英语人>词典>汉英 : 不安稳的 的英文翻译,例句
不安稳的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不安稳的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is the culmination of a decidedly strange year for America .


It is the culmination of a decidedly strange year for Americans.


Secondly, the seat height to be adjusted when the pedal to the lowest point in time, your legs slightly bent can maintain the level of security so that he does not often have to adjust sitting.


She cannot sit in her classes, cuts classes, and with stealth and sneakiness, pulls the fire alarms.


Once we are aligned with our unhindered breath rhythms, we can settle deeper into our observing nature.


His face had not been covered nor his eyes bandaged. He looked a moment at his "unsteadfast footing," then let his gaze wander to the swirling water of the stream racing madly beneath his feet.


Comfortable enough for him to sleep happily on the hardwood floor, and made of soft material that won't irritate even the most sensitive skin, these sleeping bags will keep him as snug as a bug in a rug.


A man may build himself a throne of bayonets, but he cannot sit on it.


In addition to revealing Earth's slightly slimmer silhouette, the results reveal that the acific seafloor is the most restless place on the planet, traveling to the northwest by around two inches a year.


Much to the chagrin of the other creatures of Nool ...especially the kangaroo, who is adamant about preserving the traditional order of life in the jungle ...imaginative Horton believes there are tiny beings living on the speck precariously perched on a clover blossom.

让大多数努尔地区的其他生物懊悔的是。。特别是袋鼠来说,它特别坚守丛林的传统生活秩序。。想像丰富的 Horton 相信的小小生物很栖息在很不安稳的三叶草的花朵上。

更多网络解释与不安稳的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

boarding check:登机麻将

boarding check 登机麻将 | flight, flying 航空 | bumpy flight 不安稳的航空


8月24日 金盏花(Calendula) 花语:别离 花占卜:你的生活富裕丰足,在安稳顺利中成长,可说不懂愁滋味. 你喜欢甜蜜温馨的爱情,一旦遇到分离,悲伤的情绪难以控制. 其实你应该明白,有分离才有相聚,从分离那一刻萌生的希望才是最值得你去珍惜的.

flight, flying:航空

boarding check 登机麻将 | flight, flying 航空 | bumpy flight 不安稳的航空


催眠"(hypnosis)一词,来源于希腊语hypnos,hypnos指的是古希腊神话中的第三代主管快乐与自在的神,也代表最基本的生理元素之一--睡眠. 因为人们通常认为能够安稳睡觉的人才是真正快乐和自在的,不能安稳睡觉的人是痛苦或者即将面临死亡的人,


"主耶和华以色列的圣者曾如此说:'你们得救在乎归回(repntance)安息(rest),你们得力在乎平静(quietness)安稳(trust);你们竟自不肯. '"(以赛亚书30:15)我们可从愿意在恩典自由中学习守安息日作起点,去经历"得救在乎归回安息;


"主耶和华以色列的圣者曾如此说:'你们得救在乎归回(repntance)安息(rest),你们得力在乎平静(quietness)安稳(trust);你们竟自不肯. '"(以赛亚书30:15)我们可从愿意在恩典自由中学习守安息日作起点,去经历"得救在乎归回安息;

The arms safest:最安稳的臂膀

And leave us lonely 也不会留我们孤独在此 | The arms safest 最安稳的臂膀 | And words so good 和美妙的言语


这类小煎饼最初是逢下雨天,妈妈们为了哄骗不能出去玩的孩子能安稳地呆在家中而做的小零食. 每个国家都有其独特的饮食文化,略知一二,对好吃不懒做之人是件乐事. 西葫芦(zucchini)又叫节瓜、翠玉瓜、笋瓜,咱中国人常用它包 ...


unrusted /未生锈的/ | unsaddle /解下马鞍/使落下马/ | unsafe /不安全的/不安稳的/危险的/

One ripens apples, the other turns them to cider:一个是成熟的苹果,另一个是醉人的美酒

is different from the heat of summer. 不同于夏天的热 | One ripens apples, the other turns them to cider. 一个是成熟的苹果,另一个是醉人的美酒 | One is a dock you walk out on, 一个是安稳的码头