英语人>词典>汉英 : 不安静的 的英文翻译,例句
不安静的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不安静的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Birds and insects, even the gayest and most lawless, were concealed, abated, voiceless, folded in on themselves, up to absolutely nothing at all in the transfixed light and warmth but, the senses warned one, at any moment all would be on the turn to something else ---a runt of a leaf would suicidally loosen it grip, and fall; a bird would speak with tiny, sweet inanity; a less restful fish would nudge its mouth above the glass surface between the lily-pads, and prove it liquid and illusion; a shadow would hint its ultimate allegiance with midnight, owls, blackness, sleep, and its need immediately to lengthen a hair's-breadth, and become an infinitesimal degree cooler.


Brother Giles was once staying in Rome, at the house of a Cardinal, when Lent was drawing near; and being unable there to enjoy the quiet of mind which he desired, he said to the Cardinal:"My Father, I pray you give me permission to go with my companion to spend this Lent in some solitary place"; and the Cardinal answered him: Alas!


I like the tranquil life. However, tranquilness does not mean stillness and closeness as the dead water in the well.


Those who have been called the Residuum of our large towns have little opportunity for friendship; they know nothing of the decencies and the quiet, and very little even of the unity of family life; and religion often fails to reach them.


In addition to revealing Earth's slightly slimmer silhouette, the results reveal that the Pacific seafloor is the most restless place on the planet, traveling to the northwest by around two inches a year.


And although Boeing, for decades as synonymous with Seattle as rain, announced in 2001 that it was up and leaving for windier pastures in Chicago, the city's progressive politics, inventive culture and ready access to outdoor recreation continue to lure restless people like no place else on the West Coast.

而且虽然波音,十年同样同义字的与西雅图,当做雨,在 2001 年宣布它是向上的而且前往芝加哥、城市的前进政治的较多风的牧场,善于创造的文化和准备好的接触户外的娱乐继续在西海岸上别的像没有地方一样引诱不安静的人。

An empty-headed man is always the most talkative and noisy.


Make even the trestles to shake the dead where they lie awaiting the hearses


You are short-spoken all the time ,总是安静的你不会翻译,never told me something just like you love me


One day he was called to the bedside of H Rouault, who had a broken leg, and there he met the farmer's daughter, Emma, a beautiful but restless girl whose early education in a French convent had given her an overwhelming thirst for broader experience.


更多网络解释与不安静的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

implacable:不缓和的, 不安静的

mating member 配合件 | implacable 不缓和的, 不安静的 | nixey [美俚] no not at all

placid X:安静的、平和的

perennial X---四季不断的、连续多年的 | placid X---安静的、平和的 | poised X---稳重的、坦然自若的、摆好姿势不懂得


NaN有两种形式:会产生信号(Signaling)的和不会产生信号的或称为安静的(Quiet). 当一个产生信号的NaN(SNaN)被用于操作时就会引发一个无效操作异常,而一个安静的NaN(QNaN)则不会. SnaN是一类会引发无效操作异常的数值.

quieter place:更加安静的地方

conclusion 结论 | quieter place 更加安静的地方 | un-cooperative landlord不合作的房东


petrol bomb 汽油弹 | restive 不安静的,(人群等)难以控制的 | ruthless 无情的,冷酷的,残忍的

standfast - lullaby for lucas:给路卡的摇篮曲(很安静的歌)

★sissel - should it matter(这个歌还好听. . 不过我找到的版本效果不是很好. . . | ★李秀英--lalala | ★standfast - lullaby for lucas给路卡的摇篮曲(很安静的歌)

tranquil a.1:安静的,平静的,安宁的 2.稳定的,不变的

transparent a.1.透明的 2.明显的,显而易见的,清楚的 | tranquil a.1.安静的,平静的,安宁的 2.稳定的,不变的 | trade n.1.贸易,商业 2.行业,职业


unrest 不安的状态 | unrestful 不安静的 | unrestrained 放纵的

d le a quet restaurant:我想要一个安静的餐馆

'd le a restaurant not too expensve我想找一个不是很贵的餐馆 | 'd le a quet restaurant.我想要一个安静的餐馆 | 'd le a restaurant th a cheerful atmosphere我想要一个有着愉快气氛的餐馆

But also the un-selfcentered promptings:同时也是对于一颗不安静的心

urban and impatient.|属于城市的且急切的 | But also the un-selfcentered promptings|同时也是对于一颗不安静的心 | of an unquiet heart.|非自我为中心的激励