英语人>词典>汉英 : 丛林 的英文翻译,例句
丛林 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
boscage  ·  bosk  ·  boskage  ·  bosket  ·  bosquet  ·  brake  ·  brakes  ·  chaparral  ·  jungle  ·  motte  ·  thicket  ·  thickset  ·  underbrush  ·  underwood  ·  underbush  ·  braked  ·  jungles  ·  mott  ·  midwood

Buddhist monastery
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Since then he has pursued another Amazon myth — the giant arapaima — the subject of his 2002 British television series, JUNGLE HOOKS. His 2006 series JUNGLE HOOKS: INDIA also features an underwater creature not seen before on television.


The jungles of Borneo are one of the last wild places left on the planet.

Vo 1 解说婆罗洲的丛林,是全球仅存的为数不多的野生丛林之一。

I once had a friend called Grunwalski. We were sent to Siberia together. When you go to a Siberian work camp, you travel in a cattle car. You roll across icy steppes for days, without seeing a soul. You huddle to keep warm. But it's hard to relieve yourself, to take a shit, you can't do it on the train, and the only time the train stops is to take on water for the locomotive. But Grunwalski was shy, even when we bathed together, he got upset. I used to kid him about it. So, the train stops and everyone jumps out to shit on the tracks. I teased Grunwalski so much, that he went off on his own. The train starts moving, so everyone jumps on, but it waits for nobody. Grunwalski had a problem: he'd gone behind a bush, and was still shitting. So I see him come out from behind the bush, holding up his pants with his hands. He tries to catch up. I hold out my hand, but each time he reaches for it he lets go of his pants and they drop to his ankles. He pulls them up, starts running again, but they fall back down, when he reaches for me.


Coppola transforms the African jungles of Conrad's Heart of Darkness into the Vietnamese jungles of Apocalypse Now.


Players to manipulate characters on the one hand to deal with the risk of forest in a series of funny situation on the one hand and together they are going through all the rough in the bush, in a surprise counteroffensive Adventure in the jungle to win the overall victory.


In his bush stories, Lawson devotes himself to delineating the Australian bush life and the national spirit.


Southeast Asia Cambodia's angkor wat and Americas' and so on Masurium elegant pyramid Shi Zhi construct the civilization, all is produces under the near same natural environment, namely both all are in the high temperature moist multi-rain the jungle multi-mountain region, and lacks the large-scale rivers and the plump soil, because does not have the plump soil to add on the moist multi-rain again, does not favor the brick the production as well as the lumber large-scale use, therefore finally was born has hidden the tropical jungle, Southeast Asia's angkor wat and Masurium's elegant temple pyramid two tropics classical Chinese literature alum system construction magnificent masterpiece.


Learn how some jungle plants can heal. Or admire ancient Mayan ruins that rest in the shadows of the trees. For added excitement, take a trip through the jungle after dark to see what comes out at night!


Because I'm the sixer, and there is a leader to lead us throught and to correct my way But there is a two way road my six told me go that way but I think it is another way after all I listen to them and we got it right , now I know we need team work to be a good leader.


Mike did not think could be, he received a real jungle, skull, more incredible is that the bush skull and crossbones will be light in the night, fly up and ...... Originally, this jungle is the skull and crossbones Na Trustee aunt sent!


更多网络解释与丛林相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


缺硼症 boron deficiency | 丛林;小树丛林 boscage | 日本肉苁蓉(列当科) Boschniakia glabra C.A. Mey.


bosk 丛林 | boskage 丛林 | bosket 丛林


bosk | 丛林,树丛,灌木丛 | boskage | 丛林,树丛,灌木丛 | bosket | 丛林,小树林


bushpig | 南非野猪 | bushranger | 丛林居民,(澳大利亚的)以丛林为藏身之地的逃犯 | bushshirt | 军装式衬衣


bushwash | 废话 | bushwhack | 在丛林中开路,在丛林中伏击 | bushwhacker | 丛林开伐者, 在丛林中开路者, 林中居民

bushwhacker:丛林开伐者, 在丛林中开路者, 林中居民

bushwhack | 在丛林中开路,在丛林中伏击 | bushwhacker | 丛林开伐者, 在丛林中开路者, 林中居民 | bushwhacking | 砍伐丛林而前进, 游击战


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jungle 丛林 | jungli 丛林居民 | jungly 丛林


bushes 灌木丛林 | bushes 灌木丛林丛林 | bushing 套管


bushels 蒲式耳计量谷物等的容量单位 | bushes 灌木丛林 | bushes 灌木丛林丛林