英语人>词典>汉英 : 上半平面 的英文翻译,例句
上半平面 的英文翻译、例句


poincare half plane
更多网络例句与上半平面相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper presents the boundary value problem solved as the biharmonic equation of upper plane and strip domain with Green functional method and it deals with the numerical solution of bihormonic equation, using the Matlab program calculation to realize the visualization of numeric solution.


By using thenatural boundary element method which is set up by professor Feng Kang,the Neu-mann boundary problem of the harmonic equation on the half-upper plane is reducedto the Hadamard type singular integral equation,the integral region of which is un-bound,and then we turn it into corresponding bilinear form.


The fundamental compute region B is determined and self-similarly mapped into the upper half plane by using the homeomorphic affine transformationθ, so the fractal images of the upper half plane, square limit, and circle limit can be constructed.


In recent years, Feng Kang has advanced a more natural and direct redu-ction, i. e. the reduction via Green's formula and Green's function.


Results Dual-oblique MPR images clearly display most parts of 10 selected planes. All display rate were 100% except the Superior Semicircular Canal(93.3%).

结果 所选10个双斜位MPR平面均能良好显示相应结构,上半规管显示率为93.3%,其余均为100%。

更多网络解释与上半平面相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Efficient Frontier:有效前沿

在标准差-均值平面中(相当于标准差是横轴、均值是纵轴的直角坐标系中),均值-方差前沿(Mean-Variance Frontier, MVF)是双曲线的右半支,而所谓的有效前沿(efficient frontier)组合则是该右半支的上半部分.

upper half plane:上半平面

upper envelope 上包络 | upper half plane 上半平面 | upper limit 上极限

poincare half plane:上半平面

poincare conjecture 庞加莱猜想 | poincare half plane 上半平面 | poincare lemma 庞加莱引理

poincare lemma:庞加莱引理

poincare half plane 上半平面 | poincare lemma 庞加莱引理 | poincare manifold 庞加莱廖

upper envelope:上包络

upper derivative 上导数 | upper envelope 上包络 | upper half plane 上半平面

upper half of plane:上半平面

upper frame 顶架 | upper half of plane 上半平面 | upper hatch 上舱口