英语人>词典>汉英 : 不精细的 的英文翻译,例句
不精细的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不精细的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The first is what are the fewest points of motion necessary to animal progression, the second why sanguineous animals have four points and not more, but bloodless animals more than four, and generally why some animals are footless, others bipeds, others quadrupeds, others polypods, and why all have an even number of feet, if they have feet at all; why in fine the points on which progression depends are even in number.

首先是运动是什么必要的动物进展最低分,第二个为什么血红的动物有四点意见,而不是多,但不流血的动物超过4,一般为什么一些动物是无足,其他两足动物,其他四足动物,其他polypods ,为什么都有一个偶数的脚,如果他们在所有的脚,为什么在精细点上的进展取决于更是增多。

Main contents and conclusions are: 1 The ionization current was measured continuously by a charge-integration method with a computer after the introduction of radon into the chamber.

主要内容及结论:1充氡后利用计算机连续进行电离电流累积测量,得到了精细的电流随时间的变化曲线,可清楚看出氡及其子体的生成衰变造成的电离电流的生长—稳定—衰减过程,与理论计算值进行了比较,由电离电流衰减速度的变化得出氡吸附作用的影响,并测量到电离室冲洗后氡的反扩散现象;2由已知活度的标准源定出相对测量的刻度系数K值,K=24.62 Bq/pA,对同一个监测源以半年为周期进行多次测量后得出稳定性符合要求;3通过测量电离电流和气压的关系曲线以及不同气压下的饱和曲线,确定了常规的工作条件;4测量了盐酸清洗电离室内表面降低本底的效果;5不确定度分析表明相对测氡的扩展不确定度(k=2)小于5%,由本底涨落得出探测下限为0.5 Bq;6理论上对壁损失修正进行了计算,实验上保持电离室工作在饱和区的情况下,测量了不同气压下电离电流的变化,从中得出了壁损失随气压变化的规律,可以看出,电离电流的实测值和计算值随气压变化规律基本一致;当气压大于125 kPa时,端效应等其它因素造成的影响不大于2%,因而在此工作条件下,测量电离电流后通过计算修正壁损失可以实现近似的绝对测氡,提出了进一步提高绝对测量准确度的方法。

If you don't care about the size, still using stuff like Delphi or VB for the stub would be problematic because it hoists in subtle stuff like TLS and runtimes, and they don't have primitives needed to thunk over to the original program.


The features of the fractured medium and the rock matrix in the fractal composite reservoirs are describes with the fractal dimension (which describes the geometric features) and the fractal index (which depicts the connectivity of the fractal fluid flow network); An analysis mathematical model of well testing is proposed for inconstant flow rate with the closed outer boundary and the wellborn storage and the skin effects.


Conclusion]The spinal cord is damaged severely in double-tube diastematomyelia and gradually aggravated.Operation can get symptomatic relief in many patients and terminate spinal cord lesion. So operation should be performed as soon as the diagnosis is made. The spinal cord is damaged slightly in single-tube diastematomyelia and surgery is not indicated.


Distribution network planning work complexity manifests dominatingly on large-scales, multi-factors of uncertainty and inaccuracy, involving wide domains and so on. Only depending upon planning-workers' planning experience, it is unable to be satisfied for the requirement of modern DNP.


ABSTRACT Distribution network planning work complexity manifests dominatingly on large-scales, multi-factors of uncertainty and inaccuracy, involving wide domains and so on. Only depending upon planning-workers'planning experience, it is unable to be satisfied for the requirement of modern DNP.


Qianshou pumpkin juice contains no cane sugar, artificial color, antiseptic, glucide, medicamentous ingredient; its sweet taste is elaborate allotment with xylitol and AK sugar which drop out of glycometabolism, these ingredients suit to our body need.


A person eating coarse rice, not fine-grained basmati, dressed in polyester not cotton, has a lower standard of living, even if he eats the same amount of grain and owns the same number of shirts.


But what we don't know about credit is usually those written in fine print.


更多网络解释与不精细的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


上肢和手共济失调最重,不能完成协调精细动作,表现协同不能(asynergy),快复及轮替运动异常. 字迹愈写愈大(大写症). (4)眼运动障碍:眼球运动肌共济失调出现粗大的共济失调性眼震,尤其与前庭联系受累时出现双眼来回摆动,

fine ceramics:精细陶瓷

许多科学与技术方面使用的高性能陶瓷(High performance Ceramics)都是几乎 不含有玻璃相的结晶态陶瓷.为了有别于传统陶瓷,称之为先进陶瓷(Advanced Ceramics)或高技术陶瓷(High Tech Ceramics);有时也称为精细陶瓷(Fine Ceramics) 或工程陶瓷(En


7、exquisite 精细的;精美的;敏锐的;细致的 | 8、farfetched 牵强的;不大可信的;不自然的 | 9、in light of 按照;根据


格林纳达(Granada)是摩尔人(当年欧洲人对来自北非的阿拉伯人的称呼)在伊比利亚半岛上的最后据点. 阿拉布罕宫(la Alhambra)是美丽绝望下精细的雕刻,不是为了炫耀,更不是为了流传后世,正如一位大师所讲,一切都没有功利目的,

impenetrable: a.1:穿不透的 2.费解的,难以探测的 3.冥顽不化的

euphemism: n.委婉说法,委婉语 | impenetrable: a.1.穿不透的 2.费解的,难以探测的 3.冥顽不化的 | particularity: n.1.特殊性,特征 2.个性,癖性 3.详细,详尽,精细


offenceofmurder 谋杀罪 | offending 不精细的 | offensiveodorcontrol 臭气防止

particularity: n.1:特殊性,特征 2.个性,癖性 3.详细,详尽,精细

impenetrable: a.1.穿不透的 2.费解的,难以探测的 3.冥顽不化的 | particularity: n.1.特殊性,特征 2.个性,癖性 3.详细,详尽,精细 | subjectivity: n.主观,主观性


总之,对于皮肤感受性而言,不是相对的(relative)恰好能被觉察到的距离差别保持不变,而是绝对的(absolute)恰好能被觉察到的距离差别保持不变. 这一规律的例外可以下述事实来解释,即在长距离中,我们对相邻皮肤点的分辨精细度有相当大的变化.


近年来喷注(Jetting)工艺在不断地开发和改进之中,而喷注的速度,点的大小,精度以及对过程的控制是喷注方法获得成功的关键. 未来的电子制造要求更精细的点距、更小的焊膏体积、甚至不平整的表面,可能需要锡膏沉积的替代技术.

fine structure:精细结构

在战后的第一次长岛(Long Island)会议上,Willis Lamb声称对氢原子精细结构(Fine Structure)的测量和流行的狄拉克(Paul Dirac)电动力学理论不相符. 当时很多物理学大家,包括泰斗级的玻尔(Niels Bohr)以及奥本海默(Robert Oppenheimer),