英语人>词典>汉英 : 为...伴奏 的英文翻译,例句
为...伴奏 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
accompanied  ·  accompany  ·  accompanies

更多网络例句与为...伴奏相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She also accompanied my saxophone solos from time to time, probably not the first time an accompanist was better than the soloist.


Over the years he has frequently appeared with Pandit Pran Nath as vocal and tamboura accompanist.

在印度的几年中,他跟从东印度著名的声乐大师Pandit Pran Nath进行学习,并作为声乐伴奏和坦布拉琴伴奏长期伴随着Pandit Pran Nath。

This year we successfully auditioned the Haka for an assisting artist position in the Public Schools Music Festival, and will perform it for around 1500 people at the Festival Theatre.


For playing this art song well, the accompanist wants to acquaint with the tone color of various musical instrument, enrich a piano color; the accompanist heart wants sings on stage to sing together, to express musical work; attention to touches key and tone color when play a set; design the reasonable use of pedal finally, adding light to increase for the whole set song colorful.


However, when he transcribed string music for the keyboard (as in the first movement of the Sonata for Unaccompanied Violin in C Major or the entire Partita for Unaccompanied Violin in A Minor), he added a number of these ornaments for emphasis.


One night Isadora danced to the music of Ethelbert Nevin; Nevin was in the audience, entranced.


One night Isadora danced to the music of Ethelbert Nevin; Nevin was in the audience entranced.


So, there comes the ancestor of horse head fiddle which forms by telling a story whose main idea of is that a hero control and conquer a poisonous snake and accompanied by chaoer, and it was called band of chaoerqin .


But today we are talking about folk songs, the pop songs that are the folk songs, referring to the main wood for the guitar accompaniment of musical instruments, natural frank manner singing, we sing the kind of simple life experience songs.


Www.baiaogu.hb.cn 也为您提供了英语的内容,希望对您有帮助:Wu Rujun, an artist in Japan, the current president of Japan's Beijing Opera, Chinese Opera Institute Visiting Professor, Institute of Jinan art special artistic advisor, is currently active in the arena once the only male actors, from performing to writing and swordsmen, has self-compiled, self-guided, self-acted in sensational,"Empress Wu" and "Royal Dongdu" and other opera drama, but he was still living in Japan more than ten years, successfully for hundreds of years has been in a position Jinghu accompaniment of musical instruments and the most fashion mastery of musical elements, original style, distinctive tones of a light music for the opera to the world towards young people, had rendered meritorious service.


更多网络解释与为...伴奏相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a cappella:無伴奏合唱曲

一、 无伴奏合唱曲(a cappella):不用任何乐器伴奏的合唱曲,即为无伴奏曲. a Capplela此字是由Cappella(圣咏家)演变而来,是古代圣咏歌队员们聚集在教堂唱歌的意思. 德文Kapell除了圣歌队之意外,还有[乐团]的意思. 后来,无伴奏合唱曲,

became accustomed to:习惯

accompany为...伴奏 | became accustomed to习惯 | accidental偶然的


本诗为义大利体十四行诗,押阴韵(feminine rime),其五音步(pentameter)诗行的结尾的音步为抑扬抑格(amphibrach)(v/v). 诗题"A Virginal"有双重意义,一方面可能指一种类似钢琴而无脚的乐器,表示本诗可用它伴奏而歌唱,

Georges Bizet:比才

所以女士有相当大的跳跃、旋转动作,男女动作都相当舒展、激烈,和音乐配合非常一致. 伴奏音乐为2/4拍,节奏明显,一般跳舞都愿意使用[[法国]]作曲家[[比才]](Georges Bizet)为[[歌剧]][[卡门]](Carmen)作的"斗牛士之歌"伴奏.

George Bizet:比才

女士象征斗牛士用以栀怒公牛的红色斗篷,所以女士有相当堧的跳跃、旋转动作,男女动作都相当蠒展、激烈,和音乐配合非常一致. 伴堏音乐为2/4拍,节奏明显,一般跳舞常用 法国 作曲家 比才 (George Bizet)为 歌剧" 卡门 "(Carmen)作的"斗牛士之歌"伴奏




在指挥拉瑞莎.贾巴兹(Larysa Garbuz) 的领导下,乌克兰儿童合唱团勇於尝试各种型式的歌曲,对於一些需要乐器伴奏的曲子,团员则和敖得萨(Odessa)音乐学院的学生合作,这个小型伴奏乐团包括一部钢琴、两支小提琴、一个多姆拉(为乌克兰传统拨弦乐器)、一支手风琴,


约翰.塞巴斯蒂安.巴赫(Johann Sebastian Bach)为独奏小提琴而作的奏鸣曲与古组曲一共6首,BWV1001-1006,是巴赫于1717年至1721年任哈尔特-科滕宫廷的乐队长期间的作品. 巴赫的这6首无伴奏独奏小提琴曲中,第一、三、五为奏鸣曲(Sonata),二、四、六为古组曲(Partita),曲目如下:

A Capella:意大利文,意为无伴奏之合声合唱,同清唱

pageant n.盛会, 庆典, 露天表演 | a capella 意大利文,意为无伴奏之合声合唱,同清唱 | crossover n. 混合音乐,天桥, 交叉

De Profundis:从深处

<<从深处>>(De profundis)本为拉丁文本<<圣经>>第129首诗篇歌,为7首忏悔诗篇歌之一. 原配有单声素歌旋律,供罗马天主教堂举行悼念仪式之用,历代作曲家为该词重新配乐者不乏其人. 约斯坎一生就曾写过两种版本:一种采用四部无伴奏合唱形式,