英语人>词典>汉英 : 七明星 的英文翻译,例句
七明星 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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One day,when hunting in the forest,he caughtsight of Artemis' fair maidens,the seven


One day,when hunting in the forest, caught sight of Artemis' fair maidens, seven Pleiades .


There were two brunette adult film stars of the 1970s and 1980s who are still talked about.


GURGAON, India — On the top floor of a seven-story building in this dusty aspiring metropolis, Copal Partners churns out equity, fixed income and trading research for big name analysts and banks.

在印度古尔冈这个灰尘弥漫、高楼林立的大都市一栋七层建筑顶楼,Copal Partners公司大量提供股票、固定收益与交易研究给明星分析师与银行。

Day, he one when hunting in the forest,he caughtsight of artemis'' fair maidens,the seven pleiades .hewas so attracted by their beauty that he started chasing them.indespair the charming maidens prayed to artemis for help and were sent up by the goddess to the heavens as a constellation .later he fell in love with another maiden,merope by name,butrash and impatient,he took the maiden by force and enraged her father,king oenopion of chios.the king made him drunk and put out his eyes .following the sound of the cyclopes'' hammer,he went to hephaestus,who sent a guide to travel with him to the east,where the sun rose.exposing his eyeballs to the rays of the sun,he was restored to his eyesight.he became aconstant companion of artemis and followed the goddess in the chase with his dog sirius.apollo did not approve of this love, however.one day he dared his sister to shoot at a dark spot moving in the sea.little did she suspect that she was aiming herarrow at orion,for the dark spot turned out to be the head of orion swimming in the ocean.artemis was extremely sad.as she could not pull him back from the grasp of death she sent him up to the sky as a constellation,with his hunting dog sirius be sidehim.


Orion orion was a giant hunter.he was the beautiful son of poseidon.one day ,when hunting in the forest,he caughtsight of artemis'' fair maidens, the seven pleiades .hewas so attracted by their beauty that he started chasing them.indespair the charming maidens prayed to artemis for help and were sent up by the goddess to the heavens as a constellation .later he fell in love with another maiden ,merope by name,butrash and impatient, he took the maiden by force and enraged her father,king oenopion of chios.the king made him drunk and put out his eyes .following the sound of the cyclopes'' hammer,he went to hephaestus ,who sent a guide to travel with him to the east,where the sun rose.exposing his eyeballs to the rays of the sun ,he was restored to his eyesight.he became aconstant companion of artemis and followed the goddess in the chase with his dog sirius.apollo did not approve of this love,however.one day he dared his sister to shoot at a dark spot moving in the sea.little did she suspect that she was aiming herarrow at orion ,for the dark spot turned out to be the head of orion swimming in the ocean.artemis was extremely sad.as she could not pull him back from the grasp of death she sent him up to the sky as a constellation, with his hunting dog sirius be sidehim.


Orion was a giant hunter.he was the beautiful son of poseidon.one day,when hunting in the forest,he caughtsight of artemis'' fair maidens,the seven pleiades .hewas so attracted by their beauty that he started chasing them.indespair the charming maidens prayed to artemis for help and were sent up by the goddess to the heavens as a constellation .later he fell in love with another maiden,merope by name,butrash and impatient,he took the maiden by force and enraged her father,king oenopion of chios.the king made him drunk and put out his eyes .following the sound of the cyclopes'' hammer,he went to hephaestus,who sent a guide to travel with him to the east,where the sun rose.exposing his eyeballs to the rays of the sun,he was restored to his eyesight.he became aconstant companion of artemis and followed the goddess in the chase with his dog sirius.apollo did not approve of this love,however.one day he dared his sister to shoot at a dark spot moving in the sea.little did she suspect that she was aiming herarrow at orion,for the dark spot turned out to be the head of orion swimming in the ocean.artemis was extremely sad.as she could not pull him back from the grasp of death she sent him up to the sky as a constellation,with his hunting dog sirius be sidehim.


The seven human emotions of Everyman 6 desire can, the seven human emotions of star 6 be about to be about by disgustful duty?


Wang Jiawei is a sparkling star of Chinese filmdom of recent years. He has created seven films since he entered Hong Gong filmdom in the 80s. Each film is rated as classics. This has not only established his important position in Hong Kong filmdom and even whole Chinese filmdom, but also caused repercussions in the international filmdom.


Partial contents: One Key to all Sacred Books; The ABC of Magic; Chaldean Oracles; The Book of Hermes; Three Ways Open to the Adept; Names are Symbols; Characters of the Bible; The Book of Enoch; Hermetic and Kabalistic Doctrines; Numbers and Magic; Occult Weapons; The Duty of the True Occultist; Two Eternal Principles; St. Paul the real founder of Christianity; Apollonius no Fiction; Biographies of Initiates; Kabalistic Readings of Gospels; Magic in Antioch; The Septenary Sephira; Seven Keys to all Allegories; The Mystery of the Sun; Magical Statutes; Masonry and Jesuits; Mysteries and Masonry; Egyptian Initiation; Root of Races; Celestial Wheels; Christian Star Worship; Defense of Astrology; The Seven Rays; Secret Books; Tibetan Prophecies; Swedenborg; Occult Secrecy; and much more!


更多网络解释与七明星相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Camilla Belle:卡米拉.贝尔一电影明星百分之七十一

camilla belle卡米拉.贝尔一电影明星百分之七十一 | gillianchung 钟欣桐 阿sa 大家都知道 百分之六十七 | fukadakyoko 深田恭子 一般人也都知道 日本人 百分之六十七

JOHN BELUSHI:著名演员,吸毒过量死的

55. Elton John 埃尔顿.约翰,名歌星 | 75. John Belushi 著名演员,吸毒过量死的. | 76. Bruce Springsteen 七十年代搖滾明星

Joan Jett:琼.杰特

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Cashmere Mafia:女人帮

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Dolph Schayes:二十、多尔夫.谢伊斯

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Burr Steers:导 演 布尔斯蒂尔斯

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Robert Allenby:罗伯特-亚伦拜

本年比赛一共吸引到世界排名前十位选手中的六位参加. 最让拜伦尼尔森锦 标赛惊喜的是,最后阶段仍有明星加入. 世界排名十三卢克-唐纳德、世界排名十七亚普雷拜、世界排名47罗伯特-亚伦拜(Robert Allenby)以及欧米拉和瑞典选手雅各布森于当地时间星期五宣布参赛.