英语人>词典>汉英 : 不安全性 的英文翻译,例句
不安全性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不安全性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results 86.8% of IDUs could not insist on using condoms, 25.7% had multiple sexual partners, 49.0% had IDUs as sexual partners, 70.7% didn't know whether comate had infected HIV. High-risk sexual behavior was relative with these factors: starting drug taking at younger age, more frequencies of excessive injection, denial attitude to condom using, and using dirty injection equipment with others. Unmarried status, willingness to use condoms and voluntary HIV testing related with secure sexual behaviors.

结果 IDUs中86.8%不能坚持使用安全套,25.7%有多个性伙伴,49.0%有IDUs性伙伴,70.7%不了解对方HIV感染情况;首次吸毒年龄小、注射过量次数多、对安全套的否定态度、共用不洁注射工具与不安全性行为有关,而未婚、继续使用安全套意愿、自愿HIV检测等与安全性行为有关。

However international petroleum market often changes mutably, import petroleum faces a series of risk and many insecurity factors in petroleum import trade.


Telnet runs on top of TCP / IP and is typically used in conjuction with terminal emulation software to login to remote computers.

Telnet具有固有的不安全性,而且已经在很大范围上被 SSH 代替了

Have unprotected sex with someone who's infected with HBV.


With the purposes to shorten development period of shield control system and avoid the unsafety of imperfect-designed control system when connected directly to the shield and at the same time, for the convenience of optimal design and remote failure diagnosing of the system, it is very important to develop a test bench for the shield control system.


Liquid society produce undetermination, unsafety and irreliablity, which are beared mainly by individual, that make common anxiety and uneasy.


A threshold signature scheme distributes the signing abilities to a group of signers, and avoids the system unsecurity.


Along with the password attack method unceasing renewal, the computation ability unceasing enhancement as well as to the operating speed request, the tradition disperses row algorithm MD5, SHA has demonstrated their shortcoming and the insufficiency day by day, and thestructure of hash function is mostly based on block cipher algorithm DES, but the HASH function security is established above the grouping function security, because the DES operand is very big, the operating speed very slowly by and its itself some characteristics, therefore disperses a row function based on the DES algorithm to have potential unsecurity.


Along with the password attack method unceasing renewal,the computation ability unceasing enhancement as well as to theoperating speed request, the tradition disperses row algorithm MD5,SHA has demonstrated their shortcoming and the insufficiency day byday, and thestructure of hash function is mostly based on block cipheralgorithm DES, but the HASH function security is established above the grouping function security,because the DES operand is very big, the operating speed veryslowly by and its itself some characteristics, thereforedisperses a row function based on the DES algorithm to havepotential unsecurity.


Electronic Payment Systemis a subsystem of ISCM,and its business processing is based upon open internet,which,although bings application with extensibility,makes it not secure.


更多网络解释与不安全性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Note: 把控制台设置成 不安全 (insecure) 使只知道 root 密码的人才能进入单用户模式, 因为您认为控制台在物理上是不安全的. 因此如果您考虑到安全性, 请选择 不安全 (insecure),而非 安全 (secure).


一个技术规范:EJB 从技术上而言不是一种"产品" EJB 是一种标准描述了构建应用组件要解决的: 可扩展 (Scalable) 分布式 (Distributed) 事务处理 (Transactional) 数据存储 (Persistent) 安全性 (Secure)三.为什么选择 EJB?



Transport Layer Security:(传输层安全性)

Secure Socket Layer (安全套接口层) | Transport Layer Security(传输层安全性) | Uninterruptible Power Supply(不间断电源)

unprotected sex:不安全性行为

仓储式超市stockroom-style supermarket | 不安全性行为unprotected sex | 不败记录clean record, spotless record

unreliability:不安全性 不可靠性

unrelentingly /无情地/ | unreliability /不安全性/不可靠性/ | unreliable /靠不住/


unreliabilityunsafety 不安全性 | unrelieved 未救济的 | unremittance 不间断性

unsafety:不安全 不安全性

unsafetied /未加保险丝的/ | unsafety /不安全/不安全性/ | unsalable /滞销的/

unsalable:卖不掉的 没有销路的

unsafety 不安全 不安全性 | unsalable 卖不掉的 没有销路的 | unsalablegoods 滞销商品

complicated unhomogeneous medium:复杂不均匀介质

复杂渗流场:complicated seepage flow field | 复杂不均匀介质:complicated unhomogeneous medium | 故障-安全性:Complicated Programmable Logic