英语人>词典>汉英 : 中唇舌 的英文翻译,例句
中唇舌 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
glossa  ·  glossae  ·  glossas  ·  glassa  ·  tonguea

更多网络例句与中唇舌相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A tonguelike structure in the labium of an insect .


From the ascepts of the nature, cognitive model, restriction principle and interactive relationship between metonymy and metaphor , analyzes and explains the mouth/ teeth/ lip/ tongue-speech, discusses the national difference of mouth/ teech/ lip/ tongue-speech by language comparison.


The three groups were loaded and analyzed under the same loading according to the mean value of the bite force of incisors. RESULTS:(1)The maximum stress of dentin in group A was twice higher than that in group B. The maximum primary stress, minimum primary stress and maximum shear stress of group A were respectively 236.35, 228.83 and 218.05 percent of those in group B. The difference of maximum stress values of group B and group C was neglectable.(2) The maximum stress distribution of dentin in group A and group B was quite different (the stress was concentrated in labial and lingual side of the cervical dentin in group A, otherwise in group B it was concentrated in the area around the alveolar and the labial and lingual side of the dentin which was opposite to the tip of the cast metal post and core). The maximum stress distribution of dentin in group A and group B was almost the same.


During en mass retraction of upper anterior teeth with straight wire technique, the length of anterior hook mainly influenced anteroposterior moving pattern of anterior teeth. As anterior hook increased from 0 to 6mm, labiolingual displacements of lateral incisor varied form lingual tipping to lingual translation and lingual controlling root movement, while 3-D displacements of other teeth only increased in account.


When food chip was masticated between dentitions, place food chip in posterior occlusion bilaterally.


Methods The intercuspidrelationship and the offset of the first molar, the crown angulation, inclination, rotations, tight contacts, the curve ofSpee and the crown prominence in the right side of 30 Chinese posttreatment cast models were measured and analysed.


更多网络解释与中唇舌相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




gloss 浅饰 光泽 光泽度 棒状氧化铁抛光膏 | glossa 舌 中唇舌 | glossalcanal 舌槽

glossal canal:铁引条

glossa 中唇舌 | glossal canal 铁引条 | glossal groove 舌槽


在少数种类中,有下颚外颚叶(lacinia),有时下颚须无附突(a palpla appendage),极个别情况无侧唇舌(ligula). 有时咽缝短且相互分离. 前胸多有硬化背板骨片,中后胸背板多有一对骨片. 足修长,有游泳毛(swimming hairs),


toad 蟾蜍 | tomentum 腹部的细毛;绒毛 | tongue 中唇舌

glass wool:玻璃绵

glass sponges 六放海绵类 | glass wool 玻璃绵 | glassa 中唇舌

epicranial stem:头盖缝干

无头盖缝干(epicranial stem),两侧臂接近. 头侧各有6个单眼. 触角有较长的感觉圈. 附须附突(palpal appendae)退化. 无侧唇舌. 足极短宽. 中、后胸和腹部第1-8节背板每侧各有2至4个瘤突,第9腹节背板发育正常,有2个中瘤突和1对短锥状尾须.


(1)在昆虫系存在于小颚的后方. 是头部最后方的附属肢,原来曾是左右1对的,以后发展在中央线上合在一起而成为1个. 是由与头部直接关节的后颏(postmentum). 有的分为亚颏(prementum)构成,后者更分有侧唇舌(paraglossa). 中唇舌(glossa)和下唇须.


preglossa /前中唇舌/ | pregnable /易攻击的/有弱点的/ | pregnancy /怀孕/妊娠/丰富/身/


中肠 midgut | 中唇舌 glossae | 中垫 arolium