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一段情节 的英文翻译、例句


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A large amount of f-words (and a UK 15 certificate) sadly prevent any 14yr-olds that haven't learnt to bluff effectively from seeing it.... oh, and there's a nice bit of sex, courtesy a good Scottish lass.


This story of an agoraphobic girl and a claustrophobic dog and how they slowly move one another toward hope could have been maudlin, but Nuzum's pacing and spare, poetic narrative create something quite wonderful.

作者 Nuzum 透过十一岁的黛莎告诉我们悲伤的滋味,以及友情对儿童心灵的提振。本书发生在圣诞节的前一周,一个没有母亲的女孩、一条受伤的流浪狗,和一段令人心痛的情节。

He also survivied the Battle of Little Bighorn, where he fought side by side with Custer himself--even though he'd sworn to kill him.


The opera's plot is a lot of medieval derring-do between Frankish knights and menacing Moors, with a love triangle pointlessly thrown into the middle of it—and Schubert just can't come up with music that successfully drives the action or illuminates the characters.


By disdaining the facetiousness that informed nearly every other fantasy (and most other kinds of Hollywood--type movies), The lord of the Rings located a narrative and emotional grandeur that had been mising nearly as long as the ring that carriers Middle Earth's destiny and Frodo the Hobbit's doom.The digital effects woek, however imposing, built on the achievemets of generations of Hollywood techniciams.


When someone made a "Wizard of Oz" reference, Jackson chuckled at the thought of Vujacic playing the role of the Scarecrow and going off to see the Wizard in search of a brain."Maybe he needs to get in that poppy field for a while," Jackson said.


I'm not exactly sure it was plot.


He glamorizes a scene in Days of Being Wild just by appraising himself in a full-length mirror while doing an expert cha-cha.


You may remember the episode of the cartoon 'South Park' when Kenny holds his farts in all day and then combusts and dies at the end of it.


And then, in unforgiving closeup, without moving a muscle, he will somehow change emotional temperature.


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希格勒的作品最初是通过有声读物渠道发行的,即在线订户可以免费下载,但每次只有一段情节,几个月陆续下载才能获得一部完整的故事. 他的处女作>(Earthcore)就有1万多位读者. 该书的续集>(Ancestor)读者队伍扩大到3万.

Barry Lyndon:乱世儿女

说到这想起了美国导演库布理克(Stanley Kubrick)的那部人物传记电影>(Barry Lyndon)中的一段情节,其中的男主人公身为继父接受了儿子的决斗请求,当他有机会射杀这个一心只想杀死自己的年轻人时,这位继父却放弃了这个机会.

Scott Caan:斯科特.坎

.安吉丽娜.朱莉、斯科特.坎(Scott Caan)、德尔略.林多(Delroy Lindo)和吉奥瓦尼.瑞比西都曾接受驾驶训练,尽管受训项目没有尼古拉斯.凯奇全面. .在斯芬克斯等人盗窃悍马双门皮卡的一段情节中,剧本中的设计并没让警车滑下斜坡.

The Family Man:扭轉奇蹟

电影>( The Fugitive)里有一段情节,金宝医生遭人诬陷是杀妻凶手,经过他自行四处调查,终于查出幕后主谋是另一名医生尼可斯. 电影>( The Family Man)里也有类似的话:I'm in the middle of a deal.我正在谈一桩生意.

inelegant fragment:不雅的片段

episode 一段情节 | inelegant fragment 不雅的片段 | cater 迎合


发现于南非德兰士瓦的著名的总理(Premier)矿场. 这颗钻石曾出现在几部好莱坞的电影中,例如1952年泰山中的一段情节. 1977年,Leonard和Victoria Wilkinson把这颗钻石送给了华盛顿的史密森学会(Smithsonian Institute)直至现在.

Love Theme:爱的主题

不错,这首>(Love Theme)正是金像奖得主、排IMDB得分榜首的电影>中的一段插曲. 套一句名人名言:烂电影各有其烂,而好电影则其优点大体相似:够吸引人的故事情节、优秀的美工或特技、匠心独到的摄影、美妙得体的配乐.


3. episode n. 片段;插曲;[本文] 一段情节 | 4. videocassette 录音带 | 5. in conjunction with 与...协力

Barry Lyndon:乱世儿女

说到这想起了美国导演库布理克(Stanley Kubrick)的那部人物传记电影<<乱世儿女>>(Barry Lyndon)中的一段情节,其中的男主人公身为继父接受了儿子的决斗请求,当他有机会射杀这个一心只想杀死自己的年轻人时,这位继父却放弃了这个机会.

dash out of:冲出

dash out of ...冲出 | 5. episode n. 一段情节, [音]插曲, 插话, 有趣的事件 | e.g. an episode in the war 战争中一段插曲