英语人>词典>汉英 : 个人崇拜 的英文翻译,例句
个人崇拜 的英文翻译、例句


cult of personality · personality cult
更多网络例句与个人崇拜相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The anti-politics mood unleashed by last year's parliamentary-expenses scandal also makes it hard for any politician, however appealing, to electrify the public.


Let every man be respected as an individual and no man idolized.


However, Colonia Dignidad was protected by General Pinochet and the head of his intelligence services Manuel Contreras.


In 50"s of last century the development of mao Zedong"s personality cult leaded to a grave result of "the Great Leap Forward"and "The people communization" movements and eventually "the culture revolution" came into being.


In honour of some other leaders also sometimes smacked of the cult of personality.


The first aspect discussed is the historical roots including the economic foundation--the vast sea of small-scale peasant economy, the political foundation-the long feudal dictatorship, cultural and ideological foundation-the ideology of utter devotion to the sovereign in the traditional culture, the incomplete eradication of feudal ideologies because of their deep-rootedness, the incompletion of anti-feudal movement, and peoples bluntness of human rights and democracy.


I read Wang Ming's "50 Year of CCP" recently, it's maybe a forbidden book about abusing Chairman Mao and distorting Party history, but Wang has a beautiful pen and learn theory very well, after I finished the book I have two achievements, first is knowing that Wang has living to the ending of Culture Revolution and he had also take big position after PRC was established. Second is I understand the major convergence between Mao and Wang is whether Maxism can be Chinalized, Wang conclude Maoism is total Personal Adorement, to think peacefully it's reasonable, and after Mao there are "2 If, 3 Representer, Cat and 2 Must" Theories, but Wang's flatory to USSR was also unacceptful, all in all Stalin also advocate Personal Adorement movement.


Kim Jong-il and his father, North Korea's founder Kim Il-sung, have ruled the state through a personality cult that curtails access to information.

金正日(Kim Jong-il)和父亲、朝鲜创建者金日成(Kim Il-sung)通过个人崇拜来统治这个国家,这种个人崇拜限制了人们获取信息的渠道。

As stalin"s long-term personality cult subsisted in Soviet union, Mao Zedong"s personality cult had a long -time existence in our nation.


Consequently this thesis find out the causes of personality cult by way of looking back the development of personality cult in our nation and the significant damage personality cult brought on. The causes of phenomena of personality cult mainly involve the serious inaccuracy in dealing with the leader-party relations in communist movement, the backward feudalistic remains, faultiness in democratic system, careerists" advocating and leaders" inclination to compliments, and so on.


更多网络解释与个人崇拜相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Jesus Christ:耶酥基督

比如基督教(Christianity)之名来自创始人耶酥基督(Jesus Christ),佛教(Buddhism)之名来自创始人佛陀(Buddha)释迦牟尼,意为释迦族的先知,都明显带有个人崇拜的性质.


culpably 该罚地 | culprit 犯人 | cult of personality 个人崇拜

cult of personality:个人崇拜

culprit 犯人 | cult of personality 个人崇拜 | cult 礼拜

cult of the personality:个人崇拜

11.pluck up your courage鼓足勇气 | 12.cult of the personality个人崇拜 | 13.society and culture社会与文化

personality cult:个人崇拜

personality continuity 人格持续性 | personality cult 个人崇拜 | personality development 人格发展


他认为传统歌剧里的咏叹调 (Aria) 、二重唱 (Duet) 、合唱 (Ensemble)、大合唱 (Chorus) 和舞蹈 (Ballet)等安排并不可取. 他更曾公开指责歌手在唱罢每首乐曲后都欣然接受观众掌声的惯例,认为这样的个人崇拜令歌剧的情绪和戏剧发展失去连贯性.

Individualistic Worship:个人崇拜

弥勒信仰:Maitreya worship | 个人崇拜:Individualistic Worship | 社稷:God of Land and God of Grain-the state

sudo apt-get install meld:一个文件、目录比较器

sudo apt-get install nmapfe #nmap前端 | sudo apt-get install meld #一个文件、目录比较器 | sudo apt-get install imagemagick# e主席(ee)大力推荐的批量修改图片的软件,现在论坛个别人在搞个人崇拜

sudo apt-get install meld:一个文档、目录比较器

sudo apt-get install nmapfe #nmap前端 | sudo apt-get install meld #一个文档、目录比较器 | sudo apt-get install imagemagick# e主席(ee)大力推荐的批量修改图片的软件,现在论坛个别人在搞个人崇拜

pluck up your courage:鼓足勇气

10.love a lover爱自己的情人 | 11.pluck up your courage鼓足勇气 | 12.cult of the personality个人崇拜