英语人>词典>汉英 : 不畏艰险 的英文翻译,例句
不畏艰险 的英文翻译、例句


through thick and thin · be fearless of danger and difficulty · brave danger · not to shrink from hardships and crisis · take the bull by the horns
更多网络例句与不畏艰险相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It remains a final step:Establish the "Earth dynamic method" for short-range climate prediction is facing to the brave climatologist.


Dauntless, not afraid of failure setbacks, the spirit of hard struggle to achieve their goals.


Chien-Shiung Wu was one of the most distinguished physicists of the twentieth century.She had sharp in- sight and dared to innovate.She had the courage to explore dauntlessly.


It is your fearlessness of danger and difficulty who brings hope to people in desperation.


Welcomes the snow to display beautiful colors, insults smells as sweet coldly, the gagger pure-heart's lofty quality and the firm moral courage encouraged a generations of another generation of Chinese through thick and thin, developed courageously, has created the outstanding life and the civilization.


When you reached at the end of the road but you fond a straight way; When you leap over the cliff but suddenly you fond that you are already standing in the clouds actually, so, those kind of feelings paid for courage and perseveration the same like high-grade fashion which needs you to climb with persistence and bravery towards to the ultimate goal.


He's one great bro, we'll be behind him through thick and thin.


Above all, let us shrink from no strike, moral or physical, within or lacking the nation, provided we are not certain those the strife is onlyified; for it is only through strife, through exert and dangerous endeavor, those we shall ultimately win the goal of true national outstandingness.


It was shown from the facts that neither supercilious nor obsequious, just and forceful, baving the sense of duty of nation on which he was concerned about his country and people and afraid of no hardships and dangers, Zuo Zong-tang, at one fell swoop,recovered our territory-Xinjiang, whic had been occupied by the imperialism of Tsarist Russia, in national calami...


On behalf of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and Central Military Commission, to the brave and indomitable disaster areas cadres and the masses, for earthquake relief to have made outstanding contributions to the People's Liberation Army officers and soldiers, armed police forces, militia and reserve police officers, the majority of the full life-saving medical care , To the earthquake relief Buweijianxian in-depth news coverage, reports, the first line of journalists, selfless assistance to the disaster areas in all regions and departments and people of all nationalities throughout the country paid high tribute to China's earthquake relief assistance of foreign governments and international friends said My heartfelt thanks.


更多网络解释与不畏艰险相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


3年前,美国人R.C.安德鲁(Andrews)在蒙古发现了恐龙化石,他曾嘲笑中国人无能. 袁复礼历经磨难,不畏艰险,终于不负众望,在北疆等地共发现和采集了72具爬行动物化石,其中比较完整的新种有:新疆二齿兽(Dicynodonsinkiangensis)P2;

lift up one's horn:趾高气昂,盛气凌人

blow one's own horn 自吹自擂 | lift up one's horn 趾高气昂,盛气凌人 | take the bull by the horns 不畏艰险,面对危险

oil lubricator:注油器

take the bull by the horns 不畏艰险 | oil lubricator 注油器 | business registration certificate 营业执照[登记证]

like a red rag to a bull:使愤怒

take the bull by the horns 不畏艰险 | like a red rag to a bull 使愤怒 | till the cows come home 永远地,无限期地

splash feed:飞溅润滑(法) 喷射送料spray 喷射送料

distribution statement 发行说明(即在技术文件的封面或扉页上, 说明文件的密级、发行控制范围等内容) | splash feed 飞溅润滑(法) 喷射送料spray 喷射送料 | take the bull by the horns 不畏艰险


为了求最胜的菩提心法,阿底峡祖师便出海前往现今印度尼西亚称为"苏门答腊"(Sumatra)的地方. 这种海上长途旅程,在古代是十分凶险的事. 当时阿底峡早已是名振一方的高僧了,但为了求法,他仍然不畏艰险地出航,历经十三个月之海险才到达印度尼西亚.

take sth to heart:耿耿于怀

Take it or leave it. 讲价莫问. | Take sth to heart. 耿耿于怀. | Take the bull by the horns. 不畏艰险.

through thick and thin:不畏艰险

through the medium of 通过 | through thick and thin 不畏艰险 | through to 直到

take the cake:得奖

take the bull by the horns 不畏艰险 | take the cake 得奖 | take the consequences 承担后果

through to:直到

through thick and thin 不畏艰险 | through to 直到 | through 穿过