英语人>词典>汉英 : 与...矛盾着 的英文翻译,例句
与...矛盾着 的英文翻译、例句


in contradiction with
更多网络例句与与...矛盾着相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But in many countries, there is a disconnect between the efforts of those who serve and the ambivalence of the broader public.


The teenage psychological feature is different from the adult's which has several contradictions such as self-consciousness and social rule,ideal and reality,feelings fluctuation and covertness,sexual mature and puerile,and so on.


For sure, it is not enough that if the new model of desire in this series of works, only contains the experience and reconsideration from the artists on the contemporary society, the more important is the essential meaning, that is to endue the historical conflict between the desirable body and rational mind a new recognition.


Owing to the interweaving effect of traditional and modern factors, there is confronts and conflicts between particularism and universalism.


Owing to the interweaving effect of traditional and modern factors, there is confronts and conflicts between particularism and universalism. Any kind of social relations has certain problems.


But the twined affection silk between us , are the sorriness and contradiction of our love


The famous hypothesis of 'economic being' of western economics is based on contradictions between egoism and altruism, between individualism and entirety; contemporary western economic ethical thought is also represented by conflicts among utilitarianism, non-utilitarianism and the like, the conflict of unrestraint and state interf...


There exist in the practice of academic assessment a lot of p uz zlement and contradictions which express themselves mainly in the understanding of evaluating ideas and the application of evaluating methods.


Proof: Nothing can be nonexistent unless something either positively or privatively incompatible with it can exist, for one of two contradictories is always true. But nothing can be either positively or privatively incompatible with a being which cannot be caused, because it would be either of itself or from another.


Meanwhile the theories and the techniques of translation have the similar experiences, in the similarity developmental proceed inflects the difficulty and various contradiction of translation , discloses the essential problem and basic principle of translation which is closely connected with language and culture, but over the systemic difference of the variety of language and culture.


更多网络解释与与...矛盾着相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


a loan shark)的代名词. 1608年以后,莎士比亚进入创作后期. 这时期,他的作品往往通过神话式的幻想,借助超自然的力量来解决理想与现实之间的矛盾. 作品贯穿着宽恕(condone)与和解(compromise)的主题.

natural language:自然语言

此外,在语言心理学中,自70年代以来就一直存在着"思维语言"(language of thought)与"自然语言"(natural language)之间差异的争论. 从这一系列的研究情况来看,我们认为,心理符号活动方式的内在矛盾也是心理健康教育的心理活动的基本机制之一,

the sorriness and contravention we got when we fallen lov'in:却是我们相爱的悲哀与矛盾

而你与我之间缠着的情丝, however the love which is arou... | 却是我们相爱的悲哀与矛盾, the sorriness and contravention we got when we fallen lov'in | 一阵来自北方的飘忽的风,here blow a shower, wispy, no...

universal class:全类

康托尔(Cantor)证明没有最大的基数,将这一证据用于全类(universal class),就会导致不把自身包含在内的类与类之间的矛盾. 他所碰到的难点是由这一问题引起的:在把数学归为逻辑之后,他发现逻辑本身存在着一些尚未得到解决的矛盾. 比如,

Lost Universe:失落的宇宙

(大陆通用译名:宇宙刑警...囧...) >(Lost Universe) 日文名 ロストユニバース 总共集数 26 在远古的时代,宇宙中存在着分别代表光明与黑暗的两个文明,正如光与影永远是相互矛盾的,两个文明也长年处于战争之中,代表黑暗的文明为了取得胜利,