英语人>词典>汉英 : 中国佬 的英文翻译,例句
中国佬 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与中国佬相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I understand. You run over a Chinaman.


Chink goods are popular in the world for their inferior quality.


Later these dirty women produced a bunch of stupid little chinky chinky.


O, the chinless Chinaman!


Two works of his,The Heathen Chinese,a poem,and Wan Lee,the Pagan,a story,take Chinese as the main characters,and they both disclose Harte's ambivalent attitude toward the Chinese: While he condemns the brutality and injustice inflicted upon the Chinese,he provides his readers with a biased and ex parte stereotype of the Chinese ...


I think you idiot chinks should love mongol, because your grand grand grand....


I also saw Chinks doing Opera in China.

我也在电视中看到关于中国佬(Chinks 中国佬对中国人的蔑称)欣赏歌剧的情况。

Two works of his,The Heathen Chinese,a poem,and Wan Lee,the Pagan,a story,take Chinese as the main characters,and they both disclose Harte's ambivalent attitude toward the Chinese: While he condemns the brutality and injustice inflicted upon the Chinese,he provides his readers with a biased and ex parte stereotype of the Chinese ...


These two images of China belong to the type of utopia. Introduction analyzes that tendency of research on the occidental image of China is from literaturestudy to culture study. The resources of this dissertation are the works of three British and AmericanWriters, Dickinson"s Letters from John Chinaman and Ku Hong Ming"s The Spirit of the Chinese People.The method of research is combination of image theory and postcolonial theory.


PartⅡ. Dickinsons Letters from John Chinaman(also titled Letters from a Chinese official: beingan eastern view of western civilization) depicted the image of China superior to the occidentalworld in religion, social system, civilian life, art and aesthetics by contrasting Chinese andoccidental civilization. The author made use of the image of China as background to criticize Britishsociety, point out the obvious problems and latent crisis, refute the sayings in the Occident whichregarded China as yellow peril, an uncivilized nation.


更多网络解释与中国佬相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Chinatown唐人街 | Chinaman(贬)中国佬 | Chinese cabbage白菜;青菜




甚至他还提出,中国人习惯的"老外"这一称呼也是与英文中的"黑鬼"(nigger)"中国佬"(chink) 一样的带有种族歧视性的字眼. 这个说法又引起很大的争论. 本文是对这个争论的回应. 一个称呼最初可能是中性的,但在一种敌视或岐视的氛围里,

chinless:没下颚的; 优柔寡断的 (形)

Chink 中国佬 (名) | chinless 没下颚的; 优柔寡断的 (形) | chino 斜纹棉布; 斜纹棉布裤 (名)


十二月二十日--潘(Penn)上船来,说是苦力下船问题,西班牙政府今天没有行动. 上午十一点我们自己动手,到九点,所有的中国佬都未受伤害的运上驳船了,下午一点都已安全地送上三桅船路易斯号(Louise). 苦力一百三十八名点收无误.

piss off:滚开

shut up ! 住口 | piss off 滚开 | chink 中国佬

Why I am a Scumbag:为什么我是个人渣

Last time with Lucy -最后一次和Lucy | Why I am a Scumbag - 为什么我是个人渣 | Crazy Chinese guys - 疯狂的中国佬

stop the chinks took over the game:停!现在轮到中国佬坐庄

bloodwalk in New York man things don't change 在纽约城血雨腥风,老兄,... | stop the chinks took over the game 停!现在轮到中国佬坐庄 | this ain't Bruce Lee ya'll watch too much TV 这不是在说李小龙,你们洋...

The Chinks tell me that the hit man:那些中国佬说那个杀手

My man was killed right here on your turf.|我的手下在你的地盘死了 | The Chinks tell me that the hit man...|那些中国佬说那个杀手... | was kind of the Italian type.|好像是意大利人

He hangs out with that Chink who cashes checks:他认识那个 收现金的中国佬

Yo, Lupo.|嘿,奴泼 | He hangs out with that Chink who cashes checks.|他认识那个 收现金的中国佬 | You in tight with the old man?|你和那老家伙很熟?