英语人>词典>汉英 : 与时间赛跑 的英文翻译,例句
与时间赛跑 的英文翻译、例句


against time
更多网络例句与与时间赛跑相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We will have to race against the clock if we want to get ready for the contract by next Monday.


But it's a race against time.


With only a lighter and a cell phone it's a race against time to escape this claustrophobic death trap.


In this race with time, we are going to walk more faster and decisively.


Being too keen to win can have dangerous consequences remember consequences: that Pheidippides , the first marathon runner , dropped dead seconds after saying:' Rejoice we conquer ' Rejoice, conquer!

现在,学校热情地鼓励孩子们和同学竞赛与时间赛跑,这就产生了一个两层系统,在这个系统里,其中有竞争意识的 A 性格学生似乎在很多方面都优于 B 性格的学生。

It's a race against time to get the building finished before the rainy season sets in.


When Ashka, the ruthless and power-hungry villain from Spellbinder I arrives, a thrilling adventure ensues, crossing the boundaries of many dangerous and frightening parallel worlds as Josh and Kathy race against time to rescue their family and save the Land of the Dragon Lord.

当Ashka ,无情和耗电的恶棍从Spellbinder我到达时,一个诱人的冒险随后,越过边界的许多危险的和可怕的平行世界的乔什和凯茜与时间赛跑,以拯救他们的家庭和节省土地龙主。

And rescuers in Tasmania are racing against the clock.


Race against time in an unforgiving world as you experience the return of the vaunted Prince of Persia.


"With time race ", it is aseismatic the keyword in action providing disaster relief.


更多网络解释与与时间赛跑相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

race against time:与时间赛跑

优惠作品中有杰米的>、爱伦、麦克阿瑟的>(Race Against Time)、>、特里尼和苏珊娜的>(What Your Clothes Say About You)等.

fender bender:汽车轻微碰撞

feeIinone'Sbonesthat十分确信 | fender-bender汽车轻微碰撞 | fighttheclock争分夺秒,与时间赛跑

Chase after time:与时间赛跑

Now is the time 就是现在 | Chase after time 与时间赛跑 | Chase after time 与时间赛跑

a clotheshorse:讲究穿戴的人

006 fight the clock争分夺秒,与时间赛跑 | 007 a clotheshorse讲究穿戴的人 | 008 get hot under the collar发怒,怒气冲天


另一方面,在维吉尼亚州斯唐顿(Staunton),我们跟随吉米马帝柯(Jimmy Matyiko)搬运一整座农场的建筑群. 他必须搬运四间老旧建筑物,其中包括脆弱的农舍和摇摇欲坠的谷仓. 眼看著暴风雨即将来临,吉米必须与时间赛跑.

Race Classification Board:种族分类委员会

Race against Time;与时间赛跑;; | Race Classification Board;种族分类委员会;; | Race Relations council Act;种族关系委员会法;;

a cliff-hanger:扣人心玄的事情

. Take someone to the cleaners使人囊中如洗,一贫如洗 | . A cliff-hanger扣人心玄的事情 | . Fight the clock争分夺秒,与时间赛跑