英语人>词典>汉英 : 不忠的 的英文翻译,例句
不忠的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
disloyal  ·  perfidious  ·  traitorous  ·  treasonable  ·  treasonous  ·  untrusty

更多网络例句与不忠的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I said that we should discuss the disloyal General Secretary, not the President.


We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.


A bad wife wishes her husband's heel turned homewards, and not his toe.


Because of his unfaithfulness in which he has acted unfaithfully and because of his sin which he has sinned, because of them, he shall die.


He is not the first famous Yankee to step out on his wife this way.


As an ethical concept, the metaphysical concept of "fidelity" tries to fetter translation onto the two poles of "faithful" and "unfaithful", thus incurring a number of insolvable problems.


But the cocktail is in some cases much headier. It is most commonly the case with affairs, therapists say, that people who cheat are not so much dissatisfied with their spouse as with themselves and the way their lives have turned out.


You mention trying not to make your infidelities into a big deal, but the problem is, in your own mind, they already are.


You mention trying not to make your infidelities into a big deal, but the problem is, in your own mind, they already are.


His wife, Claire, is the designated culprit. Undoubtedly, she had more than a goos reason to seek revenge on her cheating husband. Nevertheless, appearances can be indeed misleading. The weapon soon proves to be not that of the crime, and every guest suddenly becomes a potential suspect: Esther, PIerre's mistress Lea, the humiliated love of youth or Philippe, his arch rival.

Pierre妻子Claire嫌疑最大,毫无疑问,她的杀人动机就是向不忠的丈夫报复,不过事情往往表里不一,那个武器很快被证明不是凶器,而每一个客人都有嫌疑:Lea, Philippe和PIerre的小蜜Esther。

更多网络解释与不忠的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Hunger strike:绝食抗议 | Disaffected:不忠的,不满的 | Seal off:封锁,阻隔


dislodgment 赶出 | disloyal 不忠的 | disloyally 不诚实地


perch: 栖息 | perfidious: 不忠的,背信弃义的 | perfidy: 不忠;背叛

philanderer n. faithless lover; flirt:对爱情不忠的人;爱调情的人

because love is too serious. 不要玩... | 6. philanderer n. faithless lover; flirt 对爱情不忠的人;爱调情的人 Swearing he had never so | much as looked at another woman, Jack assured Jill he was no phila...

traitorous:叛变的, 不忠的

last-ditch 最后防线的, 已无后退余地的, 坚持到最后的 | traitorous 叛变的, 不忠的 | bring into line 使排齐, 使一致


trainee /练习生/ | traitorous /叛逆的/不忠的/口蜜腹剑的/ | traitorously /叛逆地/不忠地/

treacherous: a.1:不可信的,不忠的,背叛的 2.靠不住的,危险的,变化莫测的

trauma: n.(心理或精神上的)创伤 | treacherous: a.1.不可信的,不忠的,背叛的 2.靠不住的,危险的,变化莫测的 | trenchant: a.1.犀(锐)利的 2.有力的 3.明晰的,分明的

treacherous: a.1:不可信任的,不忠的,奸诈的 2.不牢靠的,危险的,变化莫测的

foster: v.1.培养,促进,鼓励 2.养育,照料 3.抱有(希望等) | treacherous: a.1.不可信任的,不忠的,奸诈的 2.不牢靠的,危险的,变化莫测的 | consequence: n.1.结果,结局; 2.重要性,价值

treasonable:叛逆的; 背信的; 不忠的 (形)

treadmill 踏车, 单调的工作 (名) | treasonable 叛逆的; 背信的; 不忠的 (形) | treasonous 叛逆的; 不忠的 (形)

treasonous:叛逆的; 不忠的 (形)

treasonable 叛逆的; 背信的; 不忠的 (形) | treasonous 叛逆的; 不忠的 (形) | treasurable 宝贵的, 贵重的; 值得珍爱的 (形)