英语人>词典>汉英 : 中长裙 的英文翻译,例句
中长裙 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
midi  ·  midis

更多网络例句与中长裙相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There was something rather old-fashioned about our entire stay: the excessively polite guide who collected us in the morning; the beautiful girls in traditional costumes who served us numerous dishes at mealtimes; the cool linen clothes and brightly coloured umbrellas we needed to combat the furnace-like heat; the fountains which played in the courtyards in the Bamboo Garden in the evening. I felt like a character in a Forster novel, wearing a long skirt and brandishing a Baedeker.


For example, you will of- ten read in fashion magazines "there is a trend toward longer skirts", it eans that several designers, in- cluding some leading ones, are showing longer skirts, leading retail- ers are buying them, and fash- ion-forward customers are wearing them.


Before October Revolution, the greatest change in Russian attires occurred in the upper class. In the early 18th century, aristocracies began to wear western-style clothes. Women were habited in blouses that were chest exposing and crinolined skirts provided with steel frames to support the drapery.


"That," answered Helen, is huge Ajax, bulwark of the Achaeans, and on the other side of him, among the Cretans, stands Idomeneus looking like a god, and with the captains of the Cretans round him.


More interesting is that it not only shapes, such as dancing, but also with people dancing colors Kandy dance is very similar to wearing at the time, in the upper part of white and red, the shape of dress for the pure white petals.


As a result , we regretfully have to cancel our order with you for the 200 'Suzanne' skirts.


The collection, she said, drew inspiration from 'Dick Tracy' comic strips, and featured bright colors like a sapphire-blue crepe column corset dress, and an emerald stretch felt drape front frock. The final two looks, made of gazar, were adorned with abstracted and pixilated prints of the Dick Tracy comic. Ms. Beckham admitted that creating one of them-a cloud-shaped confection that was hand tacked to maintain its bouncy feel-'really was a nightmare,' and resulted in many sleepless nights


But the first decade of the 21st century has generally been defined by uncertainty and fluctuation, from the return of the mini, to the more austere midi showing on catwalks now.


But the first decade of the 21st century has generally been defined by uncertainty and fluctuation, from the return of the mini, to the more austere midi showing on catwalks now.


But the first decade of the 21st century has generally been defined by uncertainty and fluctuation, from the return of the mini, to the more austere midi showing on catwalks now.


更多网络解释与中长裙相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


香水师看见在电影童男日记 (Benjamin) 中,饰演女神的嘉芙莲丹露 (Catherine Deneuve),於一个铺满玫瑰的金色鸟笼内,穿著白色丝绸长裙,散落的秀发仿如金色光环.

Costume Design:服装设计

有如导演一般,这个部门往往只属于一个人--无需电脑复杂技术的参与;无需听人指手画脚地引导,电影中的服装设计师细读也许直到>中凯拉.奈特莉的那条绿色长裙才让你注意到电影中服装设计(Costume Design)这个部门,有如导演一般,


早期手绘牌多为简单的星体描绘,直接取材于月亮本身和对隐藏的生命法则的探寻:Visconti-Sforza为手执新月的红装女子(我不清楚Cary-Yale/Scapini tarocchi card中她长裙上的花饰和维特月亮下的露水/Yod有无联系?),Gringonneur为两位天文学者一执圆规(divider)对月一执圆规绘图,d'Este也为浑天仪前落座面对新月绘图的天文学

Indecent Proposal:桃色交易

在2007年12月,一件与电影>(Indecent Proposal)中出现过的裙子一模一样的蒂埃里?穆勒(Thierry Mugler)长裙卖了2800美元,而卖家是在近15年前用300美元购买的. 类似地,一件最初以500美元买下的候司顿(Halston)雪纺绸晚礼服卖了3200美元,


当时,我钟爱的读 物是少年杂志>(Jackie), 说的全是 偶像巨星唐尼.奥斯蒙德(Donny Osmond)和中 长裙这些内容. 我最喜欢的栏目就是有问必答 栏目,栏目主持凯茜(Cathy)和克莱尔 (Claire)面对苦恼少年,直言不讳地提出各 种建议.

MIDI setup --- MIDI:设置

DI音序器 | MIDI setup MIDI设置 | midi 中长裙


midi 中长裙 | midinette 女店员 | midiron 铁头球杆

