd\'s "Special Object" and the creative idea of "theater" advocated by Tony Smith and Robert Morris, the Minimalism begins to depart from the mainstream of Modernism to the anti-Modernism ultimately.In 1967,Greenberg\'s "Recentness of Sculpture"and Michael Fried\'s "Art and Objecthood" mark the watershed of the Formalist criticism which came to decline then.


Our main concern is with the relation between these two claims: specifically, with the relation between the claim that there is an unclosable explanatory gap as a result of the fundamental nature of consciousness and the claim that there is no conceptual analysis of consciousness in functional or physical terms.


An ad hominem argument, also known as argumentum ad hominem (Latin:"argument to the man","argument against the man") consists of replying to an argument or factual claim by attacking or appealing to a characteristic or belief of the source making the argument or claim, rather than by addressing the substance of the argument or producing evidence against the claim.

汉译:人身攻击的辩论,又作&argumentum ad hominem&,通过攻击或者指责提出论点或者事实主张的一方的性格或者信仰,形成对某一论点或者事实主张的反驳,而不是依据论点本身的实际或者针对该主张的证据来提出反驳。

更多网络解释与主张的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

alleged claims:所主张的请求权

转让股份 alien shares | 所主张的请求权 alleged claims | 动产 ambulatory chattel


examinationism 主张考试制度者 | examinationist 主张考试制度者 | examinatorial 考试的


因此,专家组裁定本案中的错误不再是"可原谅的"(excusable),也就是说,就非违反申诉的权利主张而言,措施不再是不可预见的. 因而,专家组裁定美国并没能成功证明条约谈判中的错误构成了非违反之利益的丧失或损害的主张的基础.

be in favour of:赞同、 支持或主张某事物

9. Stand for 代表 | be in favour of 赞同、 支持或主张某事物: | a party that stands for racial tolerance 主张种族间互谅互让的政党.


在加拿大证据法中,"说服负担"被视为法定的(legal)、最终的(ultimate)和首要的(primary)证明责任. 一般说来,有关说服负担的规则是由刑事实体法来规定的. 负责承担说服负担的一方需要提出证据证明某一事实、主张的成立或者不成立.


mains frequency 电源频率/市电频率 | maintainable 可维持的/主张的 | maintained 维护


"时间的"(temporal) 距离指作品离我们的时间. 布洛只提作品产生的时间,而没有提作品中的时间 ("再现的时间"),应是他的疏漏之处. 由于这一点与我们下面进行的讨论没有直接关系,故不涉及. 他认为,这些种类的距离是他所主张的"心理距离"概念的"相当特殊的形式".


tenable 成立的 | tenable 可守的 | tenable 可主张的


tenable "a. 可守的,可主张的,有条理的," | tenuous 脆弱的、不可靠的 | terrestrial n. 地球上的人


在加拿大证据法中,"说服负担"被视为法定的(legal)、最终的(ultimate)和首要的(primary)证明责任. 一般说来,有关说服负担的规则是由刑事实体法来规定的. 负责承担说服负担的一方需要提出证据证明某一事实、主张的成立或者不成立.