英语人>词典>汉英 : 业务营运 的英文翻译,例句
业务营运 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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John Ringwalt's homestate operation now consists of five companies, with Kansas Fire and Casualty Company becoming operational late in 1977 under the direction of Floyd Taylor. The homestate companies had net premium volume of $23 million, up from $5.5 million just three years ago. All four companies that operated throughout the year achieved combined ratios below 100, with Cornhusker Casualty Company, at 93.8, the leader. In addition to actively supervising the other four homestate operations, John Ringwalt manages the operations of Cornhusker which has recorded combined ratios below 100 in six of its seven full years of existence and, from a standing start in 1970, has grown to be one of the leading insurance companies operating in Nebraska utilizing the conventional independent agency system. Lakeland Fire and Casualty Company, managed by Jim Stodolka, was the winner of the Chairman's Cup in 1977 for achieving the lowest loss ratio among the homestate companies. All in all, the homestate operation continues to make excellent progress.

John Ringwalt 负责的 Homestate 业务旗下主要包含五家公司,其中堪萨斯火险在 Floyd Taylor 筹备下于1977年底正式营运, Homestate 1977年的保费净收入达到2,300万美元,三年前不过只有550万美元,其余四家的年度综合比率都低于100,其中 Cornhusker 甚至只有93.8, John 在努力管理其它四家公司的同时,更让 Cornhusker 过去七年有六年的综合比率低于100,从1970年正式营运以来,该公司已顺利成为内布拉斯加州传统独立经纪系统的领导业者,至于由 Jim Stodolka 带领的 Lakeland 火险则荣获1977年主席杯的头衔,因为去年该公司的综合比率最低,总的来说, Homestate 集团的营运在去年大有进展。

John Ringwalt's homestate operation now consists of five companies, with Kansas Fire and Casualty Company becoming operational late in 1977 under the direction of Floyd Taylor. The homestate companies had net premium volume of $23 million, up from $5.5 million just three years ago. All four companies that operated throughout the year achieved combined ratios below 100, with Cornhusker Casualty Company, at 93.8, the leader. In addition to actively supervising the other four homestate operations, John Ringwalt manages the operations of Cornhusker which has recorded combined ratios below 100 in six of its seven full years of existence and, from a standing start in 1970, has grown to be one of the leading insurance companies operating in Nebraska utilizing the conventional independent agency system. Lakeland Fire and Casualty Company, managed by Jim Stodolka, was the winner of the Chairman's Cup in 1977 for achieving the lowestloss ratio among the homestate companies. All in all, the homestate operation continues to make excellent progress.

John Ringwalt负责的Homestate业务旗下主要包含五家公司,其中堪萨斯火险在Floyd Taylor筹备下于1977年底正式营运,Homestate 1977年的保费净收入达到2,300万美元,三年前不过只有550万美元,其余四家的年度综合比率都低于100,其中Cornhusker甚至只有93.8,John在努力管理其它四家公司的同时,更让Cornhusker过去七年有六年的综合比率低于100,从1970年正式营运以来,该公司已顺利成为内布拉斯加州传统独立经纪系统的领导业者,至于由Jim Stodolka带领的Lakeland火险则荣获1977年主席杯的头衔,因为去年该公司的综合比率最低,总的来说,Homestate集团的营运在去年大有进展。

Taiwan Office: Moment Crown Trading Co., Ltd.------ operating items: finance, procurement, operations, import and export trade business.


Be Lai Taiyue of 56 years old is grand 碁 member of senior management group, enter branch of Taichun of grand 碁 science and technology to hold the position of assistant manager to begin from September 1987, ever was in charge of grand 碁 product development, sale, acting labour and start brand business work oneself, hold the position of general manager of headquarters of carry of battalion of grand 碁 China at present, be in charge of grand 碁 reaching the overall business of Hong Kong area in the mainland, hold group president part-time at the same time room aides and staff grows a post.


In Ajit Jain, we have by far the best manager in this business.

值得注意的是,近年来愿意接受再保业务的供给量大幅增加,再保业者总共募集了近 50 亿美元的资金来进军这类业务,且大部分都是新成立的公司,很自然的这些新进的业者急欲承接业务以证明当初他们吸收资金时所作的预估,这些新加入的竞争并不会影响我们 1994 年的营运,因为我们早已经接满了生意,主要是在 1993 年签下的,不过我们已经看到保费价格有恶化的趋势,如果这种情况持续下去,我们将会大幅降低承接的业务量,但随时准备好接下大型且复杂的保险业者所欲寻找确定能够理赔损失的保证。

Our homestate operation, led by Rod Eldred; our workers' compensation business, headed by Brad Kinstler; our credit card operation, managed by the Kizer family; National Indemnity's traditional auto and general liability business, led by Don Wurster - all of these generated significant underwriting profits accompanied by substantial float. We can conclude this section as we did last year: All in all, we have a first-class insurance business.

伯克希尔其它保险事业 1994 年的营运表现皆相当杰出,由 Rod 领导的住宅保险, Brad 带领的员工退休保险以及由 Kizer 家族经营的信用卡保险业务,以及由 Don 所领导的国家产险所从事的传统汽车保险与一般责任险方面,总的来说,这四类业务都表现的相当不错,不但有承保获利,还贡献了相当大金额的保险浮存金。

Berkshire's other insurance operations had excellent results in 1994. Our homestate operation, led by Rod Eldred; our workers' compensation business, headed by Brad Kinstler; our credit card operation, managed by the Kizer family; National Indemnity's traditional auto and general liability business, led by Don Wurster - all of these generated significant underwriting profits accompanied by substantial float.


In 1922, State Farm was formed by George Mecherle, a farmer from Merna, Illinois, who aimed to take advantage of the pricing umbrella maintained by the high-cost giants of the industry. State Farm employed a "captive" agency force, a system keeping its acquisition costs lower than those incurred by the bureau insurers (whose "independent" agents successfully played off one company against another). With its low-cost structure, State Farm eventually captured about 25% of the personal lines business, far outdistancing its once-mighty competitors. Allstate, formed in 1931, put a similar distribution system into place and soon became the runner-up in personal lines to State Farm. Capitalism had worked its magic, and these low-cost operations looked unstoppable.

1922年州农保险由伊利诺州Merna的农夫George Mecherle所创立,目标锁定在打破业界掮客所树立的高价保护伞,州农雇用专属中介人员,这套系统让州农取得保单的成本远低于一般保险同业,其独立业务代表接二连三成功地搞倒其它业者,拜其低成本结构所赐,州农最终拮取25%的个人业务大饼,含车险及住宅险在内,远远超越昔日强大的竞争对手,而创立于1931年的Allstate也仿效设立类似的行销通路,并一举跃居第二,仅次于州农,资本主义再度发挥神奇的效用,而这种低成本的营运确已势不可挡。

In 1922, State Farm was formed by George Mecherle, a farmer from Merna, Illinois, who aimed to take advantage of the pricing umbrella maintained by the high-cost giants of the industry. State Farm employed a "captive" agency force, a system keeping its acquisition costs lower than those incurred by the bureau insurers (whose "independent" agents successfully played off one company against another). With its low-cost structure, State Farm eventually captured about 25% of the personal lines business, far outdistancing its once-mighty competitors. Allstate, formed in 1931, put a similar distribution system into place and soon became the runner-up in personal lines to State Farm. Capitalism had worked its magic, and these low-cost operations looked unstoppable.

1922年州农保险由伊利诺州Merna的农夫George Mecherle所创立,目标锁定在打破业界掮客所树立的高价保护伞,州农雇用专属仲介人员,这套系统让州农取得保单的成本远低于一般保险同业,其独立业务代表接二连三成功地搞倒其它业者,拜其低成本结构所赐,州农最终拮取25%的个人业务大饼,含车险及住宅险在内,远远超越昔日强大的竞争对手,而创立于1931年的Allstate也仿效设立类似的行销通路,并一举跃居第二,仅次于州农,资本主义再度发挥神奇的效用,而这种低成本的营运确已势不可挡。

In 1922, State Farm was formed by George Mecherle, a farmer from Merna, Illinois, who aimed to take advantage of the pricing umbrella maintained by the high-cost giants of the industry. State Farm employed a "captive" agency force, a system keeping its acquisition costs lower than those incurred by the bureau insurers (whose "independent" agents successfully played off one company against another). With its low-cost structure, State Farm eventually captured about 25% of the personal lines business, far outdistancing its once-mighty competitors. Allstate, formed in 1931, put a similar distribution system into place and soon became the runner-up in personal lines to State Farm.

1922年州农保险由伊利诺州 Merna 的农夫 George Mecherle 所创立,年州农保险由伊利诺州所创立,目标锁定在打破业界掮客所树立的高价保护伞,州农雇用专属仲介人员,标锁定在打破业界掮客所树立的高价保护伞,州农雇用专属仲介人员,这套系统让州农取得保单的成本远低于一般保险同业,套系统让州农取得保单的成本远低于一般保险同业,其独立业务代表接二连三成功地搞倒其它业者,拜其低成本结构所赐,州农最终拮取连三成功地搞倒其它业者,拜其低成本结构所赐,州农最终拮取25%的个的个人业务大饼,含车险及住宅险在内,远远超越昔日强大的竞争对手,人业务大饼,含车险及住宅险在内,远远超越昔日强大的竞争对手,而创立于1931年的 Allstate 也仿效设立类似的行销通路,并一举跃居第二,立于年的也仿效设立类似的行销通路,并一举跃居第二,仅次于州农,资本主义再度发挥神奇的效用,仅次于州农,资本主义再度发挥神奇的效用,而这种低成本的营运确已势不可挡。

更多网络解释与业务营运相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

contract of affreightment:运输合同

为拥有国内或海外运输合同(Contract of Affreightment)供货商提供煤炭运输服务;及 3. 全体合营股东同意之其他业务,上海到长春专线包括但不限于投资、管理及/或营运码头及物流服务. 亚洲能源物流集团有限公司董事会主席梁军针对该项交易指出,

business operation:企业活动;业务营运

business hours 营业时间 | business operation 企业活动;业务营运 | business cycle 商业周期



demise charter:光船租赁

由于定期租船(time charter)及光船租赁(demise charter)业务会计核算相对来说较为简单,出租人基本上不需要负担船舶营运的变动成本,乃至固定成本,因此本文主要对航次租船业务本文探讨的主要是不定期船舶运输业务中,

hydraulic pump:液压油泵

经工厂仔细检查发现二部起锚机主液压油泵(Hydraulic Pump)轴承磨损及二部液压油马达(Hydraulic Motor)翼片与汽缸严重刮伤及部份断裂严重受损,造成公司营运上重大之不便,且花费巨额修理费用,业务上亦蒙受重大损失.


Noncontentious Case 非讼案件 | Nondisclosure 不告知 | Non-operating Asset 非营运资产对业务持续运作并非必需的资产




外判或称外包 外判(Outsourcing)或称外包,于1980年代流行起来的商业用语,是商业活动决策之一,指将非核心业务下放给专门营运该项运作的外间第三者,原因是为了节省成本、集中精神于核心业者、善用资源、获得独立及专业人士服务等.

profit from operating:营运业务溢利

Interest income 利息收入 4,318 4,773 | Profit from operating 营运业务溢利 | Finance costs 融资成本 (1,650) (722)

trade secret:商业机密

(v)商业机密(trade secret) 在众多授权许可中,最难得及最宝贵的是取得授权人业务的专门技术知识、商业机密,例如营运手册,机密制造过程或程序,市场推广计划及订价政策.