英语人>词典>汉英 : 为...固有的 的英文翻译,例句
为...固有的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Some astringency is inherent in tea, but green tea is more astringent than black.


Is inherent in tea, but green tea is more astringent than black.


In this paper, firstly, a detail analysis、 study and discussion of the existing disposing-chlorine method were made, on this condition, a new method based on the way of oxidation and deoxidization was discussed, phosphoramidic acid chelate resin and DOOl cation exchange resin were chosen as framework materials, two kinds of new disposing-chlorine materials could be obtained by loading Fe~(2+) on the skeleton of the materials, the surplus residual chlorine was disposed by taking advantage of chlorine oxidizing Fe~(2+).


We find that attributive auxiliary word DE in "Chinese and three ethical languages" has no etymon relationships. Being a postnatal grammatical device, DE appears after the division of different phylums in Sino-Tibetan languages.


It is a legal fiction when compared with what the Catholic Church believes, namely, that justice or sanctification involves a real gift, a quality bestowed on the spirit and inherent, whereby it becomes the thing it is called.


Are you tired of the greed and self-centeredness inherent in many network marketing and home business companies?


On one hand, freedom and individuality in romanticism developed in excess early in the 20th century and clashed with the demands of times and Eliot's opinion. On the other hand, religion became aesthetics taste and God became unreligious in romanticists, but Eliot insisted on rebuilding God and Christianity to save the world and times.


It has been reported that NDP kinase has weak interaction with Hsp70, which can increase the ATP hydrolysis activity, so we carefully examined the possibility of NDP kinase contamination in the experiment. The equimolar mixture of NDP kinase and Hsp70 were digested and then 44-kD fragment was purified.

为获得准确的结论排除NDP激酶可能对实验的影响,按照纯化Hsp70 44-kD片段的方法对等物质量NDP激酶和Hsp70混合物进行酶切、纯化,检测得到的44-kD片段的ATP-ADP转换活性,确定Hsp70 ATP-ADP转换活性是Hsp70自身固有的,位于其N端44-kD片段处。

更多网络解释与为...固有的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Organic acids:有机酸

有机酸(organic acids)是具羧基的化合物(不包括氨基酸),广泛存在于植物体的各部位,尤以果实中为多见. 一般有酸味,具收敛、固涩功用. 如五味子收敛止汗,金樱子涩精止遗,覆盆子涩精缩尿,乌梅敛肺止咳、温肠止泻等. 有的特殊的有机酸如土槿皮酸能抗真菌,马兜铃酸能增强

for the sake of:为了......的利益

这种困惑是所有首尾一致的功利主义即一般优秀之技艺者的哲学所固有的,它可以从理论上诊断为天生没有能力理解实用和有意义的区别,我们从语言学上将其表达为"为了达到......的目的"(oder to)和"为了......的利益'(For the sake of)之间的差别.



pertaining: relating:与...有关系的, 附属....的, 为...固有的

periodically: Published at regular intervals of more than one day. 周期的; 定时的 | pertaining: relating与...有关系的, 附属....的, 为...固有的(to) | Peter Gavanaugh: 人名

social mobility:流动

布迪厄的"再生产"模型,则明确取代了60年代 初期以"社会流动"(social mobility)做为评估一个社会的社会动态的主要标准的做法. 杜克海姆(Durkheim)对于教育在社会固有的"分工之再生产"里的角色,曾经进行的先驱性 的分析;布迪厄更进一步,


营固着生活的形似水螅的种类构成十字水母目(stauromedusae). 种类的精卵结合後形成的胚体,在成体的消化道内孵化成浮浪幼虫,但有的在海水中发育. 浮浪幼虫离开亲体后固着下来,经过一段短短的所谓螅管幼虫阶段,长成为一个新的钵口幼虫.