英语人>词典>汉英 : 不完备 的英文翻译,例句
不完备 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
imperfection  ·  imperfectness

更多网络例句与不完备相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The application of rough set theory in incomplete information systems is one of the key problems to study rough set theory in practice. However, it is difficult for classical rough set theory to deal with those incomplete information systems.


It is a great development that modern economics has transformed from conventional completive contract theory to incomplete contract theory.


If lack of a child is going to disintegrate you, then have a child if you possibly can.


Classic rough set theory based on equivalence relation takes complete system as object of study , and divides the region into some non-intersect equivalence class; But, in the real life, because of the errors in data measuring, understanding of data, or the restriction in data collection , it can make the decision-making system incomplete, that is, value of attribution of some objects is unknown, which restrains development of the theory to practical direction.


As a result, it is necessary to replace the traditional statistic model with nonlinear model that can deal with imperfective information in order to improve the quality of forecasting stock market.


Del incompleteness theorem is based on some interpretation of first order arithmetic.


Using this method, when new rule being added, we need not use all un-reduced rules to simplify decision algorithm, only the rules which are rule complete with respect to an indiscernibility class are simplified; using this reduced decision algorithm in the Knowledge Represent System in which the decision algorithm is not complete, the decision with unknown correctness will not arise.


The second chapter investigates the distinction and valuation of conventional law. The chapter includes the main distinction of conventional law, that is "localism"、"stabilizationalism"、"expressional from diversity"、"the attachment of status and divinities"、"particularity of settling a dispute" and "imperfection of legal institutions", etc; The valuation of conventional law intentively expresses the short supply for making up of national law and perfection of improving national law.


There is a predictable imperfection and high demand on the device memory capacity when current content protection systems are used to solve the certificate revocation problem. A scheme that needs lower memory and has the ability to deal with revocation information perfectively is proposed based on the universal model.


Viewing from the angle of forming course and forming mechanism of legalorder,the principal factors,which hinder the build of socialist country un-der the rule of law,may be summed up as follows.Some law lack of reason-ability,which show benefits distribution unreasonable,right protection un-equal,institution offering unbalanced.Laws are short of coercive power,centrally embodied in the phenomenon of'soft regime',both resulting fromobject factors that material conditions what exercising law needs are insuffi-cient and political system is unreasonable,and subjective factors of belief inthe rule of law being blunt,and corruption and degeneration.Non—legalmechanism is imperfect,unable to efficiently fill up the'blind area'and'gray field'of law,and strongly sustain the function of law.There are manydetect in formal aspect of law,among which the most important is that legalprocedure and procedural elements are incomplete.


更多网络解释与不完备相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

algebraically closed field:代数闭域

但是在不同的领域中,"完备"也有不同的含义,特别是在某些领域中,"完备化"的过程并不称为"完备化",另有其他的表述,请参考代数闭域(algebraically closed field)、紧化(compactification)或哥德尔不完备定理.

incomplete block design:不完全区组设计

不完全的;不完备的 incomplete | 不完全区组设计 incomplete block design | 不完全区组 incomplete blocks


但是在不同的领域中,"完备"也有不同的含义,特别是在某些领域中,"完备化"的过程并不称为"完备化",另有其他的表述,请参考代数闭域(algebraically closed field)、紧化(compactification)或哥德尔不完备定理.

Complete statistics:完备统计量

Complete dissociation, 完全不相关 | Complete statistics, 完备统计量 | Completely randomized design, 完全随机化设计


②由于有"漏洞",不完备契约常常不具法律上的可执行性(enforceability). ③不完备契约的存在可以用不定性及由此导致的交易成本来解释. 在一个不确定性的世界里,要在签约时预测到所有可能出现的状态几乎是不可能的;即使预测到,


imperfections 不合格折贴 | imperfectly 不完备地 | imperfectlyincompletelylamely 不完全地


imperfections /不合格折贴/ | imperfectly /不完全地/有缺点地/不完备地/ | imperfectness /不完全/缺点/不完备/


imperfectly /不完全地/有缺点地/不完备地/ | imperfectness /不完全/缺点/不完备/ | imperforate /无孔的/无齿孔的/

incompleteness theorem:不完備定理

一整辈的电脑从业员根本未听过冯诺曼的名字,更遑论图林或是哥德尔(Kurt Godel)的不完备定理(incompleteness theorem). 要较为深入了解有关机器思维的不同观点,一本很好的入门书籍是雅伦罗斯安德逊(Alan Ross Anderson)主编的>(Mind and Machines).


哥德尔(Kurt Godel)1931年在>中提出了两个不完备性(incompleteness)定理并证明了第一个而给出了第二个的证明梗概.