英语人>词典>汉英 : 不食症 的英文翻译,例句
不食症 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不食症相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These women, ages 61, 72 and 74 years, receiving long-term pergolide therapy for Parkinson's disease or restless legs syndrome, had valvular abnormalities strikingly similar to those induced by fenfluramine, ergot derivatives, or carcinoid. All three had severe, unexplained tricuspid regurgitation; two had predominantly right-sided congestive heart failure; and two had moderate aortic and mitral valve regurgitation. Histology revealed surface fibroproliferative lesions with preserved underlying valve architecture. Carcinoid was excluded, and none of the patients had taken anorectic drugs or ergots other than pergolide.


People with bulimia are often of normal weight, so the condition is not easy to recognise by friends or family.


Results: The infected penaeid shrimps showed a rapid reduction in food consumption, lethargy, a pink to reddish-brown coloration and a loose carapace with white spots in succession, followed by ultimate death. The characteristic features of moribund shrimps were empty stomach, a pink to reddish-brown coloration, white spots on a loose carapace and swollen cephalothorax. The relative content of WSSV DNA in blood increased rapidly after the infected shrimp showed its first symptom of detestation of food.

结果:斑节对虾感染白斑症病毒后,依次表现出厌食、不活动、体色变红、甲壳出现白斑、反应迟钝直至侧卧死亡;濒死对虾的典型症状为空胃、红体、甲壳白斑、甲壳下水肿及甲壳易剥离;感染对虾出现拒食后,其血液中白斑症病毒 DNA的相对含量急剧增加。

My baby is now 5-month, and three months before the development of height and weight were normal, 61 centimeters height, weight 12 kg, since the first three months after the reduction in appetite, eating横抱milk does not like the original one can eat 120 milliliters of milk, to four months when the first can only eat 40 milliliters of milk, after more than hospital treatment, eating MAMIAI, no obvious Pikexin electuary results, a month ago, went to Beijing Children's Hospital to see a doctor, opened Xiaoerkang, athletes Xiaoshi Oral Liquid and so on, has just started to eat better when, a few days later without effect, because the spleen and stomach weakness should not lead to effective absorption of nutrition, started missing Zinc, growth and development is almost stopped, sparse hair, nearly two months of height, weight, no significant growth, but also mental state line, is consistent with the symptoms described in medical rickets disease, do not know how good the spleen and stomach as soon as possible conditioning to restore growth and development.


I don't understand how that-- You're a high-powered bulimic.


Children ----- anorexia, monophagia, pica, ulcer in mouth, low IQ, pygmyism, immunity inefficiency, agenesis


Doctors believe that tomatoes can be Shengjinzhike, Jianweixiaoshi, eat can be anti-aging; jujube can Yiqi spleen, blood and Tianjin, and eat it regularly can cure is not looking wing, the skin dry, emaciation embolism; carrots can be Qingrejiedu , fill in the tocolysis, eat it regularly for treating dry skin, blackheads, etc.; sesame seeds can be Bugan kidney, nourishing Runzao, UFA, eat it regularly will make the skin white and tender, moist.


In recent years he has tried everything he could to lose weight, including dangerous over-the-counter and prescription pills, trendy diet plans, expensive nutritionists, starvation and, at his most desperate attempts, forcing himself to be bulimic.


the lord cure:The pig attach a red cell body disease, bow form disease, each streptococci disease and atrophy a sex rhinitis, Zi pig dropsy far-gone cause of the high fever don't back, be disgusted with food, constipation or diarrhea, pore bleed, the skin purple spot, ear purple red, Huang2 Dou4 Deng3's disease.


There is often, but not always, a history of an earlier episode of anorexia nervosa, the interval ranging from a few months to several years.


更多网络解释与不食症相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


5, 2003 - 按照一份新的研究结果显示,对于处理个人错误有困难的人,出现诸如神经性厌食症(anorexia) 和不正常的饥饿或食欲过旺(bulimia) 等健康方面的问题的机会较高.


因缺少分泌型IgA,食物性抗原被吸收入血,使本症患者好发过敏症(atopy);有些病人还出现抗牛奶及抗反刍类动物血清蛋白质的抗体. 从而当采用羊抗人IgA抗血清(不是马或兔抗血清)测定病人血清IgA含量时可呈现假性增高.

Betel nut:槟榔

又有 洗瘴丹 的别名. 因为瘴疠之症,一般都同饮食不规律、气滞积结有关,而槟榔却能下气、消食、祛痰,所以在药用性能上被人们广泛关注. [草药名]: 槟榔(betel nut) 常用的驱虫药. 为棕榈科植物槟榔的干燥成熟种子...


insanity 产后精神病 精神病 精神异常 | insatiability 贪食不饱 | insatiablehunger 不饱症


这名女生患有的是一种叫"异食症"(Pica)的怪病. 这种病,使患病者不由自主吞下不能吞食的物件. 患者最常见吞下的东西,包括吞头发(食毛癖)和指甲. 这种病多数因生活压力造成,在医学里被称为"心理障碍症".


这个暴食紧跟著的是企图要排除食物与热量,用所谓"清除"(purge)的方式. 暴食症大部分发生于女性. 当我们听到暴食症这个名词,大概很快就会联想到一些胖得快要走不动的女人. 其实不然!暴食症患者并不是胖子,她们的体重往往都在正常的范围内,

Acoria; Aplesia; Insatiable hunger:不饱症,贪食不饱

"灾害性神经病","Accident neurosis" | "不饱症,贪食不饱","Acoria; Aplesia; Insatiable hunger" | "后天痴呆","Acquired dementia"


aphagia 不食症 | aphagia 吞咽不能 | aphasia area 失语症关连中枢


APH 脑垂体前叶激素 | aphagia 不食症 | aphagia 吞咽不能

I don't understand how that- - You're a high-powered bulimic. You make yourself throw up:我不明白你说的- - 你是个非常强烈的暴食症患者.你迫使自己呕吐

Probably works bette... | - I do... | which is all, ooh, ver...