英语人>词典>汉英 : 世界主义者 的英文翻译,例句
世界主义者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cosmopolitan  ·  cosmopolite  ·  cosmo

更多网络例句与世界主义者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I get letters from Vanity Fair,Cosmopolitan etc.asking me for stories,articles,and serials,butam publishing nothing for six months or a year(afew stories sold to Scribner's the end of last year and one funny article out) because I know thatnow is a very crucial time and that it is much moreimportant for me to write in tranquility,trying towrite as well as I can,with no eye on any market,nor any thought of what the stuff willl bring,oreven if it can ever be published——than to fall intothe money making trap which handles American writers like the cornhusking machine handled mynoted relative's thumb .


She's a real cosmopolitan.


I do not set up for be a cosmopolite , which to my mind signify be polite to every country except your own .


I do not set up for is a cosmopolite , which to my mind signify is polite to every country except your own.


I do not set up for being a cosmopolite, which to my mind signify is polite to every country except your own.


I do not set up for being a cosmopolite ,which to my mind signify is polite to every country except your own.


I don't set up for being a cosmopolite, which to my mind signifies being polite to every country except your own.


The foundation of this order was Kant\'s "Enlightenment" which means that Reason monopolized authority of legislation. As a cosmopolite, philosopher expected to guide the populace to move toward the universal rational kingdom gradually.


In truth, the overcoat, symbol of Mourinho the cosmopolitan, the urbane, the deep thinking, is only remarkable for one thing: it's not a tracksuit.


The Cosmopolitan was reputedly refined from an existing recipe using vodka, lime cordial and grenadine by New York bartender Toby Cecchini and subsequently further adjusted and popularised by Dale de Groff.


更多网络解释与世界主义者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


借用语言学术语,它是先天"习得"(acquired)的,而不是后天"学来"(learnt)的. 需要后天学会,需要慢慢培养的是"世界主义"的精神素质. 一个人做个爱国主义者并不难,因为血本来就浓于水;做个世界主义者或精神上的"世界公民",像鲁迅,

cosmopolitan noun:世界主义者,四海为家的人

cosmic adjective. 宇宙的 | cosmopolitan noun. 世界主义者,四海为家的人 | cosmopolitanism noun. 世界性,世界主义

world federalist:世界联邦主义者

world federalism 世界联邦主义 | world federalist 世界联邦主义者 | world health organization 世界卫生组织

World Federalist Movement:世界联邦主义者运动

"世界联邦主义者运动(World Federalist Movement)国际政策研究所(Institute for Global Policy)所长威廉?佩斯(William Pace)对>周刊表示道. 美国哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)专研联合国事务的教授爱德华?

World Federalist Youth:世界联邦主义者青年

Communaute economique des etats de l'afrique de l'oust;西非国家经济共同体... | World Federalist Youth;世界联邦主义者青年;; | Groupe d'action financial sur le blanchiment de capitaux;洗钱问题金融行动工作...

WFM; World Federalist Movement:世界联邦主义者运动

*WFFS; World Fleet Forcasting Service; 世界船队预报服务社 | *WFM; World Federalist Movement; 世界联邦主义者运动 | *WFMH; World Federation for Mental Health; 世界心理卫生联合会(心卫联)

This World Was Built by Optimists:世界是由乐观主义者建设的

8 To Be the Best That I Can Be 做最好的自己 | 9 This World Was Built by Optimists 世界是由乐观主义者建设的 | 10 God Uses Good People to Do Great Things 上帝派遣善良之人来行伟大之事

Confused Cosmopolitans:迷惑的世界主义者

"Come Dancing" Champion"来跳舞吧"协会 | Confused Cosmopolitans迷惑的世界主义者 | Corrs "可儿家族"乐队

World Federalists, USA:世界联邦主义者协会美国分会

World Federalist Movement;世界联邦主义者运动;WFM; | World Federalists, USA;世界联邦主义者协会美国分会;; | World Federation for Cancer Care Association;世界癌症治疗协会联合会;WFCC;

World Association of World Federalists:世界联邦主义者世界协会(世联协);;世联协

World Association of Women Journalists and Writers;世界女新闻工作者... | World Association of World Federalists;世界联邦主义者世界协会(世联协);;世联协 | World Association of World Federation;世界联邦主义...