英语人>词典>汉英 : 不稳定 的英文翻译,例句
不稳定 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
astaticism  ·  instability  ·  lability  ·  labilization  ·  levity  ·  lubricity  ·  unsteadiness  ·  waywardness  ·  wobble  ·  levities  ·  wobbled  ·  instabilities  ·  unstabitily

更多网络例句与不稳定相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The transverse wave disturbance along tangential base flow of circular vortex is discussed By using numerical method we study this instability of baroclinic flow which is mesoscale inertia wave instability on the cylindrical coordinate The influence of stratification stability N 2 , Coriolis parameter f 0 , the vertical shear of tangential wind z of the ambinent atmosphere and the latent heat on the growth rate of instability is studied From the above analysis and calculation, we can learn that there are Eady mode and mesoscale mode of transverse wave instability in circular vortex as well Furthermore we also learn that distribution character of mesoscale mode disturbance field of transverse wave instability, anomalistic "cats eye" structure of lower level and the character of the slowly spreading disturbance converges at low level and the quickly spreading disturbance converges at high level


Not only baroclinic instability and conditional symmetry instability lie in the middle-low level, but also lie in the middle-upper level of DMMCS. At the west of DMMCS, there lies negative MPV2 column.


The conditional symmetry instability is the intermediate process between the stable and instable states of the atmosphere. The evolution of the atmosphere from the stable to unstable state or from unstable to stable state comes through two stages. The convective-symmetric instability circulation is related with the state and type of the instability. When the conditional instability lies in the lower level and conditional symmetric instability in the upper level, the circulation will have vertical updrafts in the lower level and slantwise updrafts in the upper level. The release of conditional symmetric instability gives rise to a mesoscale rain belt.


In DMMCS, there is an alternative distribution of inertial instability column and inertial stability column, at the west and south, there lie negative CVV columns, while negative CVV column is beneficial to deep moist convection.(4) The strong slantwise convection induced by inertial instability, baroclinic instability and conditional symmetry instability will enhance the upper level southerly component. Because of the appearance of the compensated downdraft at the low level of the south side of DMMCS, the low level southerly is intensified, the enhancement of upper- and low-level cores are in favor of the development of DMMCS. And that will do favor for the reinforcement and maintenance of inertial instability, baroclinic instability and conditional symmetry instability, it is a positive feedback process.

深湿对流系统中高层西侧为负MPV2 柱,东侧为正MPV2 柱;(3)深湿对流系统中惯性不稳定柱与惯性稳定柱相间分布,西侧为负CVV 柱,东侧为正CVV 柱,负CVV 柱对深湿对流起激发作用;(4)惯性不稳定、湿倾斜不稳定和条件不稳定产生强的倾斜式对流,而强的倾斜式上升运动加强了深对流系统北侧高层的南风分量,因深对流系统南侧低层出现补偿性下沉气流,因而低层南风加强,高低空急流中心的加强会进一步加强对流的发展,使得惯性不稳定、湿倾斜不稳定和条件不稳定增强和维持,这是一个正反馈过程。

Therefore, the moist potential vorticity analysis associated with the mesoscale convective system was researched in the paper, so as to reveal the moist potential characteristics of mesoscale convective system in typhoon circulation. The results showed that, during the generation stage, convective instability characterized by MPV1 was a favorable condition for forming MCS, while the vorticity which was caused by the slantwise isentropic surface and the vertical shear of the horizontal wind characterized by MPV2 was an inspiring mechanism. The specific process was that, the atmosphere exhibited the feature of strong convective instability at the low level of convection areas and the southeast areas, which included plenty of erratic energy. The slantwise ascended the stream transfer the erratic energy to northwest, where the stratification stability was small. As decreased, the cyclonic vorticity increased. On the other hand, the vorticity caused by the slantwise isentropic surface and the vertical shear of the horizontal wind inspired the release of convective instability and as a result that the MCS formed. During the development stage, the cyclonic vorticity increased quickly with the persistent decreasing of . Meanwhile, the inclination of isentropic linewas bigger than the absolute momentum line at middle level, which exhibited the feature of conditional symmetric instability , then the conditional symmetric instability was forced to release by the vorticity resulted from the slantwise isentropic surface and the vertical shear of horizontal wind, and the MCS developed.

结果表明,在对流形成阶段,MPV1即对流不稳定为MCS的形成提供背景不稳定条件,由MPV2即湿等熵面的倾斜和水平风的垂直切变而引起的涡旋发展作为强迫机制:MCS形成的区域及东南区域中低层是强对流不稳定层,蕴含丰富的不稳定能量,倾斜上升运动把对流不稳定区具有强不稳定能量的暖湿空气向西北中层的中性层结区输送,由于的减小,气旋性涡度增强,有利于形成对流,另一方面,由于湿等熵面倾斜和低空急流加强而引起的涡旋发展作为一种强迫机制激发对流不稳定能量得到释放,从而形成对流;在对流系统地发展阶段,由于低层的对流不稳定性进一步减弱,进一步减小,气旋性涡度进一步增强,有利于MCS的增强,中层等θe 线的倾斜度比绝对动量M 等值线的倾斜度大,对应有条件对称不稳定区域,满足条件对称不稳定条件,在湿等熵面倾斜和台风低空急流作用下引起的涡旋发展强迫对称不稳定能量释放,从而使得对流得以维持和加强。

Logic statistical analysis predictive model is established, and through homogeneous meshing, the space quantitative evaluation on landslide susceptivity is realized.

根据计算的单元格滑坡发生概率值,将雨城区滑坡危险性划分为 5个等级,即极不稳定不稳定、潜在不稳定、基本稳定和稳定。

Determining whether the time that RNC transmits downlink FP frame is stable or not: if unstable, determining the nonsynchronous reason is that the time that RNC transmits FP frame is unstable and determining whether the time that NodeB transmits uplink FP frame is stable or not: if unstable, determining the unstable reason of transmission channel is that the time that NodeB transmits uplink FP frame is unstable; D.


Resultantly, the individual warm/cold events in ENSO cycle appear to be partially locked to the annual cycle, and also exhibit obvious irregularity both in amplitude and in lasting time.


Evidence suggests that 1 under more stable stratification, the basic flow, if moving faster at low and high levels (particularly in the presence of jets there), allows a resulting meso-β unsteady wave to propagate eastward with respect to basic flow and even at greater velocity compared with it; 2 vertical windspeed shear of basic flow causes instabilities of the TWT perturbation; 3 considering the second derivative of basic-flow wind with respect to z (denoted by zz≠ 0 which is simply given as β* hereafter) the expression for the phase velocity of vortex Rossby wave is obtained, which is unidirectional in propagation with respect to basic flow; 4 VRoW has its physical origin from β*, i.e., from z-varying heterogeneities of y-direction averaged vorticity of the basic flow field; 5 VRoW phase velocity is associated with zonal wave number k, its energy is dispersive and the group velocity exists in the x direction; 6 when windspeed meets the condition of β*, TWT disturbance instability may be that of mixed VRoW and gravity wave; 7 if basic flow is subject to linear shear but does not meet the condition of β*, the TWT instability is that of inertia-gravity wave.


AFTER days of leaks and rumours that destabilised不稳定的 stockmarkets, Gordon Brown's Labour government unveiled a comprehensive广泛的,综合的 rescue package for Britain's ailing不舒服的,生病的 banks before markets opened on Wednesday ctober 8th.

证券交易情况不稳定的传言泄露了几天后,在10月8日星期三开市前,Gordon Brown的工党政府公布了一个为英国陷入危机的银行制定的救市法案。

更多网络解释与不稳定相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

conditional instability of the second kind (CISK):第二类条件[性]不稳定

"nonlinear instability","非线性不稳定[性]" | "conditional instability of the second kind, CISK","第二类条件[性]不稳定" | "shearing instability","切变不稳定"

stability - inconstancy:稳定 - 不稳定

616. squelch - foment 打压 - 煽动 | 617. stability - inconstancy 稳定 - 不稳定 | 618. stagnant - 静止不动的


哈姆斯于1925年提出了整个生物界分为三种类型,即稳定的(Stable)、半稳定的(Semistable)和不稳定的(Labile). 贝时璋发现了稳定类型的动物在成长后不能再生,如线虫、轮虫等,其体细胞数是恒定的. 这个发现,

labile state:不稳定态,不稳定状态,不稳状态,易变态,易变状态

labile pulse 不稳定脉 | labile state 不稳定态,不稳定状态,不稳状态,易变态,易变状态 | labilized hydrogen atom 活化的氢原子

potentially unstable:可能不稳定;潜在的不稳定

potentially hazardous slope 有潜在危险斜坡 | potentially unstable 可能不稳定;潜在的不稳定 | power distribution panel 电源分配箱

potentially unstable:可能不稳定;潜在地不稳定

potentially hazardous slope 有潜在危险斜坡 | potentially unstable 可能不稳定;潜在地不稳定 | power distribution panel 电源分配箱

Stable and Unstable set:稳定集和不稳定集

胸腰椎不稳定性骨折:Unstable Fracture of Thoracolumbar | 稳定集和不稳定集:Stable and Unstable set | 垂直不稳定骨盆骨折:vertical unstable pelvic fractures

unstable air:不稳定气团,不稳定空气

unsprung weight 非悬挂(非加在底盘弹簧上的)重量 | unstable air 不稳定气团,不稳定空气 | unstable chemical 不稳定化学物品

unsteady flow:不稳定流; 非恒定流

unstable atmosphere不稳定大气 | unsteady flow不稳定流;非恒定流 | unsteady wind不稳定风;不稳定气流

unsteady wind:不稳定风; 不稳定气流

unsteady flow不稳定流;非恒定流 | unsteady wind不稳定风;不稳定气流 | unstocked无立木的