英语人>词典>汉英 : 两栖类的 的英文翻译,例句
两栖类的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与两栖类的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Here is a present for surviving the fish age. it is the body of an amphibian.


Chapter 2: The phylogeographic researches on Anuran amphibians in the world including China are reviewed.


In recent years, many toxicology studies have been carried out with anuran tadpoles in China, since they are believed to be perfect indicator species for aquatic pollution.


The presence of a mosaic of salientian and caudatan characters in this small fossil makes it a key taxon close to the batrachian divergence.


Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the batrachian divergence occurred in the Middle Permian, rather than the late Carboniferous as recently estimated using molecular clocks18, 22, but the divergence with caecilians corresponds to the deep split between temnospondyls and lepospondyls, which is congruent with the molecular estimates.


Silurian'.'' and before the Mississippian or Carboniferous Period, and characterized by the appearance of forests and amphibians.


Metaphase chromosomes showing multiple banding pattern were easily reproducible using BrdUrd-Hoechst-Giemsa technique in Amphibia.


Along with the economy development, human activities not only straightly threatened the ecological environment but decreased the population number of Anura.


It indicated that protection and improvement of the diverse habitats was an important measure to protect local amphibians.


The answer was that the former could be far sensitive than the latter, but the former needed complex instruments. The latter could help us to directly judge the order of severity by colors.On the other hand, we took advantage of polymerase chain reactionto amplify the MCP genome of the virus and compare it with other nine published MCP genomes of viruses including CzIV, TIV, CIV, LCDV-1, LCDV-K1, BIV, FV3, GIV, RSIV. The sequencing data showed that the MCP of Cobia iridoviruswas more homologous to the MCP of LCDV-1(89﹪similarity)than that from FV3(47﹪similarity).

另一方面,为了了解引起海鲡病变之病毒究竟属於何种病毒,我们透过聚合酶链锁反应增幅其主要鞘蛋白基因并加以定序,与其他九种已发表的虹彩病毒之 MCP 核酸及胺基酸序列,包括:CzIV、TIV、CIV、LCDV-1、LCDV-K1、BIV、FV3、GIV、RSIV 之 MCP 进行分析比对,显示 Cobia iridovirus亲缘性和感染大多数硬骨鱼类的 Lymphocystivirus 属的 LCDV-1 最为接近(89﹪相似度),和感染两栖类的 Ranavirus 属的 FV3 亲缘性较低(47﹪相似度)。

更多网络解释与两栖类的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


什么能够在理论上阻止古代有蹄类(ungulate )进化成鲸,又有什么能阻止古代鱼类进化成两栖类(amphibian)呢?以后还要提到,化石记录提供了更多的大结构变化的证据,既有骨骼形态的,也有软组织形态的. 然而,


amphibian 两栖类的 | amphibiology 两栖动物学 | amphibiotic 长于水中


无尾两栖类的batrachian | 无尾无翼的走禽apteryx | 无尾熊koala


无尾两栖动物batrachian | 无尾两栖类的batrachian | 无尾无翼的走禽apteryx

batrachian:蛙类的, 无尾两栖类的 无尾两栖动物

Batrachia | 蛙类 | batrachian | 蛙类的, 无尾两栖类的 无尾两栖动物 | batrachiolin | 蛙卵磷蛋白


Amphiboids - 有两栖类动物(amphibian)的特徵的人种, 水陆两栖Reptileoids - 有爬虫类动物(reptilian)特徵的人种, 皮肤盖满鳞片Insectoids - 有昆虫(insects)特徵的人种, 皮肤有蟹壳质Sauroids - 有蜥脚类动物(sauropod)特徵的人种,


65. reptile 爬行动物;卑鄙的人 | 66. batrachia 无尾两栖类,蛙类 | 67. lizard 蜥蜴


两栖类的椎体形态有两种类型,一种叫壳椎(husk vertebra),古生代许多小的两栖类和现代两栖类具有这种椎体形态,这种椎体是单一的一块,常中空;另一种叫弓椎(arch vertebra),这种椎体由间椎体(intercentrum)和侧椎体(Pleurocentrum)两种骨骼要素所组成,


两栖类的椎体形态有两种类型,一种叫壳椎(husk vertebra),古生代许多小的两栖类和现代两栖类具有这种椎体形态,这种椎体是单一的一块,常中空;另一种叫弓椎(arch vertebra),这种椎体由间椎体(intercentrum)和侧椎体(Pleurocentrum)两种骨骼要素所组成,

lymph heart:淋巴心

具有二对能搏动的淋巴心(lymph heart)以推动淋巴液回心. 两栖类不具淋巴结. 脑的5部分分化不高,仍处于同一平面上,但两栖类的大脑半球(cerebral hemisphere)分化较鱼类明显,但神经物质开始向大脑顶部转移,顶壁出现一些零散的神经细胞,