英语人>词典>汉英 : 中饱私囊 的英文翻译,例句
中饱私囊 的英文翻译、例句


embezzle public funds
更多网络例句与中饱私囊相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Nobody accuses Mr Breton of using high office to feather his own nest.


In practice, rural governments regard the land as theirs and use it to fill their coffers.


From a very difficult snooker, he smashed the cue ball into the long cushion and pocketed the six ball.


Li He-wen pocketed the 8-ball but in an unbelievable error the cue ball ended up in the right pocket.


Without missing a beat, Drago pocketed the 8 but then rushed the 9 and missed it.

没有失踪的巡逻,德拉戈中饱私囊, 8 ,但然后送往9错过了它。

The government officer found feathering his own nest through his position was arrested by the police.


The government office found feathering his own nest through his position was arrested by the police.


It's galling to think that taxpayers' stimulus checks will be lining the pockets of OPEC .


Anyone wanting companies run by a self-serving, self-recruiting cabal could hardly improve on this incestuous system.


The book would appear to have been stolen by the customer, but this is a far more attractive proposition than trying to fence a stolen copy of A la recherche du temps perdu, or even The Undercover Economist, and the risk is probably lower.


更多网络解释与中饱私囊相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

empty nest:形容子女长大成人离家后父母的落寞感受

100. feather your own nest 营私自肥,中饱私囊 | 101. empty nest 形容子女长大成人离家后父母的落寞感受 | 102. empty-nester 儿女已经离家独立的父母

embarrassed the royal family:令皇室尴尬

开始如惯常般谢票 embarked on the customary post-election thank you tour | 令皇室尴尬 embarrassed the royal family | 把大部分补偿金中饱私囊 embezzled much of his compensation money

Fish Bowl:毫无隐秘的状态

39.Feather one's own nest 中饱私囊,营私自肥 | 40.Fish bowl 毫无隐秘的状态 | 41.Fish or cut bait 做出抉择

feather one's nest:(往自己的巢里弄羽毛--中饱私囊)

teach a fish to swim(教鱼游泳--班门弄斧) | feather one's nest(往自己的巢里弄羽毛--中饱私囊) | beard the lion in his den(在狮子的洞口拔它的胡须--虎口拔牙)

Feather one's nest 1:中饱私囊2.装修舒适的住宅

Fat chance 1.微小的机会2.不可能 | Feather one's nest 1.中饱私囊2.装修舒适的住宅 | Flash in the pan 昙花一现

Feather one's own nest:中饱私囊,营私自肥

38.Drink like a fish 牛饮 | 39.Feather one's own nest 中饱私囊,营私自肥 | 40.Fish bowl 毫无隐秘的状态

Feather one's own nest:中饱私囊

穷困潦倒 Down and out. | 中饱私囊 Feather one's own nest. | 赴汤蹈火 Go through fire and water.

embezzled much of his compensation money:把大部分补偿金中饱私囊

令皇室尴尬 embarrassed the royal family | 把大部分补偿金中饱私囊 embezzled much of his compensation money | 不合法地挪用款项 embezzling

Feather in your cap:值得炫耀的事

*Feast today, famine tomorrow 今天纵欲,明天就得讨饭了 | Feather in your cap 值得炫耀的事 | *Feather your own nest 中饱私囊