英语人>词典>汉英 : 中听 的英文翻译,例句
中听 的英文翻译、例句


pleasant to the ear · agreeable to the hearer
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The noise in the shell increases along with the level of ambient noise in the surrounding area.


Even if they did say atrocious things, I think they really love us


Scott caught the warning in Lunk's baritone voice and decided not to mention the promotion.


I immediately to a telephone call Clementi, Clementi said no problem, let me say for the good and after three days can be brought to a truck.


Unfamiliar footsteps may sound creepily in a haunted house.


He smiled deprecatingly, for the words were sweet.


He smiled deprecatingly, for the words were sweet


Your mountains forge vagraut person with iron shoulder to undertake burden ; Your water mkae the vagrant person' eye to be in full of hot tear to the homeland's missng; your genial local dialect is more euphonious thaqn anyother sounds......


We don't hear any euphoria in your voice.


Sir William Lucas and his daughter Maria, a good humoured girl, but as empty-headed as himself, had nothing to say that could be worth hearing, and were listened to with about as much delight as the rattle of the chaise.


更多网络解释与中听相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Soundless shall be footfall light:踩在地上无声无息

"I weave the shoes of Sorrow: "我在织那忧伤的鞋子: | Soundless shall be footfall light 踩在地上无声无息 | In all men's ears of Sorrow, 在所有忧伤的耳中听来,


在英文里,"历史的"(historical)"歇斯底里的"(hysterical)这两个单词的读音非常相似,只有一个元音的读音略有不同. 那个学生发生口误是可以理解的. 但细心的教师从学生的口误中听出了学生对自己的批评. 可见弗洛伊德关于"日常过失"的心理学是有实际意义的.

subcavitation hydrofoil:亚空泡水翼

subaqueous microphone 水中听音器 | subcavitation hydrofoil 亚空泡水翼 | subcritical damping 亚临界阻尼


2.水中听音器(Hydrophone)发送巡逻报告(Send Patrol Report):无线电报务员向基地发送巡逻报告. 2.命令(Orders)这个命令将要求附近的海军基地派出一艘水面上的护卫船只. 当然,只有在潜艇靠近友军的基地时才能使用.


在英文里,"历史的"(historical)"歇斯底里的"(hysterical)这两个单词的读音非常相似,只有一个元音的读音略有不同. 那个学生发生口误是可以理解的. 但细心的教师从学生的口误中听出了学生对自己的批评. 可见弗洛伊德关于"日常过失"的心理学是有实际意义的.

increasingly agitated:越来越焦虑不安

with abandon 1)放任地,放纵地 2)纵情地 | increasingly agitated 越来越焦虑不安 | He sounded very agitated on the phone. 他在电话中听起来十分焦虑.

He meant well though his words were rough:尽管话不中听,但他的本意是好的

2) acting in a bad way 粗野的 | He meant well though his words were rough. 尽管话不中听,但他的本意是好的. | 3) not smooth 粗糙的

Norwegian Wood:挪威森林

伴随着听过无数次的由约翰.列侬和保罗.麦卡特尼作曲并演唱的>(Norwegian Wood)乐曲,我踏上了斯德哥尔摩这片土地. 这首由西塔琴、手鼓和手风琴演奏的歌曲在眼前的一派北欧风光中听起来,真是别有一番味道. 我闭上眼睛深深的吸了一口气,

pile up:堆积

为使爱好者不致因为在信号堆积(pile up)中听错信号而失去这次得分的机会,他们准备了便携海事卫星终端,以便将BS7H的电台日记当天发到Internet互联网上供大家确认,如果发现问题,再重新联络.

He distinguishes the violins in the orchestra:他能在管弦乐队中听出小提琴演奏声

[辨析] distinguish, differentiate, discern, discriminate | He distinguishes the violins in the orchestra他能在管弦乐队中听出小提琴演奏声. | differentiate 区别、差别 指分辨出同类东西中彼此间的差别.