英语人>词典>汉英 : 不当 的英文翻译,例句
不当 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
exorbitance  ·  wrongness  ·  exorbitancy  ·  impolicy  ·  tortuosity  ·  tortuosities

更多网络例句与不当相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was impossible to be neither, as American journalist john Conroy found when he went to belfast to report on the troubles


It was impossible to be neither, as American journalist John Conroy found when he went to be lfast to report on the troubles


. Neither shouldest thou have stood in the crossway, to cut off those of his that did escape; neither shouldest thou have delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of distress.

014 你不当站在岔路口剪除他中间逃脱的;他遭难的日子,你不当将他们剩下的人交付他

Neither shouldest thou have stood in the crossway, to cut off those of his that did escape; neither shouldest thou have delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of distress.

1:14 你不当站在岔路口,剪除他们中间逃脱的。他们遭难的日子,你不当将他们剩下的人交付仇敌。

In fact, many hidden in the dark of the network system capabilities, system optimization, many of the trick can not be touched in many cases is improper because they slow down the network functionality of the system boot speed; To this end, we as long as these improper masked network function, we will be able to speed for the system coupled with!


Because the essential and formal orientation of the right of claim of restitution of unjust enrichment is improper, its function is not fully embodied, and furthermore the fulfillment of the total function of the civil law is seriously affected.


However, irrelevant financing channels and activities, or inapposite management and utilization of the accommodating fund would cause huge financing risks, even bring about financial affairs or lead to bankrupt to the enterprises.


That is, inept parenting might be one of the crucial causes of victim's conduct problems.


The first part is the author"s special viewpoint about the thinking ability, such as the meaning, the essence, the classification and the operating process. The second part describes the relations between developing thinking ability and the urgent needs of country, society and individual development from five aspects. The third part is about the connection and differences of thinking ability, intelligence, ability, creativity and the constructivism theory. The forth part analyses the teachers" nine injudicious actions that will influence the students" thinking ability. The fifth part discusses the students" seven bad learning behaviors that will cause the degradation of thinking ability. The sixth part is about the unsuitable policies or actions adopted by school, society or family that will cause the degradation of the students" thinking ability. The seventh part discusses the countermeasures that can maintain and develop the students" thinking ability. The eighth part brings forward twelve countermeasures that can exercise the student"s thinking ability in chemistry teaching. The last part gives a brief account of the task.The author expects that this article can enhance the coteries" attention to the students thinking ability.


To rule ineptly, unjustly ,or unwisely;misgovern.


更多网络解释与不当相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


catacaustic 回光线的 | catachresis 用词不当 | catachrestial 用词不当

catachresis:用词不当, 修辞生硬且自相矛盾的误用, 词形更改

catachosis | 碎裂变质 | catachresis | 用词不当, 修辞生硬且自相矛盾的误用, 词形更改 | catachrestial | 用词不当的, 修辞生硬且自相矛盾的误用

undue detriment:不当损害

不当的举止 unseemly manner | 不当损害 undue detriment | 不当影响 undue influence

unjust enrichment:不当得利

"恢复原状"主要是对并非违约的"不当得利"(unjust enrichment)的处理,尽管它有时也被用来作为违约赔偿的一种替代方式. 这种不当得利是由错误、不正当影响、胁迫、欺诈等原因造成的. "恢复原状"甚至适用于不具法律约束力的合同. 1937年,

Improperly propagated:压力分布不当

world collapsed because the stress is improperly propagated. 而让这世界第八大奇迹 倒塌了就很可惜了 | Improperly propagated? 压力分布不当? | Improperly propagated. 压力分布不当




The woman is very respected because of her abilities. 那位女性因为能力而受到敬重. | misdeed 罪行,不当的行为(名词) | His misdeeds brought him bad fortune. 他不当的行为造成他悲惨的命运.

undue delay:不当延误

不当作为 miscarriage | 不当延误 undue delay | 不当使用职权 misuse of office

unseemly manner:不当的举止

不当的延迟 undue delay | 不当的举止 unseemly manner | 不当损害 undue detriment

Wrongful act:不法行为,不当行为 不法行为,不当行为

writ 书面命令,传票 书面命令,传票 | wrongful act 不法行为,不当行为 不法行为,不当行为 | xenophile 崇洋迷外 崇洋迷外