英语人>词典>汉英 : 不确信的 的英文翻译,例句
不确信的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
uncertain  ·  unconfident

更多网络例句与不确信的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I'm not convinced that Firefox or Linux is actually safer than Microsoft products in any absolute meaning of the term.


Some of you may not be convinced that it is LSIL case.


Most people, when they make monumental decisions, understand that they're doing it under conditions of great uncertainty, and are not fully at the time really able to understand what the consequences might be—and that frightens them, or at least they have concern, disquietude about it.


He writes,"Today I find it an impossible book: I consider it badly written, ponderous, embarrassing, image-mad and image-confused, sentimental, in places saccharine to the point of effeminacy, uneven in tempo, without the will to logical cleanliness, very convinced and therefore disdainful of proof, mistrustful even of the propriety of proof, a book for initiates…".

他写道,今天我觉得这是不可能的书:我认为写得很差,笨重,令人尴尬的,形象疯狂和图像混淆,感情用事,在地方糖精的地步effeminacy ,不均衡的节奏,而将逻辑清洁,非常确信,因此轻蔑的举证责任,不信任甚至是适当的证明,一本书的开始。。。

This has finally been eliminated from English law by the Homicide Act 1957 in deference to the conviction that it is unjust or in some way inconsistent with enlightened principles of punishment that a person should be convicted of murder if he killed a person while engaged upon some felonious act not in itself likely to result in the death of, or grievous injury to , another person..


He has many ,I'm sure, he was a desperately unhappy child, loveless and alone.


What I'm not so sure about is whether he can ever get over pitying himself and actually step up to be a positive, supportive and constructive component to our lives.


Confidence then becomes conviction, the conviction that the Blessed One is the speaker, the proclaimer, the bringer of the good, the giver of the Deathless, the lord of the Dhamma, the Tathagata.


The rule of evidence should be superior in numbers in the rules of evidence which prescribe probative force with the exceptional circumstances.


While Krauss went for the Tea Natsuhijoined with Jessica the meeting and therefore Natsuhi suggested to takeRosa s tea.


更多网络解释与不确信的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


assurgent /上升的/斜上性的/ | assuring /保证的/确信的/使人有自信的/ | astable /不稳定/不稳定的/

be satisfied of:确信

with satisfication 满意地 | be satisfied of 确信 | behind the scenes 在幕后,不地下的


多年以后,霍姆斯清楚地表达了这种经验带给他的启示: "内心确信(certitude)不能作为客观确定性(certainty)的检验标准. 我们对许多并不确定的事情深信不疑. 请允许我再次重复自己曾经说过的:财产权、友谊和真理都同样根植于时间.


在沟通频谱的下一个层级--"确信"(Conviction)的阶段,消费者会说:"B厂牌是由X公司所生产的一种新的合成纤维. 这种布料做的衣服可以防破,耐穿而且不变形. 无论在任何时候,我都是购买这种布料做的衣服. "广告主称这种与产品相关的特性为产品的内在属性.

in doubt:不确定的,可怀疑地

on the dot准时地 | in doubt不确定的,可怀疑地 | no doubt确定地,我确信,我 想;很可能,公认地

I bet you can:我确信你可以做到. (精神鼓励哦)

78.I appreciate your inviation.感谢你的邀请(一般不会去了,敷衍人家的,呵呵) | 79 .I assure you.我向你保证(有代价的保证,像假如有状况的话就赔偿你的意思) | 80.I bet you can.我确信你可以做到. (精神鼓励哦)


certitude 确实性,确信,必然性 | incertitude 不确定,不肯定,无把握 | certain 确实的,确信的,一定的

opinio juris:法律确信

然而在探讨习惯国际法构成要素的内涵时,杰克.哥德史密斯(JackL.Goldsmith)和艾里克.波斯纳(Eric A.Posner)坚持,"法律确信"(Opinio juris)是习惯法遵守的原因,但为什么(主体)有"法律义务感"则需要解释,而它本身是不能成其为解释的.

unswerving conviction:不偏离的 / 确信,信仰

waver:动摇 | unswerving conviction: 不偏离的 / 确信,信仰 | Taiwan Straits:台湾海峡

Symplocos paniculata:白檀

顶生圆锥花序,下位子房,猫乳是不可能的,白檀(Symplocos paniculata)确信度为90%以上. 顶生圆锥花序,下位子房,猫乳是不可能的,白檀(Symplocos paniculata)确信度为90%以上.