英语人>词典>汉英 : 不美观的 的英文翻译,例句
不美观的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
unhandsome  ·  inaesthetic

更多网络例句与不美观的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We propose an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia for the correction of prominent ears. We fold the antihelix with an anterior scoring method via posterior approach. The cartilage is preserved to avoid a sharp antihelical fold, and the scar is concealed in the posterior auricular sulcus. All patients had satisfactory correction of the deformity and yet no significant complication.


We propose an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia for the correction of prominent ears. We fold the antihelix with an anterior scoring method via posterior approach. The cartilage is preserved to avoid a sharp antihelical fold, and the scar is concealed in the posterior auricular sulcus. All patients had satisfactory correction of the deformity and yet no significant complication.关键词 prominent ears , otoplasty


The designer obviously thought that the barrel was not aesthetically pleasing and hid it in the box so as not to spoil the appearance of the flint glass centered wheels.


Small stomach is no need to buy a maternity dress, you can buy pants with elastic, as are more fat Maternity One eyesores created, and the other is not shoring up uncomfortable, and the third is the quality of the general, four is a very high price!


This machine is a kind of gray board V shaped slotter of the latest generation which overcomes the disadvantage that the corner folding of gi...

用途: 本机针对灰纸板制作礼盒时折角不美观等缺点开发出来的最新一代灰纸板V槽设备。

Product color is one of the most important factors attracting consumers to select andbuy a product. However, product color has been the weakness of industrial design innovationso far. Many products are unmarketable for their unpleasant and ugly colors.


At the same time, doctors think stomatology, long-term use of pacifiers to appease, upper and lower jaw will affect the baby's development, your baby will also form a high arch palate, leading to upper and lower dental malocclusion, the formation of eyesores created the appearance of the lips.


The introduction of imported equipment and creativity, using Telegraph processing, electrostatic spraying technology, successfully overcome the low accuracy of the middle coil, eyesores created easily deformed disadvantage, compared with imports of the coil and a great cost advantage, and also metal-hole folder style appearance, the appearance of plating is also very beautiful.


It's really at ease if you wander with two or three china pates who have a little exploratory energy to stay in the interesting places as long as you want but just ignore the unsightly places.It's not good to join the travel agency other wise we should call it gaining a superficial understanding through cursory observation but not traveling.

若是 有点探险精神的,三两同游,好玩的多勾留,游个饱,欠好的不看也罢,自由安闲;不加入旅游团为好,那叫走马不美观花,不叫旅游。

His gray eyebrows and gray hair looked rather shaggy and disheveled, and his side- whiskers anything but decorative


更多网络解释与不美观的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


8) Lout:老土--笨人 | 9) Bauble:随便抱吧--美观而无价值的东西 | 10) Reluctant:驴拉坦克--不情愿的


inadvisability 不能变更 | inadvisable 失策的 | inaesthetic 不美观的

Minimally Invasive Surgery:微创手术

微创手术(minimally invasive surgery) 是利用小的手术切口,置入手术用摄影镜头(腹腔镜或胸腔镜) 与一些手术器械来执行手术. 这种方式可以取代传统开刀的较大伤口所造成的种种不适(如伤口疼痛)、避免不美观的手术疤痕、也因为有较快的恢复而大幅缩短术后住院天数.


汉斯.波塞尔(Poser) 对利森山区(Riesengebirge)旅游和地舆之间接洽的研究标识表记标帜着德语国家对旅游地舆研究关注的起头[3] . 在当时,还不存在像本日这样对照遍及的公共旅游和市场营销方法. 山地景不美观在本日只是一种旅游目的地,


9) Bauble:随便抱吧--美观而无价值的东西 | 10) Reluctant:驴拉坦克--不情愿的 | 11) Bale:点背啊--不幸、灾祸

rule of thumb:拇指规则

有一个"大拇指规则"(rule of thumb)可以用来判断电缆结的松紧程度:如果您不能移动结中任意一根电缆,说明电缆结太紧. 电缆结或J形吊钩之间的距离也是重要的. 出于对称和整齐美观的考虑,大多数人是按照相同的间距来布置电缆结或J形吊钩,

unyielding: a.1:不易弯曲的,坚挺的 2.不屈从的,坚定的,顽强的,顽固的

incompatibility: n.不相容性,不一致性,无法共存 | unyielding: a.1.不易弯曲的,坚挺的 2.不屈从的,坚定的,顽强的,顽固的 | speciousness: n.1.华而不实,外表美观 2.似是而非,貌似有理


inadvisable 失策的 | inaesthetic 不美观的 | inaffable 不和蔼的


inaesthetic 不美观的 | inaffable 不和蔼的 | inalienability 不能让与

hanging basket:挂篮

将植物种在悬挂篮(hanging basket)里是极有趣但有点难度的园艺技巧. 选择良好的肥料,然后将大量的植物放进每个花篮中,一个花篮里只有几枝幼苗是不美观的,所以要有一定数量的植物放在其中. 另外记得剪下凋零的玫瑰花,如果让他们继续留在花梗上,