英语人>词典>汉英 : 不讲理的 的英文翻译,例句
不讲理的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不讲理的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I am enraged quickly dead, I say to grow to still be done not have greatly so had seen so brutal, how so big company inside the person is so blackguardly.


But do not deceive yourself into a belief that I will ever recede.


Of course, also not be whats look, the most important is it can attract my brutal eyeball.


The woman is also unreasonable, their excuses are often inexplicability.


Too late to apologize, she realized with grief, that she was the rude one, the ingrate, the thief.


The intimidator in someone's life at any given time might be a deal-killing attorney, overbearing boss or supervisor, annoying co-worker, petty bureaucrat, unreasonable client, or unscrupulous competitor.


At last, one of the company's most skillful "trouble-shooters"was sent to interview this stormy petrel.


I am usually a notionate girl. When I meet the unreasonable people and unreasonable thing, I would disregard.


Finally you gave her the definition is not know about you, do not trust you, petty jealousies, and less reasonable.


Most women aren't angry, irrational psychos.


更多网络解释与不讲理的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a bit of a lad:放荡不羁的人

a bit hot | 有点不讲理 | a bit of a lad | 放荡不羁的人 | a bit of fluff | 漂亮的小娘们

What's your idea for fulsome intervene from superior:上司过多干预部门工作怎么办

★ 怎样对待上司的越级指挥?How could you deal with delegation f... | ★ 上司过多干预部门工作怎么办?What's your idea for fulsome intervene from superior? | ★ 怎样"对付"上司的不讲理?How could you deal with ...


邪尸 蛮横不讲理的人(多指不听话的小孩)抠(Kou)鬼 吝啬的人. 搅神 难讲话. 少知无识,没知识的. 猴子 调皮捣蛋的人. 好佬 厉害的人. 搭浆 不合要求,勉强凑数,意外. 死相 相貌丑到极点. 讲经 会挑剔. 歹怪 难看. 癔怪 难看,

manful:蛮 夫.................勇敢的

malice..........没理死(死不讲理).....恶意;坏心 | manful..........蛮 夫.................勇敢的 | evening.........一无宁(晚上'猫叫春'不能安宁)....晚


以免使顾客不悦 对自己讨厌的顾客,也要从内心感激 当顾客不讲理时要忍让,绝不要逞一时口舌之快而得罪顾客 3.4.2做事先做人的OCP法则 推销的内容包括自己(oneself)、观念(conception)、产品(product) 先推销自己,


ungrateful 忘恩负义的 | unimaginative 无想象力的 | unreasonable 不讲理的


据此,在中国哲学中,实践推理中的非理性演变为"无理"(non-rational)或"不讲理"(unreasonable). 通过对比分析戴维森和中国哲学对非理性的认识,文章指出两者在"认知判断"和"价值判断"上的不同取舍. 这里涉及到"非理性"与"无理性"的关系.

Most women aren't angry, irrational psychos:大部分的女人 不是愤怒不讲理的疯婆子

- And just so you know, Alan... - Andrew.|-你知道吗?亚伦 -... | Most women aren't angry, irrational psychos.|大部分的女人 不是愤怒不讲理的疯婆子 | We just want an ending to a relationship...|我们只想结...

No, I was all sweetness and light with her:不 我对她是又温和又讲理的

You can have that effect on people.|你可以从人们的态度上感觉到 | No, I was all sweetness and light with her.|不 我对她是又温和又讲理的 | Charm itself.|很有魅力