英语人>词典>汉英 : 上流的 的英文翻译,例句
上流的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
genteel  ·  swell  ·  distingue  ·  swells

更多网络例句与上流的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The blood He shed on Calvary's cross once and for all atoned for our sin.


Clad in her leopard-skin shrug and dark sunglasses, Ruth has conquered French clubland from the Cannes Film Festival to the top Paris nightspots with a mix of old-school hits, electrobeat and bling-bling style.


"You were in crack society, devilish high society," he said.


10"You were in crack so ciety, devilish high so ciety," he said.


I don't acknowledge, and I also don't dare to say that I'm a literator, because not only I haven't read any literature works graceful or ungraceful but also I don't know literature at all.


For making this special paper, undercurrent water from the upper stream of the Nagara River in Mino is used.


Their behaviour at the assembly had not been calculated to please in general; with more quickness of observation less pliancy of temper than her sister, with a judgment, too, unassailed by any attention to herself, she was very little disposed to approve them.

她们都长得很漂亮,曾经在一个上流的专科学校里受过教育,有两万镑的财产,花起钱来总是挥霍无度,爱结交有身价地位的人,因此 www.8 t tt8。

Many of the queries on stream data are continuous, and we need special query strategies for processing them.


Mr Cameron would be Britain's poshest prime minister since Alec Douglas-Home in the early 1960s.


And a well-bred sort of emotional anarchy, and a whispering, murmuring sort of voice, and an ultra-sensitive sort of manner.


更多网络解释与上流的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Beau monde:上流社会

Bard-of-Avon 埃文河诗人,莎士比亚的别称 | Beau monde 上流社会 | Beautiful people 上流社会的时髦阶层


gentamicingentamycin 正泰霉素 | genteelism 上流的谈吐 | genteelism 假装绅士的谈吐


genteelism 上流的谈吐 | genteelism 假装绅士的谈吐 | genteelism 假装绅士的谈吐


genteel /装斯文/ | genteelism /上流的谈吐/假装绅士的谈吐/ | genteelly /有教养地/优雅地/

gilded youth:上流社会富有的青年们

上流社会的妇女/society woman | 上流社会富有的青年们/gilded youth | 上门服务护士,家庭病房护士/visiting nurse

That fail to make the grade:卻無法擠入上流的人吧

The common and compassionate 是那平凡的、慈悲的 | That fail to make the grade 卻無法擠入上流的人吧 | And all the people that you hate 所有你所恨的人


主要包括: (1)与人类社会及其成员相关的; (2)居住在一起或者享受共同体和有组织的群体中的生活; (3)与上流社会相关的,属于上流社会的,上流社会的特征; (3)同类群体的共同生活或者迁移的倾向; ( 4)好交际的( sociable) ,由好交际的人们组成的,

dumb, mute, tongueless:哑的

即席地,即兴的,未经准备地 impromptu improvisational | 哑的 dumb, mute, tongueless | 有教养的, 上流的, genteel refined, cultured cultivated

upper class:上流社会

刘易斯拉普曼(Lewis H Lapham)写过一本名为>(Upper Class)的书,嘲讽上流社会的行事风范,不意成为中产阶级意欲进入上流社会的指南. 如果说装模作样有手把手的培训手册的话,这本书无疑是操作性最强的一种. 比如,在上流社会中,

distingue:高尚的, 上流的

Lancang River 澜沧江[中国西南地区](旧译Lantsang) | distingue 高尚的, 上流的 | shuttle magazine 梭库